Its Time Some Americans Woke Up and Faced Reality.

Give me a good alternative to Trump and Biden and I’ll gladly vote for them but those two are embarrassing Presidents..

This isn't an American Idol contest.

We're not voting for Biden or Trump.

We're voting for policies that help the average working and retired American.

Looking at the economy over the last 3 years, and where we are right now. If you would in any way vote to set that back. Then please don't vote. You're part of the problem.
This isn't an American Idol contest.

We're not voting for Biden or Trump.

We're voting for policies that help the average working and retired American.

Looking at the economy over the last 3 years, and where we are right now. If you would in any way vote to set that back. Then please don't vote. You're part of the problem.
This isn't an American Idol contest.

trying break a decades long tradition?
We're voting for policies that help the average working and retired American.

Looking at the economy over the last 3 years, and where we are right now.
  • High inflation
  • High gas prices
  • High rent
  • Record amount of credit card debt
  • Record number of Americans worse off under Biden
  • Real wages down

It's time Dems realize we hate their guts and are taking OUR country back. Fuck off to Mexico or Canada you scumbags!

Deport the Illegals, but far more importantly, deport the "representatives" who are fighting to keep them and bring even more here; Senators, Congressmen, governors, Sheriffs, etc. they all go to Mexico
This isn't an American Idol contest.

We're not voting for Biden or Trump.

We're voting for policies that help the average working and retired American.

Looking at the economy over the last 3 years, and where we are right now. If you would in any way vote to set that back. Then please don't vote. You're part of the problem.
Joe's policies are for certain groups of the working class. The privileged employees. Those on fixed incomes are not enjoying it. Those whose salaries have not kept up anywhere near the inflation are not enjoying it. And Joe is giving people money. Those who have college degrees are getting loans paid off for free.....wheeeeee! 100 billion dollars for Ukraine which is obviously something more than we are privileged to know. Leaving tens of billions of dollars of equipment in Afghanistan when it could have been used in Ukraine. Which is a double whammy. Progs though live off of the taxpayer with no idea of reality. Let them eat cake!
This isn't an American Idol contest.

We're not voting for Biden or Trump.

We're voting for policies that help the average working and retired American.

Looking at the economy over the last 3 years, and where we are right now. If you would in any way vote to set that back. Then please don't vote. You're part of the problem.
I am looking at where we are and where we should be, I’m looking at candidates that will cut spending and raise taxes, no candidate, neither Republican nor Democrat is interested and so I’m not interested in them.
Good for you, that you think we believe that you actually will.

But, we all know that you’re a sycophant.
I went with a Constitutionalist three years ago, might see if they arereally interested in changing America, we know neither Democrats or Republicans give a crap about our country.
Minor problem: More Americans than you or I ever imagined would be fine with an authoritarian strongman. An American Pinochet.

Did you know that? I didn't.
True …Most good real core Americans have moved to a “by any means necessary” position…we’d elect Adolf Hitler today if he promised to put all you Leftists in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like DisneyLand.

Dont Taz Me Bro
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The rest of our allies do not want to see a second trump presidency. And so what kind of allies do you think we will have if Trump wins again? Putin? Do you XXXXXXXXXX think Putin wants a friendship with this country? He wants us to self destruct so we don't stand in his way. And some of you idiots are falling for it.

Opinion: Here’s what America’s allies think about a potential Trump second term​

A few months ago, friends in the Netherlands asked me who I thought would win the 2024 US presidential election. They nodded placidly when I said I thought the odds favored President Joe Biden, but nearly jumped out of their seats when I said former President Donald Trump has a not-negligible chance of returning to the White House.

My friends, it turned out, had not been paying close attention. They thought Trump was history. Now they know better. Europe and much of the world has awakened to the real possibility that the twice-impeached, twice-indicted Trump might be the Republican nominee, and they are growing alarmed.

And if Europeans —and Ukrainians and South Koreans and Taiwanese — are concerned, Americans have far more reason to worry. Trump’s chaotic presidency didn’t achieve many of its goals because of the inexperience, incompetence and lack of discipline of key members of his administration, along with the strength of US democratic institutions and the people who worked to safeguard them.

But a second term might be different.

Admittedly, much can happen before the election. The GOP primaries could surprise, and Trump’s legal troubles could get in his way. For the moment, however, his primary opponents are mostly not gaining traction. Sixteen months from now, he could be on his third straight presidential ticket.

I’ll predict that anyone who thought the Trump presidency was disastrous — and polling shows that includes many Americans and most citizens of America’s allies — will find Trump 2.0 even more cataclysmic.

Trump now has a strong operation in developing meticulous plans for a possible second term. The overarching goal is to make the former president more powerful than ever, enabling some of his autocratic inclinations.

In a second Trump administration, according to those plans, the Department of Justice could lose its independence, coming under full control of the president, who would be able to mobilize it against his foes and protect his friends. Other independent agencies, those regulating the media or monopolies would also lose their autonomy if the strategy succeeds.

