90% of people vote AGAINST Jewish circus in Ukraine - does that make me anti Semite?

One cannot help but note that any nation or national leader who does NOT kiss the asses of the IMF and world banksters becomes branded despots and monsters.

Sadly life is confusing because in most cases they ARE monsters and despots.

NATIONAL Histories are mostly the stories of one set of monstrous despots overcoming anothers.
Right. but I also read yesterday on CNN (and I was not surprised at all) a defector from North Korea was testifying that Kim Jong Un is not the one in charge of North Korea.

Defector: Shadowy organization, not Kim Jong Un, controls North Korea ? Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs

which is exactly how the dimocrap party operates.

ever wonder why the Lying Cocksucker in Chief seems to be in the dark so much?

Of course not, you're a dimocrap.
One cannot help but note that any nation or national leader who does NOT kiss the asses of the IMF and world banksters becomes branded despots and monsters.

Sadly life is confusing because in most cases they ARE monsters and despots.

NATIONAL Histories are mostly the stories of one set of monstrous despots overcoming anothers.
Right. but I also read yesterday on CNN (and I was not surprised at all) a defector from North Korea was testifying that Kim Jong Un is not the one in charge of North Korea.

Defector: Shadowy organization, not Kim Jong Un, controls North Korea ? Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs

which is exactly how the dimocrap party operates.

ever wonder why the Lying Cocksucker in Chief seems to be in the dark so much?

Of course not, you're a dimocrap.

You are so right about democrats, but do you ever care to criticize the other side of the same coin and point out their flaws?
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an anti Semite, I love all people, including Jews EQUALLY. I state this in my speeches...


NIET darling, I learned to be an anti Semite when I started speaking out in defense of Semites in places such as Palestine and Iraq whose nations were being destroyed by international banker backed armies. THAT is when I learned that I am an "anti Semite"

So we've learned
1) You are an anti semite
2) You are a liar
3) You're not very bright.

3) could have been easily predicted from the other two.
As long as we're clear on WHY

You played football without a helmet?
You OD'd on heroin?
You had a stroke at a young age?
Your ancestors were also stupid?
I dunno. You tell me. What makes someone a stupid liar, telling fibs he later recants so everyone can see them?
The IMF puppet nations call this referendum/elections where 74% of the people turned out to vote illegitimate, but what they call legitimate elections in America are where less than 50% of people turn out to vote, where illegal Mexicans are allowed to vote, where you only have FOR options and not AGAINST options against candidates and where as I state in my speech "I did not even see the write in option, limiting me to vote for what I saw typed on the ballot box"
LiveLeak.com - Referendum result shows 90% of voters want independence in eastern Ukraine - TOTAL SILENCE ON CNN about this right now, as about the shooting at the polling station yesterday

Whether large or small, your inane chipmunk-like mindless chattering means nothing.
An "old rancher" who steals from your back pocket.
One thing at the time there, how does he steal from our back pocket

IF you are a tax payer, you are subsidizing the feeding of his cattle. He is grazing his cattle on public lands and has not paid the fee, that all the other area ranchers have paid, in years. You are picking up the bill each time you pay your taxes.
So, for pointing out the obvious, that the dimocrap scum participating in this thread are anti-semitic scum, by posting a pic of their ideological heroes -- Nazis, I get this from the Chief Defender of Nazis on the Board.

New reputation!
Hi, you have received -4399 reputation points from jillian.
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People, do NOT think I'm kidding. These people, these dimocrap scum, are everything I've always said they are.

And worse.

Don't worry, they'll get around to you. As soon as they take care of their #1 enemies, they'll come for you.

Count on it
An "old rancher" who steals from your back pocket.
One thing at the time there, how does he steal from our back pocket

IF you are a tax payer, you are subsidizing the feeding of his cattle. He is grazing his cattle on public lands and has not paid the fee, that all the other area ranchers have paid, in years. You are picking up the bill each time you pay your taxes.
But my energy to work and earn income comes from my ability to graze on cattle
One thing at the time there, how does he steal from our back pocket

IF you are a tax payer, you are subsidizing the feeding of his cattle. He is grazing his cattle on public lands and has not paid the fee, that all the other area ranchers have paid, in years. You are picking up the bill each time you pay your taxes.
But my energy to work and earn income comes from my ability to graze on cattle

Since when has a dimocrap scumbag been concerned about who's taking what from the goobermint?
I was in Ukraine as a child in around 1985 under communism, it was beautiful, wherever you went in USSR, you felt at home, NO CRIME.

is that where you learned to be an anti-Semite?
The people of eastern Europe still remember the jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror.

