Its Time Some Americans Woke Up and Faced Reality.

Game Over.

If you have evidence of specifically a bio-weapons project, not just medical research, then lets have it. Otherwise stop wasting everyone's time with your stupid nutbag bs.
If you have surrendered, then yes. The game is over. Otherwise your bullshit has been exposed

As usual.

Your existence here is a waste of time and electrons, Antoinette.

You truly suck at this.

Anyway, your stubborn and perpetual dishonesty aside:

And, although I am reticent to cite RFK, Jr. as a source for many things, still one must at least consider what he says:


Governments have been known to lie. Valid research about virology can make use of gain of function developments. Of course. But the same tools can be used for bio weapons research and development. The above article explains “dual use.”

So, despite the willing gullibility of Antoinette, two things can be simultaneously true. We can have funded a more benign medical research program but we can also have anticipated (and disingenuously denied) a possible weapons-related breakthrough.
If Wuhan had been a 'Bio-Weapons' project, the Corona virus never would have escaped.
That’s a stupid and unsupported take.

Military projects tend to have much stricter security protocols - and no consideration for the rights of the people who work there.
While that ought to be true in theory, in reality, shit happens.
The problem was that this facility was being run by researchers who tend to be security amateurs. That's why the virus escaped.
So claims you.

And the release may have been an accident. But that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t also a bio weapons research facility.

Perhaps you forget that you’re talking about China.
Governments have been known to lie. Valid research about virology can make use of gain of function developments. Of course. But the same tools can be used for bio weapons research and development. The above article explains “dual use.”

So, despite the willing gullibility of Antoinette, two things can be simultaneously true.

Dumbass just because something is possible doesn't mean it is so.

Just because it's possible to use a hunting rifle to kill people...does not prove anyone with a hunting rifle to be a murderer.

Where is the evidence of bio-weapons reasearch program by America in China? Not just your nutbag conspiracy musings that it's possible.
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just because something is possible doesn't mean it happened.
Fuckstick. Just because something isn’t proved (yet) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
You need actual evidence of weapons reasearch, not just your nutbag conspiracy musings that it's possible.
We have it. I’ve presented it already. Obviously, a moron like you, Antoinette, simply declines to read. :itsok:

No worries. Nobody expects intelligence or honesty from you.
Already accomplished.

Instead of blathering on as you always do, maybe you should consider educating yourself a bit.
You can't quote it because it's a bunch wishy-washy pile of bullshit, not serious, concise evidence.
You can't quote it because it wishy-washy pile of bullshit, not serious consice evidence.
I already did.

And you have nothing to say in response except empty denials.

I realize that you’re a fool and that, consequently, you’re content to say “no absolute evidence.”

But you’re too retarded and too dishonest to admit that no government official would be foolish enough to include a memo on a check to the effect of “to fund bioweapon research.”

You are still just a bad joke, here, Antoinette.
I already did.

And you have nothing to say in response except empty denials.

I realize that you’re a fool and that, consequently, you’re content to say “no absolute evidence.”

But you’re too retarded and too dishonest to admit that no government official would be foolish enough to include a memo on a check to the effect of “to fund bioweapon research.”

You are still just a bad joke, here, Antoinette.

You can't quote it because it wishy-washy pile of bullshit, not serious concise evidence.

If you'd have something to quote you would have already done it.
You can't quote it because it wishy-washy pile of bullshit, not serious concise evidence.

If you'd have something to quote you would have already done it.
Repeating your stupidity is still not convincing.

You suck at this, Antoinette.
Repeating your stupidity is still not convincing.

You suck at this, Antoinette.

Well since you are too incompetent to make a positive case, I'll quote your sources myself: is impossible to determine whether any of the $33.85 million went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology or other labs in China

WHOOPS - Game over.

Second link - ZERO claims about any weapons program.

Third link - RFK, how fucking desparate are you going to get? Zero credibility.

Fourth link - ZERO claims about any American bio-weapons program in China.

This is your supposed serious evidence dumbass lawyer?
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That’s a stupid and unsupported take.

While that ought to be true in theory, in reality, shit happens.

So claims you.

And the release may have been an accident. But that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t also a bio weapons research facility.

Perhaps you forget that you’re talking about China.

That's strange coming from you. All you've done is make baseless assumptions.

Why do you think that Chinese are any more dishonest than anyone else? Another delusional assumption?
Ooooh. Did I push a button? Still unwilling to admit that Pedo (kid sniffing) Joe is guilty of stealing classified documents, and that his DOJ says he's too stupid to face the consequences of his criminal behavior? Talk about a cult member!! You're the perfect definition!
Just read the special councils report fuckup dif.
Well since you are to incompetent to make a positive case, I'll quote your sources myself: is impossible to determine whether any of the $33.85 million went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology or other labs in China

Well, since you don’t bother to read the material spoon fed to you, I’ll just continue to pile it on in the never ending quest to expose you lying tests for the frauds you are:


The Wuhan laboratory was likely doing some scientific research, but a part of the facility also was under the control of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), doing bioweapons research.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party has been clear about its own intentions to develop and potentially use bioweapons. Colonel Guo Ji-wei and other PLA scientific researchers have promoted biological weapons and "bio-based" war in Chinese military journals. In "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as genetic Bioweapons," Chinese military scientists even suggest that World War III will be fought with biological weapons.

That's strange coming from you. All you've done is make baseless assumptions.
False. I have made claims. I’ve made factual assertions. And when I engage in any speculation, unlike you, I note it.

None of my assumptions are baseless. You shouldn’t lie so much. Your dishonesty serves no purpose: and lying is bad.
Why do you think that Chinese are any more dishonest than anyone else?

History teaches us if you’re willing to learn. You’re not.
Another delusional assumption?
No. Not “another.” And not one — at all. I’d have to have had a first one to have “another” one, you lying hack.
False. I have made claims. I’ve made factual assertions. And when I engage in any speculation, unlike you, I note it.

None of my assumptions are baseless. You shouldn’t lie so much. Your dishonesty serves no purpose: and lying is bad.

History teaches us if you’re willing to learn. You’re not.

No. Not “another.” And not one — at all. I’d have to have had a first one to have “another” one, you lying hack.

You have no evidence of the Wuhan lab being a bio-weapons project, all you have is your delusions.

The only people who know the true nature of the Wuhan labs is the Chinese government. You know nothing.

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