Trump didn’t instigate instability and push for war in Europe, Obama and Biden did that.
So, some lefty hack opinion writer from CNN spoke to a few friends in the Netherlands and concluded our allies don't want another Trump term.

You really are stupid. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Netherlands can't kill off their own people fast enough. Between convincing people to kill themselves to planning a massive famine the Netherlands is afraid Trump might give the Dutch a notion that they don't need politicians that want to murder them. The whole idea that Trump would not pick up the expense of protecting these bloodsuckers is scaring them and they deserve it.
Trump didn’t instigate instability and push for war in Europe, Obama and Biden did that.


Maybe it's time for you to get a clue - it was Russia that instigated instability by invading Ukraine.

When are you nutbags going to learn to not shit on America?
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Lie. Trump pushed instability right here and he's doing it now. Neither Obama or Biden pushed for war in Europe. Let's stop pretending about the Trump presidency.

Maybe it's time for you to get a clue - it was Russia that instigated instability by invading Ukraine.

When are you nutbags going to learn to not shit on America?
Of course simpletons like you would say this.

The Big War party, aka the Establishment of DC, have wanted this war with Russia for a long time. During the Hussein era, we started funding the bio labs in Ukraine. Why Ukraine? Because such research is illegal to do in America. We also funded the 2013 Euromaiden protests and cheered as it turned into a coup that overthrew the government, you know, because we love “democracy” so much. Then of course Victoria Nuland and John Kerry were dispatched to help hand pick the corrupt sack of shit that be their next President.

All of this lead to the civil war which has been going on in Ukraine since 2014.

Was President Trump the President back in 2014? Nope. Your beloved Hussein was.

But you simpletons don’t think an actual coup and a civil war amounts to “instability”, but some mean Tweets by Trump does. Action speaks louder than words and the actions of Obama and Biden have lead to war. By contrast the actions of President Trump kept the peace for four years.
Of course simpletons like you would say this.

The Big War party, aka the Establishment of DC, have wanted this war with Russia for a long time. During the Hussein era, we started funding the bio labs in Ukraine. Why Ukraine? Because such research is illegal to do in America. We also funded the 2013 Euromaiden protests and cheered as it turned into a coup that overthrew the government, you know, because we love “democracy” so much. Then of course Victoria Nuland and John Kerry were dispatched to help hand pick the corrupt sack of shit that be their next President.

All of this lead to the civil war which has been going on in Ukraine since 2014.

Was President Trump the President back in 2014? Nope. Your beloved Hussein was.

But you simpletons don’t think an actual coup and a civil war amounts to “instability”, but some mean Tweets by Trump does. Action speaks louder than words and the actions of Obama and Biden have lead to war. By contrast the actions of President Trump kept the peace for four years.

You are seriously fucked in the head if you believe all that silly Kremlin bullshit. Exactly none of it justified it’s invasion and illicit annexation of Ukrainian territories.

There has never been any evidence of bio-weapon research in Ukraine.

In no way internal Maidan events justified Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea (Russia first act of aggression which was already planned well before Ukrainian president ran off to Russia).

This then was followed by entry of Russian FSB operative Strelkov with other Russian volunteers financed and armed by Russia into Ukraine, take over of East Ukrainian cities like Sloviansk which began armed conflict in the region.

I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.

"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out — like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa,"

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True …Most good real core Americans have moved to a “by any means necessary” position…we’d elect Adolf Hitler today if he promised to put all you Leftists in concentration camps that would make Auschwitz look like DisneyLand.

Dont Taz Me Bro

You hear that Trumpsters?

This is the explicit fascism that your “make great” movement is degenerating into because you’ve hitched your political wagon to a corrupt, criminal autocrat wanna-be.
You are seriously fucked in the head if you believe all that silly Kremlin bullshit. Exactly none of it justified it’s invasion and illicit annexation of Ukrainian territories.

There has never been any evidence of bio-weapon research in Ukraine.

In no way internal Maidan events justified Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea (Russia first act of aggression which was already planned well before Ukrainian president ran off to Russia).

This then was followed by entry of Russian FSB operative Strelkov with other Russian volunteers financed and armed by Russia into Ukraine, take over of East Ukrainian cities like Sloviansk which began armed conflict in the region.

I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.

"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out — like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa,"

Our own State Department admitted to the bio labs in a congressional hearing, and they were very worried about them falling into Russian hands.

You are the one that is delusional.

Crimea has been “occupied” by the Russians since before the 1770’s. When the new Kiev government in 2014 reneged on the lease agreement, Russia annexed back as theirs, since it realistically has been theirs for centuries.

Now if you want to pick up a rifle and try and take it back from them….well….good luck.
Our own State Department admitted to the bio labs in a congressional hearing, and they were very worried about them falling into Russian hands.

Dumbass we have "bio labs" on every other corner, including those that track spread of dangerous pathogens and report to international monitoring programs.

We are speciffically talking about some sort of illicit biological weapon development program.

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