So hating the jews has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

They just know the jews evil character.

Hmmm ... so PVSI claims Soviet communism was "beautiful" and Sunni Boy calls it the "jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror."
Either way, all anti-Semitic twits blame - drum roll, please - the JOOOOS. :cool:
One cannot help but note that any nation or national leader who does NOT kiss the asses of the IMF and world banksters becomes branded despots and monsters.

Sadly life is confusing because in most cases they ARE monsters and despots.

NATIONAL Histories are mostly the stories of one set of monstrous despots overcoming anothers.
Right. but I also read yesterday on CNN (and I was not surprised at all) a defector from North Korea was testifying that Kim Jong Un is not the one in charge of North Korea.

Lemme guess. Its the JOOOS.
is that where you learned to be an anti-Semite?
The people of eastern Europe still remember the jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror.

So hating the jews has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

They just know the jews evil character.

Hmmm ... so PVSI claims Soviet communism was "beautiful" and Sunni Boy calls it the "jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror."
Either way, all anti-Semitic twits blame - drum roll, please - the JOOOOS. :cool:
So I can not say that a country under communism was beautiful, and Sunni can not say that Jews are involved in terrorism, but for politicians and presidents on the establishment/main stream media it is perfectly ok to say things like "war on islamo fascists". maybe you can explain something to us
Right. but I also read yesterday on CNN (and I was not surprised at all) a defector from North Korea was testifying that Kim Jong Un is not the one in charge of North Korea.

Defector: Shadowy organization, not Kim Jong Un, controls North Korea ? Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs

which is exactly how the dimocrap party operates.

ever wonder why the Lying Cocksucker in Chief seems to be in the dark so much?

Of course not, you're a dimocrap.

You are so right about democrats, but do you ever care to criticize the other side of the same coin and point out their flaws?

Republicans are far, far from perfect.

But thy're not demogogic ideologues. Those are the most dangerous, corrupt, sick, twisted, murdering people on earth. They are the root cause of every human-caused calamity in the last 100 years.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an anti Semite, I love all people, including Jews EQUALLY. I state this in my speeches...

When international bankers, who even held over the phone elections for the next Ukrainian leader placed their selection upon people, the people of Ukraine disagreed, they decided to host elections with a FOR as well as AGAINST option as was advised previously by the spokesman of the new world government in his speeches. And the people WON in all those parts that they voted, even though the people were being SHOT by the international banker puppet government's army. All these statements are IRON SOLID:

Obama meets unelected Ukrainian PM who is a banker:
Obama Meets With Ukraine's Prime Minister - YouTube

People of Ukraine Hold a referendum in Crimea against which leaders of nations entangled with IMF were fiercely against. People WIN, IMF nations place sanctions on Russia.

Army of the despot banker shooting civilians at the polling stations May 11, 2014:
LiveLeak.com - Krasnoarmeysk Shootings outside polling station

Despite IMF puppet nations leaders such as Obama and Merkel claiming that a vote with AGAINST/NO option in Ukraine is "illegitimate", masses of Ukrainians turn out to VOTE:
LiveLeak.com - Voting takes place across Eastern Ukraine, footage of shooting at Krasnoarmeisk polling station Ukrainian "National Guard"

All the while, the ding bats will ignore this and keep talking about the David Sterling, Benghazi 4, Obama care, gay rights, and the new NFL draft....

OK, neither of the guys in your pic are Jewish but as with everything you blame the JOOOS and despite your disclaimer I'd say that, plus the fact you call the Ukraine crisis a "Jewish circus" qualifies you as an anti-Semitic twit. :D
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The russian speaking Ukrainians don't want to be subjugated by the IMF and the Rothchilds bank. . :cool:
I was in Ukraine as a child in around 1985 under communism, it was beautiful, wherever you went in USSR, you felt at home, NO CRIME.

So if your Soviet "workers paradise" was beautiful, why are you here and why did it collapse, comrade? :lol:
The people of eastern Europe still remember the jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror.

So hating the jews has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

They just know the jews evil character.

