Its Time Some Americans Woke Up and Faced Reality.

Dumbass we have "bio labs" on every other corner.

We are speciffically talking about some sort of illicit biological weapon development program.
Yup it was a weapons program, much like the one we funded in Wuhan that manipulated the coronavirus and killed millions of people.
...You think United States had a biological weapons development China?

I've said you are fucked in the head before and I stand by it.
I see you are completely delusional and denying reality now. Everyone knows the NIH funded the Wuhan lab that created the weaponized coronavirus.

The fact that you don’t know this means you are either woefully ignorant, or a lying sack of shit. As dumb as I know you are, I don’t think you are that dumb. But you are dishonest, so that is the more likely scenario.

Either way there is no point in wasting more energy discussing it with the likes of you.
I see you are completely delusional and denying reality now. Everyone knows the NIH funded the Wuhan lab that created the weaponized coronavirus.

You are clearly too stupid to understand the difference between running a bio-weapons program and funding medical research.

According to you United States was running a weapon program in China (of all places) and that China used that weapon to decimate it's own economy starting with draconian shutdowns and ending with huge divestment by western companies out of China. :cuckoo:
You are clearly too stupid to understand the difference between running a bio-weapons program and funding medical research.
Lessee................a bio weapons program would be one the kills millions, right? And medical research typically is used to save lives, right?
So it's your position Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was President because Putin knew Trump would to nothing............and instead waited for Veggie Joe and got himself into a years long quagmire where he is losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and most of his military hardware?

Is that your position? HOLY SHIT you are one stupid fucker IM2

Stupid is the belief that Trump stopped Putin from invading Ukraine.
Well then your reward will be people in charge you are most against.

I vote for whats best for America, what is your agument against that exactly?
What argument? Vote for whoever you want to vote for, that is your right, excerise your right!
What argument? Vote for whoever you want to vote for, that is your right, excerise your right!

The arugment is that you should vote for whats best for America.

Yes, that means voting for a candidate you may not support, but one that still would be BETTER for America.

Whats so complicated?
The rest of our allies do not want to see a second trump presidency. And so what kind of allies do you think we will have if Trump wins again? Putin? Do you XXXXXXXXXX think Putin wants a friendship with this country? He wants us to self destruct so we don't stand in his way. And some of you idiots are falling for it.

Opinion: Here’s what America’s allies think about a potential Trump second term​

A few months ago, friends in the Netherlands asked me who I thought would win the 2024 US presidential election. They nodded placidly when I said I thought the odds favored President Joe Biden, but nearly jumped out of their seats when I said former President Donald Trump has a not-negligible chance of returning to the White House.

My friends, it turned out, had not been paying close attention. They thought Trump was history. Now they know better. Europe and much of the world has awakened to the real possibility that the twice-impeached, twice-indicted Trump might be the Republican nominee, and they are growing alarmed.

And if Europeans —and Ukrainians and South Koreans and Taiwanese — are concerned, Americans have far more reason to worry. Trump’s chaotic presidency didn’t achieve many of its goals because of the inexperience, incompetence and lack of discipline of key members of his administration, along with the strength of US democratic institutions and the people who worked to safeguard them.

But a second term might be different.

Admittedly, much can happen before the election. The GOP primaries could surprise, and Trump’s legal troubles could get in his way. For the moment, however, his primary opponents are mostly not gaining traction. Sixteen months from now, he could be on his third straight presidential ticket.

I’ll predict that anyone who thought the Trump presidency was disastrous — and polling shows that includes many Americans and most citizens of America’s allies — will find Trump 2.0 even more cataclysmic.

Trump now has a strong operation in developing meticulous plans for a possible second term. The overarching goal is to make the former president more powerful than ever, enabling some of his autocratic inclinations.

In a second Trump administration, according to those plans, the Department of Justice could lose its independence, coming under full control of the president, who would be able to mobilize it against his foes and protect his friends. Other independent agencies, those regulating the media or monopolies would also lose their autonomy if the strategy succeeds.

Republicans do not understand how the term woke is used
The true irony of this idiotic thread is how little im.2 fails to grasp that lt mainly applies to him. 👍
The rest of our allies do not want to see a second trump presidency. And so what kind of allies do you think we will have if Trump wins again? Putin? Do you XXXXXXXXXX think Putin wants a friendship with this country? He wants us to self destruct so we don't stand in his way. And some of you idiots are falling for it.

Opinion: Here’s what America’s allies think about a potential Trump second term​

A few months ago, friends in the Netherlands asked me who I thought would win the 2024 US presidential election. They nodded placidly when I said I thought the odds favored President Joe Biden, but nearly jumped out of their seats when I said former President Donald Trump has a not-negligible chance of returning to the White House.

My friends, it turned out, had not been paying close attention. They thought Trump was history. Now they know better. Europe and much of the world has awakened to the real possibility that the twice-impeached, twice-indicted Trump might be the Republican nominee, and they are growing alarmed.

And if Europeans —and Ukrainians and South Koreans and Taiwanese — are concerned, Americans have far more reason to worry. Trump’s chaotic presidency didn’t achieve many of its goals because of the inexperience, incompetence and lack of discipline of key members of his administration, along with the strength of US democratic institutions and the people who worked to safeguard them.

But a second term might be different.

Admittedly, much can happen before the election. The GOP primaries could surprise, and Trump’s legal troubles could get in his way. For the moment, however, his primary opponents are mostly not gaining traction. Sixteen months from now, he could be on his third straight presidential ticket.

I’ll predict that anyone who thought the Trump presidency was disastrous — and polling shows that includes many Americans and most citizens of America’s allies — will find Trump 2.0 even more cataclysmic.

Trump now has a strong operation in developing meticulous plans for a possible second term. The overarching goal is to make the former president more powerful than ever, enabling some of his autocratic inclinations.

In a second Trump administration, according to those plans, the Department of Justice could lose its independence, coming under full control of the president, who would be able to mobilize it against his foes and protect his friends. Other independent agencies, those regulating the media or monopolies would also lose their autonomy if the strategy succeeds.

SCOTUS to the rescue!

SCOTUS may not like what they have to do, but they will do what has to be done.

They may be trying to figure a way of wiggling out of it, but they have no wiggle room.

They need a unanimous decision. It will take only 2 Justices to dig their heels in and refuse to overturn the Colorado decision. Once that becomes clear the rest will fall in line. Clarence Thomas knows that if he doesn't go along, his days as a Justice are numbered. He should have recused himself.
SCOTUS to the rescue!

SCOTUS may not like what they have to do, but they will do what has to be done.

They may be trying to figure a way of wiggling out of it, but they have no wiggle room.

They need a unanimous decision. It will take only 2 Justices to dig their heels in and refuse to overturn the Colorado decision. Once that becomes clear the rest will fall in line. Clarence Thomas knows that if he doesn't go along, his days as a Justice are numbered. He should have recused himself.
They need a unanimous decision.

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