9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed opposes Trump’s CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel

She deserves the job, no matter what the leftist pussies think. To paraphrase something George Orwell once said, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough m̶e̶n̶ women stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

That was dumb even quite knowingly Filthy Don grabbed your clam. :113:

Dude. You're an un-American shithead and I would jump at the opportunity to waterboard your sorry ass, just so you would spill your guts and tell me everything you know.

Let me ask you this: If some terrorists kidnapped your children, wife, or someone else you really loved, wouldn't you want to use all available means of obtaining information that could be used to free them?


so let me ask you this in return

why did our leaders, military, FBI, CIA and everyone else short of living under a rock on crack who knew 9/11 was coming do something?

and why did we LET THE PERPS GO ?

Seriously, heads should have rolled here faster that the Sauds could slice 'em over on their turf

and.....we expect these same fools to protect us?

excuse me?

Let me ask you this: If some terrorists kidnapped your children, wife, or someone else you really loved, wouldn't you want to use all available means of obtaining information that could be used to free them?


so let me ask you this in return

why did our leaders, military, FBI, CIA and everyone else short of living under a rock on crack who knew 9/11 was coming do something?

and why did we LET THE PERPS GO ?

Seriously, heads should have rolled here faster that the Sauds could slice 'em over on their turf

and.....we expect these same fools to protect us?

excuse me?


Who knew 9/11 was coming?
Let me ask you this: If some terrorists kidnapped your children, wife, or someone else you really loved, wouldn't you want to use all available means of obtaining information that could be used to free them?


so let me ask you this in return

why did our leaders, military, FBI, CIA and everyone else short of living under a rock on crack who knew 9/11 was coming do something?

and why did we LET THE PERPS GO ?

Seriously, heads should have rolled here faster that the Sauds could slice 'em over on their turf

and.....we expect these same fools to protect us?

excuse me?


Who knew 9/11 was coming?

anyone with 1/2 a brain

or do you think islamic terrorism started 9/11?

this country let us down that day, and continues to make excuses

the house of saud should have been cinders 9/12

you want 'collusion' ? the Ruskies got nuthin' compared to what we've been doing with these fu*kers since FDR

Everyone in the pentagon, CIA & FBI of significant rank should have been fired, everyone in the WH impeached

But NOOOOoooooooo

You want some tuff talking CIA B*tch to waterboard a low level islamic lackey

And think it's all better

Right wing delusion, buys it hook line & sinker EVERY TIME


She deserves the job, no matter what the leftist pussies think. To paraphrase something George Orwell once said, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough m̶e̶n̶ women stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Well you know how those Democrats are: racist, sexist, homophobes. The very idea of a conservative female CIA director scares the hell out of them.
Do you seriously believe this fool looks like some 'mastermind'

Let me tell you something you should know

We let the Saudi's fly outta here during a flight shutdown after 9/11

So what did you want us to do with them?

Remember it's your side who demanded constitutional rights for the terrorists.
Filthy Don chooses to celebrate the Muslim War Sword Dance with the 9/11 Saudi Terrorists.

He wasn't lying about their celebration as the Twin Towers were falling.:1041:


OMG, that is terrible!

After being waterboarded 183 times - I'd like to hear what KSM has to say about Haspel - including whether she was personally involved. Also, why did Haspel oversee the destruction of the torture tapes - after being told to preserve them? What was she afraid of?

183 times? A link to that please.
After being waterboarded 183 times - I'd like to hear what KSM has to say about Haspel - including whether she was personally involved. Also, why did Haspel oversee the destruction of the torture tapes - after being told to preserve them? What was she afraid of?

183 times? A link to that please.

Have you been in a coma?
After being waterboarded 183 times - I'd like to hear what KSM has to say about Haspel - including whether she was personally involved. Also, why did Haspel oversee the destruction of the torture tapes - after being told to preserve them? What was she afraid of?

183 times? A link to that please.

Have you been in a coma?

I didn't waste the time of reading each one, but here is what one of your links said:

When the International Committee of the Red Cross in 2006 interviewedMohammed and Abu Zubaida about how many times they were waterboarded, they also spoke in terms of sessions.

Mohammed (KSM) said he was subjected to waterboarding on five occasions, all of which occurred during the first month:

Abu Zubaida also said he experienced five sessions of waterboarding:

So what do the higher numbers mean? That refers to how many times water was poured on the cloth, not how many sessions of waterboarding took place. But investigative reports have used the term “application” to mean pours of water, not sessions.


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