Did Jon Voight put the final nail in America's coffin?

It amazes me to read that Trump is too dumb. The man is exceptionally bright. I don't think he is a Genius, but he is very smart. I agree his ego harms him way too much. But those who sit with him and talk with him, report he is smart and very empathetic. Biden as the attorney reported is mentally far off his game. I recall when he actually was a lot better than now.
People who WORKED FOR HIM, on his STAFF and in his CABINET, have said he is not very intelligent, and worse.

They have warned against him being elected again. Most of his former cabinet refuse to endorse him. This has NEVER happened, EVER, in America. EVER.

You're on "the internet" right now. You could "look it up". But you won't. You'll just deny it, because you want to think you know better than them.
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I'm not running for president, genius. You're just triggered because I believe your candidate is horrible. Too bad.
So the way you see things, just those not running to be president need to be worth many billions of dollars? I never believed you are running for president. Did I tell you my IQ score told to me by the Army? You seem to know what they rated me. Oh, do not worry. I am not triggered for solid reasons.
So the way you see things, just those not running to be president need to be worth many billions of dollars? I never believed you are running for president. Did I tell you my IQ score told to me by the Army? You seem to know what they rated me. Oh, do not worry. I am not triggered for solid reasons.

Britney Spears is worth a billion dollars or so.

Is she smart???

What about LeBron?
I know of someone who thought he bought Jon Voight's car, but alas it was owned by a periodontist named John Voight.
So the way you see things, just those not running to be president need to be worth many billions of dollars? I never believed you are running for president. Did I tell you my IQ score told to me by the Army? You seem to know what they rated me. Oh, do not worry. I am not triggered for solid reasons.
I don't give any fucks. :rolleyes: You're nothing special to me.
Clearly, to handle the corruption in DC, we need a President who actually can figure out what the corruption is, not one who brags

"We did a fantastic job with covid and we don't get the credit"

two years after the DEEP STATE COVID FRAUD was used to force ABSENTEE BALLOTS to cheat Trump out of a second term.

Donald Trump is just flat out too dumb and egotistical to even begin to threaten "DEEP STATE" and will undoubtedly fail in his second attempt, if he gets it, because he is completely out of his league.

The person most responsible for handcuffing America's future to this moron is Jon Voight, the first one after the 2020 election to say

"only Trump can lead us out of this"

which translates into WE WILL NEVER GET OUT THIS

Jon Voight put the final nail in America's coffin.

WE NEED SOMEONE WITH AN IQ OVER 100, NOT "We did a fantastic job with covid"


I take it Trump won't be getting your vote. You are old enough to vote aren't you? Here let me help.


Tiger laughing.jpg
I know of someone who thought he bought Jon Voight's car, but alas it was owned by a dentist named John Voight.
The Actor Drove a White VW convertible Rabbit for many years ( Saw him in Beverly Hills & Century City a lot he almost ran over My GF & Me as we stepped off sidewalk into Crosswalk in Beverly Hills In around 1988 )
People who WORKED FOR HIM, on his STAFF and in his CABINET, have said he is not very intelligent, and worse.

They have warned against him being elected again. This has NEVER happened, EVER, in America. EVER.

You're on "the internet" right now. You could "look it up". But you won't. You'll just deny it, because you want to think you know better than them.
This is a report by one of the Trump administration press enemies. I have admitted many times that the reason why Democrats Press deny they are why Trump lost, There is tons and tons of proof the massive campaign for Biden was staged by the media. We read attacks by the media still and from about the time Trump first announced his desire to be president.

"While there are many administration officials who resigned or were fired and still remain loyal to their former boss, there are also several who have become vocal in their dissent of the current commander-in-chief.

Some of those once in his innermost circle have described an impulsive president who disregards advice and lacks adult sensibilities.

Others have questioned his motivations and ability to lead.

All White Houses find themselves confronting the odd tell-all memoir or interview from a jaundiced aide. But Trump, who is famous for demanding loyalty, has not appeared to inspire great confidence in those who quit or were dismissed from his administration.

Those officials aren’t just comprised of holdovers from the Obama administration, staff compelled to testify under oath, or career intelligence and Justice Department officials Trump has dubbed as being part of the so-called “deep state.”

There’s a long list of allies-turned-critics that includes several of the men and women Trump hand-selected to lead agencies across the federal government. Here’s a working list."

This is a report by one of the Trump administration press enemies. I have admitted many times that the reason why Democrats Press deny they are why Trump lost, There is tons and tons of proof the massive campaign for Biden was staged by the media. We read attacks by the media still and from about the time Trump first announced his desire to be president.

"While there are many administration officials who resigned or were fired and still remain loyal to their former boss, there are also several who have become vocal in their dissent of the current commander-in-chief.

Some of those once in his innermost circle have described an impulsive president who disregards advice and lacks adult sensibilities.

Others have questioned his motivations and ability to lead.

All White Houses find themselves confronting the odd tell-all memoir or interview from a jaundiced aide. But Trump, who is famous for demanding loyalty, has not appeared to inspire great confidence in those who quit or were dismissed from his administration.

Those officials aren’t just comprised of holdovers from the Obama administration, staff compelled to testify under oath, or career intelligence and Justice Department officials Trump has dubbed as being part of the so-called “deep state.”

There’s a long list of allies-turned-critics that includes several of the men and women Trump hand-selected to lead agencies across the federal government. Here’s a working list."

So all these people are lying?

What, are they jealous?

Do they hate America?

Are they being paid by Soros?

Or is it just that you and MAGA have been FOOLED by the most obvious con man in the history of the country?

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