9/12 was a transformative event


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Sometimes an event occurs which is transformative in a way that everyone who sees it or participates in it instantly is aware of. Yesterday's demonstration in Washington DC is one of those rare happenings in my opinion.

The Daily Mail said 2 million Americans participated. My friend Charlie Martin extrapolated from the pictures an attendance figure of 2.3 million. Here is a time lapse of the parade portion of the event so you can get a feel for yourself of the size of the crowd. Whatever the actual number it is sure to be seriously underestimated by the Obama-besotted members of the press corps who are also likely to misrepresent the participants and their views. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But as a participant, I want you to know the attendees were wonderful people, civil and polite. They showed their respect for the Capitol and the event by leaving no mess behind when they were through, in marked contrast to the inauguration and the usual left wing demonstrations here.

The feeling I have is that this is a wretched political class, as full of itself as it is idea-less and talentless and the people know it. They are disgusted enough with the new American elitism to travel on their own dime by any means available to come here to let Congress and the President know that they will use every legal means at their disposal to overthrow them. And overthrowing them is precisely what they intend to do.

American Thinker: 9/12 was a transformative event
The Democrats need to realize these demonstrators are beholden to no one. The Republicans need to realize that they still are not trusted. Why should they be when each day seems to have another story of compromise on core principals and going along to get along with spending their children cannot afford

Sometimes an event occurs which is transformative in a way that everyone who sees it or participates in it instantly is aware of. Yesterday's demonstration in Washington DC is one of those rare happenings in my opinion.

The Daily Mail said 2 million Americans participated. My friend Charlie Martin extrapolated from the pictures an attendance figure of 2.3 million. Here is a time lapse of the parade portion of the event so you can get a feel for yourself of the size of the crowd. Whatever the actual number it is sure to be seriously underestimated by the Obama-besotted members of the press corps who are also likely to misrepresent the participants and their views. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But as a participant, I want you to know the attendees were wonderful people, civil and polite. They showed their respect for the Capitol and the event by leaving no mess behind when they were through, in marked contrast to the inauguration and the usual left wing demonstrations here.

The feeling I have is that this is a wretched political class, as full of itself as it is idea-less and talentless and the people know it. They are disgusted enough with the new American elitism to travel on their own dime by any means available to come here to let Congress and the President know that they will use every legal means at their disposal to overthrow them. And overthrowing them is precisely what they intend to do.

American Thinker: 9/12 was a transformative event

I know the people up in boston were sa you describe too. As they were on 7/4 and 4/17.

There were liberals in our much smaller crowd up here, there were a lot of recent south american immigrants too. They all had the same concerns as the rest of us who participated.

Big Government that needs to be shrunk
Government defecit spending that is out of control.
Corruption in Washington.

I dont care how many media outlets, USMB message board visitors/moderators even, or others online tell lies about who we are and what we are about. The more they lie about us the stronger and more steadfast my convictions and support of the movement become....bring on your lies, deceptions, and slander as they only serve to show us who you truly are as people.
Big Government that needs to be shrunk
Government defecit spending that is out of control.
Corruption in Washington.

Cool just as long as you realize that none of these are simply unique to the last 8 months and that Republicans are as big of culprits as Democrats in the cause and/or continuance of those problems...
Big Government that needs to be shrunk
Government defecit spending that is out of control.
Corruption in Washington.

Cool just as long as you realize that none of these are simply unique to the last 8 months and that Republicans are as big of culprits as Democrats in the cause and/or continuance of those problems...

We understand that, beleive me and that's why we now have a democratic controlled house and senate. The repubs were spending like druken sailors and we know it and showed it with our vote.
Sometimes an event occurs which is transformative in a way that everyone who sees it or participates in it instantly is aware of. Yesterday's demonstration in Washington DC is one of those rare happenings in my opinion.

The Daily Mail said 2 million Americans participated. My friend Charlie Martin extrapolated from the pictures an attendance figure of 2.3 million. Here is a time lapse of the parade portion of the event so you can get a feel for yourself of the size of the crowd. Whatever the actual number it is sure to be seriously underestimated by the Obama-besotted members of the press corps who are also likely to misrepresent the participants and their views. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But as a participant, I want you to know the attendees were wonderful people, civil and polite. They showed their respect for the Capitol and the event by leaving no mess behind when they were through, in marked contrast to the inauguration and the usual left wing demonstrations here.

The feeling I have is that this is a wretched political class, as full of itself as it is idea-less and talentless and the people know it. They are disgusted enough with the new American elitism to travel on their own dime by any means available to come here to let Congress and the President know that they will use every legal means at their disposal to overthrow them. And overthrowing them is precisely what they intend to do.

American Thinker: 9/12 was a transformative event

Excellent post, WillowTree. I think you explained exactly what is on every sane American's mind. I wish I could have attended the event in Washington but unfortunatley I was held here at the house because of prior commitments to a bunch of contractors. My guess is that the media, other than Fox News, will marginalize the event, or not even carry the coverage at all. You can bet if it was a rally by anybody else it would have been big news and carried by all the other press. Obama and his Administration won't pay any attention to the rally. The only way we are going to be able to get the politician's attention is to have a huge voter turnout in the next national election and vote out any and all of the incumbents possible. That will send the only message the politicians understand. Again, great post!
Sure, people, sure. I take all of you as seriously as the fellow with the sign, "Keep government out of my Medicare!". You people have any kind of solutions to the problems with face? Thus far, all I have heard is a resounding "NO".

When you fruitcakes are done squawking and bitching, the rest of us will have worked at the problems of this nation. And you will all bitch about the lack of perfection as you enjoy the better world that the work has created. Just as you have with all the "Liberal" ideas, like minimum wage, 40 hour work week, work place safety, and so many other good ideas that you "Consevatives" stated would end the world.

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