9/11 Firefighters Trash Official 9/11 Story, Say Obvious Demolition, Documentary "Calling Out Bravo 7"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Focus on building 7 which was never hit by a plane but dropped like a rock in ten seconds. Absolutely utterly impossible. So if these firefighters are correct what does this mean for us? That the government we are under is controlled by monstrous psychopaths? Telling us mandatory shots are "safe and effective?"

If someone falls for one dumb conspiracy theory, it means they have a low intelligence, which means they'll fall for all of the conspiracy theories.
20+ years later a large number of Americans still believe the official conspiracy theory, that 19 arabs with box cutters hijacked 4 airliners. Yes, they fall for all manner of official theories no matter the facts. Yes, Americans are very well indoctrinated, but in their defense the propaganda has been essentially 24/7 for 20+ years. When everything the American people believe is false, we will know the success of our misinformation efforts.
What country would love to recruit the U.S. military in a war against Islam (which is what resulted from 9/11) ? Oh, yeah.....ISRAEL.
What's the point? Is it another lame 9-11 conspiracy theory that's going to attempt to overshadow the legacy of the 343 NYFD responders who died in the line of duty that day? Shame.
Because office fires can't make a steel skyscraper collapse completely in ten seconds. If you think so you're a moron.
I've used fire to soften steel and cause it to collapse.

Thus, I know the real world contradicts your conspiracy theory.

This is something you see with most conspiracy theorists, an ignorance of how physics works in the real world.
I've used fire to soften steel and cause it to collapse.

Thus, I know the real world contradicts your conspiracy theory.

This is something you see with most conspiracy theorists, an ignorance of how physics works in the real world.
high school physics---no less

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