Hmmm ... so PVSI claims Soviet communism was "beautiful" and Sunni Boy calls it the "jewish Bolsheviks and their reign of terror."
Either way, all anti-Semitic twits blame - drum roll, please - the JOOOOS. :cool:
So I can not say that a country under communism was beautiful, and Sunni can not say that Jews are involved in terrorism, but for politicians and presidents on the establishment/main stream media it is perfectly ok to say things like "war on islamo fascists". maybe you can explain something to us

As this board proves, even anti-Semitic a-holes like you and Sunni Boy can say whatever comes into your pinheads and I, for one, will always stand up for your right to be as stupid as you wanna be.
Is that unambiguous enough? :lol:
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The russian speaking Ukrainians don't want to be subjugated by the IMF and the Rothchilds bank. . :cool:
I was in Ukraine as a child in around 1985 under communism, it was beautiful, wherever you went in USSR, you felt at home, NO CRIME.

So if your Soviet "workers paradise" was beautiful, why are you here and why did it collapse, comrade? :lol:
Despite being a beautiful united country, it was run by a communist circus like in America, I came to escape the oppressive regime, but found out America was run by the same regime under a different name and using different tactics of suppression.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an anti Semite, I love all people, including Jews EQUALLY. I state this in my speeches...

When international bankers, who even held over the phone elections for the next Ukrainian leader placed their selection upon people, the people of Ukraine disagreed, they decided to host elections with a FOR as well as AGAINST option as was advised previously by the spokesman of the new world government in his speeches. And the people WON in all those parts that they voted, even though the people were being SHOT by the international banker puppet government's army. All these statements are IRON SOLID:

Obama meets unelected Ukrainian PM who is a banker:
Obama Meets With Ukraine's Prime Minister - YouTube

People of Ukraine Hold a referendum in Crimea against which leaders of nations entangled with IMF were fiercely against. People WIN, IMF nations place sanctions on Russia.

Army of the despot banker shooting civilians at the polling stations May 11, 2014:
LiveLeak.com - Krasnoarmeysk Shootings outside polling station

Despite IMF puppet nations leaders such as Obama and Merkel claiming that a vote with AGAINST/NO option in Ukraine is "illegitimate", masses of Ukrainians turn out to VOTE:
LiveLeak.com - Voting takes place across Eastern Ukraine, footage of shooting at Krasnoarmeisk polling station Ukrainian "National Guard"

All the while, the ding bats will ignore this and keep talking about the David Sterling, Benghazi 4, Obama care, gay rights, and the new NFL draft....

OK, neither of the guys in your pic are Jewish but as with everything you blame the JOOOS and despite your disclaimer I'd say that, plus the fact you call the Ukraine crisis a "Jewish circus" qualifies you as an anti-Semitic twit. :D
If I did not put something baiting in the title of this thread, it would have sank to page 4 by now and been forgotten: look at the threads on top of this board - crap floats, truth sinks, aside from the word Jew, there is pure truth in my OP, truth that SHOULD be of concern to ALL of us who care about justice, freedom, democracy, humanity.
I was in Ukraine as a child in around 1985 under communism, it was beautiful, wherever you went in USSR, you felt at home, NO CRIME.

So if your Soviet "workers paradise" was beautiful, why are you here and why did it collapse, comrade? :lol:
Despite being a beautiful united country, it was run by a communist circus like in America, I came to escape the oppressive regime, but found out America was run by the same regime under a different name and using different tactics of suppression.

Wah, wah, waaah.
So you were a whiny sniveler back home and you haven't changed a bit.
I know a few (beautiful) Russian women each of whom has told me that Russian men have an unearned sense of entitlement and are lousy in the sack. Evidently the now defunct Soviet Union wasn't so beautiful for everyone but perhaps you should return and restore its "glory" days.
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So if your Soviet "workers paradise" was beautiful, why are you here and why did it collapse, comrade? :lol:
Despite being a beautiful united country, it was run by a communist circus like in America, I came to escape the oppressive regime, but found out America was run by the same regime under a different name and using different tactics of suppression.

Wah, wah, waaah.
So you were a whiny sniveler back home and you haven't changed a bit.
I know a few (beautiful) Russian women each of whom has told me that Russian men have an unearned sense of entitlement and are lousy in the sack. Evidently the now defunct Soviet Union wasn't so beautiful for everyone but perhaps you should return and restore its "glory" days.
I don't like to live in the sack either, I prefer to live outdoors with a beautiful woman


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