Trumps many convictions - threat to world peace

These are racking up now and creating problems for Americas allies in Europe.
How can we share info with a crook / fraudster/ rapisr.

In Nato the countries share info but I think many will be unwilling to do so when the US has unstable leadership. That puts the US at risk and lessens our defences. His instability marks him out as a risk.

His crush on Putin is a real threat to the baltic states

When the leader of the free world cant be trusted we have a problem.

Alliances matter. They are based on trust. Trump never understood that. Last time Americas al;ies
just laughed at him but the world has changed.

What world peace? We've got two wars and a third brewing on the far eastern horizon. I guess we shouldn't fear since we have Brandon at the helm.
I dont expect a coherent response from a trumper.
What was incoherent? We've got two wars and according to people like you, a genocide all started on Brandon's watch. China on seeing Brandon's obvious weakness has an opportunity to try to take Taiwan.

But the kangaroo court convictions are the real threat to world peace. Sorry, but that is categorically idiotic, even by your standards.

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