A Conservative Third Party Movement?

please Ed

you have people here, you included it seems who believe we'd all still be driving on dirt roads if not for the federal government.

I don't think we'd be driving on roads at all were it not for a government to be honest.

And I daresay that no one traveled too fast in 1919. And was that time solely the drive time or does it include stops for speeches and piss breaks?

It was a military convoy. The averaged 6 MPH on mostly dirt roads. Their vehicles could have averaged 30 MPH on decent roads back then.

I'd have no problem if the exorbitant amount of taxes I pay on gasoline in my state stayed in my state to actually fix the roads.

Depending on what state you're in you're either getting more benefits back from those taxes or less. Here in Maine I expect that we're getting more, thanks to the people in places like California and New York who pay more than they get back.

But instead it goes to super corrupt projects like the big dig, or some other graft and nepotism laden federal government project guaranteed to cost twice as much as estimated.

Yes, government corruption is always a problem of governments, no doubt about that.

Personally I'd rather pay a quarter every time I hopped on the highway than to pay endless taxes that never seem to go where the government says the money will go.

Oh? We've migrated from a specific issue of public roads to the more general issue of government have we?


Because you know damned well that sans public infra structure it wouldn't work, perhaps?

The problem is that there is absolutely no accounting for where the money goes.

Total libertarian blather.

Let's see exactly how much money was collected in gas taxes and let's see where every dime was spent. If these taxes are supposed to be specifically for roads then just "show me the fucking money" and where it goes.

Your wish is my command, amigo.

Department of Transportation
Highway Trust Fund
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of September 30, 2006
(Dollars in Thousands)

Assets:Intragovernmental:Fund Balance with Treasury$ 4,431,555 Investments10,997,655 Accounts Receivable30,536 Advances and Prepayments (Note 3)72,364 Total Intragovernmental15,532,110 Accounts Receivable8,028 General Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Note 2)101,070 Advances and Prepayments (Note 3)118,982 Total Assets$ 15,760,190 Liabilities:Intragovernmental:Accounts Payable$ 40,438 Other (Note 6)112,096 Total Intragovernmental152,534 Accounts Payable71,945 Federal Employee Benefits (Note 5)11,974 Grant Liability3,556,098 Other (Note 6)96,049 Total Liabilities (Note 4)3,888,600 Net Position:Cumulative Results of Operations - Earmarked Funds11,871,590 Total Liabilities and Net Position$ 15,760,190

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

I just don't understand why the Conservatives haven't got up an anti-government movement. The circus has left town here, but a permanent third party of Conservatives preaching--literally!--that people should not have medicare, Socialist Security, funding for local projects, NASA and all those other government programs would be a hoot. The exception of course would be the increased military spending.

Why can't Conservatives do this? That Palin clown could be the leader of the party, with Rush Limpdick as a sound board for them to abolish all government spending not related to making more wars.

Why not?

I can't understand why the left continues to rely on the Democratic Party, which is a party of centrists, not liberals, not "progressives", not the left.

Obama's term in office will make this abundantly clear.
I don't think we'd be driving on roads at all were it not for a government to be honest.

It was a military convoy. The averaged 6 MPH on mostly dirt roads. Their vehicles could have averaged 30 MPH on decent roads back then.

Depending on what state you're in you're either getting more benefits back from those taxes or less. Here in Maine I expect that we're getting more, thanks to the people in places like California and New York who pay more than they get back.

Yes, government corruption is always a problem of governments, no doubt about that.

Oh? We've migrated from a specific issue of public roads to the more general issue of government have we?


Because you know damned well that sans public infra structure it wouldn't work, perhaps?

Total libertarian blather.

Your wish is my command, amigo.

well maybe you can tell me which number is the total tax revenue and where and on what those dollars were spent. I don't see that info on that page.

If I gave a summary like that to the IRS for my business, it wouldn't hold up for a minute.
In 2006, the estimated per day consumption of gasoline was 386,000,000 gallons per day.

The federal gas tax is $0.184 per gallon.

The daily tax revenue from the federal gas tax in 2006 was $71,024,000 or $25,923,760,000 annually

Now tell me where that money went.
I can't understand why the left continues to rely on the Democratic Party, which is a party of centrists, not liberals, not "progressives", not the left.

Obama's term in office will make this abundantly clear.

Because there really is no left in power, BAC, isn't that as obvious to you as it is to me?

