Time to find a new party

He's not really on a fence.
He simply doesn't participate.
Which is his right.
I participate. I'm just not voting for a shitty candidate on purpose. If you want to do that, it's your choice. But I think it's a mistake. It's driving us into a hole.
And again - Well, you would know since you support the orange douchebag. :itsok:
You support a con man
Which one? Biden or Trump?
The only one Jo Biden
Everybody sing, "It's different when we do it!"
Well, you would know since you support the orange douchebag. :itsok:
Which means he wants a party that is fiscally conservative, which is NOT the Forward party.

I don't see any other way to stop the madness that's going on with debt, spending, inflation, outsourcing, automation or immigration.

Republicans always campaign on cutting spending. And for the most part, those broken promises work. I'm just a little surprised they've worked for as long as they have. Because the GOP doesn't have anything to brag about when it comes to fiscal responsibility. They simply blame it on the left, as if the left were solely responsible.
Translation: another one voting Killary and Obiden. got it. Mark the tape//
I am doing exactly what you do, vote for the candidate of my choice. If you don’t like it, maybe you people need to put up better candidates. This is on you, not me.
I know it is less than a 11 billion dollars a year, as was proven by my link.

Feel free to prove my link wrong, but I went to the source for my data.
Just cause you don't see spending in your link don't mean it ain't being spent.

That is the problem when you use Google to support your opinion, Google/Democrats through the media gave you the idea in the first place and then when you Google to confirm, oh my God, they say you are right.

Tax credits are a funny thing, they are sold after a company receives them. It is a genuise way for the government to spend money. They give a trillion dollars in tax credits, which are bought and sold and hence profited on.

Each green economy corporation receives the credits, sells them for tens of millions, hundreds of millions. They use that money to pay off the executives and investors. The corporation that buys them, gets hundreds of millions, billions they never ever pay in taxes.

We will never see the cost of tax subsidies or the PTC, production tax credit in the budget. We just won't receive the trillion dollars in taxes.

Green energy is costing the USA a fortune.goldman sacks says so


Tax Foundation
https://taxfoundation.org › Blog
Repealing Inflation Reduction Act Green Energy Tax Credits: Analysis

Jun 7, 2023 — Repealing Inflation Reduction Act green energy tax credits would raise $663 billion, JCT projects. See Inflation Reduction Act energy tax ...


What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022

Oct 24, 2022 — The Inflation Reduction Act contains $500 billion in new spending and tax breaks that aim to boost clean energy, reduce healthcare costs

Wall Street Journal
Opinion | The Real Cost of the Inflation Reduction Act Subsidies: $1.2 Trillion

Mar 24, 2023 — The Congressional Budget Office forecast that the IRA's energy and climate provisions would cost $391 billion between 2022 and 2031, but this

The US is Poised for an Energy Revolution

Apr 17, 2023 — The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will spur about $3 trillion investment in renewable energy technology that could double the amount of ..

Council on Foreign Relations
What the Historic U.S. Climate Bill Gets Right and Gets Wrong

Aug 17, 2022 — The Inflation Reduction Act promises the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history—$370 billion—and could lead to significant ...

https://www.nasdaq.com › articles
Passing the $1 Trillion Mark: The Inflation Reduction Act and the Future ...



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Just cause you don't see spending in your link don't mean it ain't being spent.

Ahhh, so your trillion dollar amount is over the course of 10 years.

Which puts it well under what we spend on Defense.

Thanks for proving me correct yet again.
I don't see any other way to stop the madness that's going on with debt, spending, inflation, outsourcing, automation or immigration.

Republicans always campaign on cutting spending. And for the most part, those broken promises work. I'm just a little surprised they've worked for as long as they have. Because the GOP doesn't have anything to brag about when it comes to fiscal responsibility. They simply blame it on the left, as if the left were solely responsible.
Same thing happens with the immigration problem. I read some of their demands regarding this recently and they were laughable. Sounds like they want to decrease the problem from the high tens of thousands per day to the low tens of thousands per day.
He already replied that that was the case. Please try to keep up.
You’re the one lost here. The OP took no issues with my reply’s or mentions of third parties. He threw out thumbs ups and replied respectfully. It was you taking issue and being an ass. So what’s your problem?

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