So What Does the Rest of the World think About a Second Trump Presidency?

Trump's second term could be great if the MSM, the government, and people got behind him. If they fight him at every turn, like they have been doing since 2016, the chaos will be on them. But since Trump stands between them and their ill-gotten money and power, there's little to no chance of them ever standing with him. MAGA
Have you spent much time in Europe? They seem happier to me. But, that may be culture and education.
A couple of factors;
1) Most European nations are still rather homogeneous, not blended diversity of races and ethnics (yet).
2) More importantly, most European nations are living off of more debt passed onto their next generations than the USA. Freely spending their 'children and grandchildren's futures' for today's comfort and pleasures.
There's a huge difference between a patriot and a nationalist.

Zionism is Jewish Nationalism. Muslim Brotherhood is Arab Nationalism... The Nazis were German Nationalists. Do you ever think? 🤔
A true Nationalist is a Patriot since they seek to protect and advance their OWN nation, before aiding and/or advancing any other nations.

Nationalism comes in a variety of "flavors". Main point is putting the needs and interests of your own Nation before that of other nations.

Regarding your examples, "Muslim Brotherhood" is another flavor of Internationalism since it is working within local 'nationalism' to advance a global agenda of "religious state internationalism" ~ the Dar-el Islam = World of Islam. In Islam, the State and Religion are meant to be one, united; and to reach beyond secular interpretations of national borders/boundaries. Islam's goal is a global Sharia State here government is an instrument of the Religious agenda and order.

This underscores how "nationalism" can be a device for evolving into an internationalism movement and organization=agenda.

In a similar vein, Marxist-communism was also known as international socialism=communism since it's goals was to apply the same methods and systems used in Russia to other nations across the world. Means what started as a local "nationalist/nationalism" effort became a foundation for an international agenda and goal.

Do you ever think in further depth ?! :eusa_think:
Look at the internationalists running the EU right now.
You think their citizens are happy with how they're running things?

There are only days remaining befiore that garbage is on the land- fill site .

Scholz is doomed , Macron buried up to his neck and Sunak floating like the last turd in a flushed toilet .

If there is an EU in five years time I will be more than surprised but essentially there is no difference in final short term outcome for the US and EU .

Both are sinking now .
Have you spent much time in Europe? They seem happier to me. But, that may be culture and education.
Are you sure about that?

German woman given harsher sentence than rapist for calling him ‘pig’​

A woman in Germany has been given a harsher sentence than a convicted rapist after she was found guilty of defaming him.

Maja R, a 20-year-old from Hamburg, called him a “disgraceful rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, defamatory under German law.

He was one of nine attackers who gang-raped a 15-year-old girl in a Hamburg park in 2020, in a case that shocked the city.

Maja R was sentenced to a weekend in jail for her verbal attacks. The rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no prison time due to his age.

The sentence has sparked anger over what critics see as the flaws in Germany’s judicial system, with disproportionate punishment for defamation.

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