What these people of a conservative bent typically think of as "the left" is generally organizations run by the some of the wealthiest most well connected people in America.

This class of scion is no more interested in creating a land of with REAL social and fiscal justice than the most avericious neo-con you or I could name.

I have YET to meet any well funded scion, not even those who claim to be communists, who will sign onto the editecian 100% death tax, have you?

Likewise I have YET to meet any self proclaiming self made man who was willing to sign onto such a system even when I point out that such a system would eliminate ALL other taxes combined.

The right AND THE LEFT in this nation are a fucking joke, BAC.

Only I'm not laughing.
In 2006, the estimated per day consumption of gasoline was 386,000,000 gallons per day.

The federal gas tax is $0.184 per gallon.

The daily tax revenue from the federal gas tax in 2006 was $71,024,000 or $25,923,760,000 annually

Now tell me where that money went.

I just showed you were it went, amigo.

You give me estimates (based on what I don't know) I give you the real numbers.

Now unless you tell me there's a conspiracy, (and I won't entirely dismiss that theory if you do) then this discussion has pretty much run its course.
Because there really is no left in power, BAC, isn't that as obvious to you as it is to me?

What these people of a conservative bent typically think of as "the left" is generally organizations run by the some of the wealthiest most well connected people in America.

This class of scion is no more interested in creating a land of with REAL social and fiscal justice than the most avericious neo-con you or I could name.

I have YET to meet any well funded scion, not even those who claim to be communists, who will sign onto the editecian 100% death tax, have you?

Likewise I have YET to meet any self proclaiming self made man who was willing to sign onto such a system even when I point out that such a system would eliminate ALL other taxes combined.

The right AND THE LEFT in this nation are a fucking joke, BAC.

Only I'm not laughing.

How does denying one progenitors of inheritance create "real social and fiscal justice"

You make it sound like people who leave a legacy to their progeny have committed a crime.
How does denying one progenitors of inheritance create "real social and fiscal justice"

It eliminates the advantages of class.

You make it sound like people who leave a legacy to their progeny have committed a crime.

No, I don't.

But you can read into that proposal whatever your deluded head finds most comforting.
I just showed you were it went, amigo.

You give me estimates (based on what I don't know) I give you the real numbers.

Now unless you tell me there's a conspiracy, (and I won't entirely dismiss that theory if you do) then this discussion has pretty much run its course.

no you didn't.

You showed me a summary balance sheet that in no way tells me what that money was spent on.
People like Orange_Juice post this crap because they WISH it would be like that... it is the only way to validate their stances and the only way to truly vilify conservatives....

It is obvious because they are told and shown, time and time again, what conservative stances and proposals are... yet they keep coming back to these myths and fairy tales

You took your chance to correct the record here by flinging nonsense insults?

no you didn't.

You showed me a summary balance sheet that in no way tells me what that money was spent on.

You're more than free to continue digging deeper into that website if you want additional answers.

You asked where the money went and I showed you how much was brought in and how much was spent.
We do not have a class system in this country. You can start at any point on the socio-economic scale and arrive at any other point by virtue of your skill and effort or lack thereof.

Yes and for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.


You're not the only one who believes in fairy tales.
You took your chance to correct the record here by flinging nonsense insults?


For we have stated time and time and time and time and time again.... we have posted them non-stop.. yet ones like the troll Orange_Juice continue to ignore those stances and principles, to try and replace them with his warped view of what he wishes them to be, in a stupid attempt to warp reality and validate his warped stances....
Then why did the R voters not flock to Paul?

I say any conservative who is not FURIOUS with the GOP for what they did to Dr. Paul is a hypocrite. And anyone who just blew it off and fell in line and voted for McCain is a fool. Because blacklisting Dr. Paul was proof the GOP is not about fiscal responsibility.

I thought the Democrats would do the same thing to Obama. Go with Hillary despite the voters wishes. This is another way the Dems are different. Yes they could have went with Hillary instead of going with Obama, but they didn't. Republican polls said Dr. Paul was winning debates. Next thing you know he sort of disappeared. And where his name was on the ballot, only 1% voted for him, so what does that tell you? Republican voters are being brainwashed/manipulated.

The only reason Dr. Paul is a Republican is the same reason Sarah Palin is a Republican and not a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. You can't accomplish anything in American politics unless you are in one of the 2 parties. So Dr. Paul stays a Republican and Palin can do more for Alaska in the GOP than she can in the AIP. :eusa_shhh:

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