Its Time Some Americans Woke Up and Faced Reality.

and yet each side thinks the other guy is more senile than their guy.....but that doesnt seem to bother any of them....these 2 fuckers are the best there is apparently....
It’s funny how neither side can see how pathetic their candidate is. Two white rich white guys and both party is pushing for it. Wasn’t it Democrats last election wanting no rich white guys, funny how hypocritical they have become.
I watch Biden do just fine getting off stages. And yes, your assertion is all about a narrative created by the right.
I have seen the videos are you seriously going to claim that Biden is 100% cognizant? He is a disaster and Democrats like Republicans need to find better candidates these current people are terrible, embarrassing to America and need replaced.
You're entitled to opinion, but the facts are that Buden has been very effective at his job.
Not really but as you say, you are entitled to your own opinion but facts don’t support you. I don’t blame him for the economy good or bad, it would have been the same no matter who was in office.
I have seen the videos are you seriously going to claim that Biden is 100% cognizant? He is a disaster and Democrats like Republicans need to find better candidates these current people are terrible, embarrassing to America and need replaced.
Yep, I am going to say that. I've seen live press conferences then videos of the same press conference that shows Biden doing things he did not do. Biden has not embarrassed America.
Do you STUPID mfs think Putin wants a friendship with this country?

Well that's not a very nice thing to say about the usership, OP.

Do you think that initiating dialogue by calling the usership stupid mfs in an OP will stimulate civil dialogue? If so, then why do you think that?

And some of you idiots are falling for it.

How rude. And, I, for one, am offended. :mad:

Do you think that opening discussion by insuting the usership, calling them idiots in the OP, will stimulate civil dialogue? If so, then why do you think that?
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Viral videos keep clipping President Biden’s words out of context​

The tactic, which the Trump campaign employed ahead of the 2020 election, fuels the narrative that Biden is senile and incompetent, experts say​

  • Right-wing influencers including Steven Crowder shared an abbreviated, out-of-context clip they claimed showed Biden saying the N-word. In context, Biden was stumbling over his words as he said he was “eager to hear” from other world leaders at a conference.
  • Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield aired a shortened clip that appeared to show Biden saying the U.S. is “doomed” because of African Americans. In context, Biden was saying that “if we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed.”
  • A TikTok video supposedly showed Biden telling people that getting vaccinated would protect them against hurricanes. In context, Biden was saying that people living in hurricane-prone states should get vaccinated so that they wouldn’t have to worry about contracting COVID-19 if they had to evacuate and stay in a shelter with other people.
  • A conservative super PAC and other right-leaning websites shared an 8-second video to suggest that Biden accidentally read the words “end of quote” off of his teleprompter. In context, Biden was quoting a statement from Walmart’s CEO celebrating partnerships between private corporations and the government. Biden started with, “And I quote.”
  • A video shared by conservative websites like Townhall cut Biden off mid-sentence to make it look like he said high gas prices were a matter of Americans “paying their fair share.” In context, Biden was talking about lowering prices. The shortened video cut out what he said next — that “paying their fair share” meant “not being gouged for gas.”
  • An ad from Trump’s Save America PAC blasted Biden’s coronavirus response by airing a clip of him saying, “Look, there’s no federal solution.” In context, Biden was talking about working together with the states. He was responding over a conference call to Arkansas’ Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who encouraged Biden during a discussion about COVID-19 rapid tests to “make sure that we do not let federal solutions stand in the way of state solutions.”
  • The RNC tweeted a video that cut off Biden mid-sentence to give the impression that he said taking questions from reporters is “inappropriate.” In context, Biden was saying he did not want to field questions about his pick to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer after an event honoring Breyer, because Breyer was in the room and is “still sitting on the bench.” Biden said he would take questions later that day and week.
Not really but as you say, you are entitled to your own opinion but facts don’t support you. I don’t blame him for the economy good or bad, it would have been the same no matter who was in office.
Was passing an infrastructure bill a bad thing for America?
  • Thanks
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Well that's not a very nice thing to say about the usership, OP.

Do you think that starting out by calling usership stupid mfs in an OP will stimulate civil dialogue? If so, then why do you think that?

How rude. And, I, for one, am offended. :mad:

Do you think that insuting the usership by calling them idiots in the OP will stimulate civil dialogue? If so, then why do you think that?
Trump supporters don't want civil dialogue and anybody who believes Putin is a better choice than Biden, which has been stated here multiple times, is a stupid mf.
I won’t vote for a Democrat that doesn’t know how to get off a stage and I’m certainly not voting for a Republican that spends like a drunken sailor.

If you don't know that you should vote against an unrepentant criminal getting into the White House, then you don't know up from down.
How rude. And, I, for one, am offended. :mad:

Do you think that opening discussion by insuting the usership, calling them idiots in the OP, will stimulate civil dialogue? If so, then why do you think that?
He doesn't care...The staff has repeatedly shown that they'll allow him troll his ass off, because of his skin color....Why wouldn't he continue to act like the asshole he is?
If Trump had been president, the Ukranian invasion never would have happened.

Thats a pretty dumb statement considering Trump called Putin invasion of Ukraine...SMART.

This is the degenerate you seriously think would dissuade Putin from invading?

Putin would not have been able to guess what Trump would do and there would be an amount of fear.

What is it you IMAGINE Trump could have possibly done, that Biden didn't?

Trump specifically said he would not send troops and you may recall Trump was impeached for his failed attempts to extort Ukranian president.
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How do you tell the difference between a CNN opinion piece and a CNN news story?
You need reading comprehension fuckup.

How many times does the former president need to shit on NATO and call it obsolete before you pay attention.
So you still can’t back up your claim.

I guess we can conclude you are a lying sack of shit, Simp.

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