A chart that shows who America's closest ideological allies are.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The leftists in Europe and Canada absolutely hate our President as much as the leftists in our own country. Mexico hates him. No neighboring countries like Donald Trump. Outside of America, Russians and Israelis have the most favorable opinion of Donald Trump. Additionally, 32% of American conservatives polled in 2017 have a favorable view of Vladimir Putin and the percentage is said to be growing. I believe that says something.

You can trust Russia while many American "allies" appear to be prostitutes: they like you as long as you pay them.

Cohen reminds us that, quite contrary to the common, manufactured perception in this country, we have a very willing and capable potential partner in Moscow right now. As Cohen explains, "Bill Clinton said this not too long ago: To the extent that he knew and dealt with Putin directly, he never knew him to say anything that he, Putin, didn't mean, or ever to go back on his word or break a promise he made to Clinton."
Rethinking Russia: A Conversation With Russia Scholar Stephen F. Cohen | HuffPost
You can trust Russia while many American "allies" appear to be prostitutes: they like you as long as you pay them.

You can trust Russia? To do what - lie, cheat, steal? Russia has contributed nothing to the world but death and destruction. Let them starve.
The leftists in Europe and Canada absolutely hate our President as much as the leftists in our own country. Mexico hates him. No neighboring countries like Donald Trump. Outside of America, Russians and Israelis have the most favorable opinion of Donald Trump. Additionally, 32% of American conservatives polled in 2017 have a favorable view of Vladimir Putin and the percentage is said to be growing. I believe that says something.

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Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slaps them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
Only Israel and Russia like Trump better than Obama.

Gee, there's a surprise, huh? :lol:

The rest of the world, literally, hates him.
The leftists in Europe and Canada absolutely hate our President as much as the leftists in our own country. Mexico hates him. No neighboring countries like Donald Trump. Outside of America, Russians and Israelis have the most favorable opinion of Donald Trump. Additionally, 32% of American conservatives polled in 2017 have a favorable view of Vladimir Putin and the percentage is said to be growing. I believe that says something.

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Where's Iran? I'm sure they liked Obama better too.
The President we elected has a favorability rating barely over 10% among the population of most of our "allies". The ultra-enlightened leftists in most NATO countries don't simply hate Donald Trump, they hate his supporters or think they are too stupid to think for themselves. Most NATO countries are the ideological enemies of conservative Americans. We need allies that don't despise us while relying on us to protect them instead of building their own militaries. Why do we need NATO?
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So Trump tells the NATO countries to pay up on their commitments because the free ride is over.
The NATO Secretary agrees with Trump.
Trump should save $25b a year and bring US troops home from the EU, or have the EU pay for them.
No wonder they dislike Trump.
I'm surprised sweden isn't higher in support. I'm a swedish American. Born in the USA but am of swedish heritage.
The leftists in Europe and Canada absolutely hate our President as much as the leftists in our own country. Mexico hates him. No neighboring countries like Donald Trump. Outside of America, Russians and Israelis have the most favorable opinion of Donald Trump. Additionally, 32% of American conservatives polled in 2017 have a favorable view of Vladimir Putin and the percentage is said to be growing. I believe that says something.

View attachment 291820
The leftists in Europe and Canada absolutely hate our President as much as the leftists in our own country. Mexico hates him. No neighboring countries like Donald Trump. Outside of America, Russians and Israelis have the most favorable opinion of Donald Trump. Additionally, 32% of American conservatives polled in 2017 have a favorable view of Vladimir Putin and the percentage is said to be growing. I believe that says something.

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Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and bitch slaps them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
You can trust Russia while many American "allies" appear to be prostitutes: they like you as long as you pay them.

You can trust Russia? To do what - lie, cheat, steal? Russia has contributed nothing to the world but death and destruction. Let them starve.
You just show you know NOTHING about Russia, say thank you your lying Media.

1. Russia is not starved.
Nov 18, 2019, Forbes:
For Wall Street, Russia Has Become ‘Bulletproof’

2. All that death and destruction you are talking about is what you Democrats contributed to you country and the whole world, including my home country of Ukraine. Thanks a lot!

Cohen: For nearly 10 years, mainstream press reporting, editorials and op-ed articles have increasingly portrayed Putin as a czar-like “autocrat,” or alternatively a “KGB thug,” who imposed a “rollback of democratic reforms” under way in Russia when he succeeded Boris Yeltsin as president in 2000. He installed instead a “venal regime” that has permitted “corruptionism,” encouraged the assassination of a “growing number” of journalists and carried out the “killing of political opponents.”

but there is no evidence that any of these allegations against him are true, or at least entirely true. Most seem to have originated with Putin’s personal enemies, particularly Yeltsin-era oligarchs who found themselves in foreign exile as a result of his policies – or, in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in prison.
Stop the pointless demonization of Putin

War with Russia? From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate

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