Time to find a new party

Time to find a new party​

I'm joining the Plisskin Party
That is why I support FC's. As few at they are, they're still at least trying. It just pisses me off when these RINO's campaign and make all these promises about how they're going to fight the left and control the lefts spending. But once elected, they're stuffing those omnibus bills with billons.

You are fringe
They are fringe
Fringe people don't set policy in a Representative Republic.
Yang wants to give people money for doing nothing. I don't see where anything the Forward Party wants is fiscally conservative. It's more like spend baby spend.
We already give people money for doing nothing one way or another: it’s just a matter of how that money circulates. I also never claimed that the Forward party was trying to be fiscally conservative. They are trying to be forward thinking
You are fringe
They are fringe
Fringe people don't set policy in a Representative Republic.

LoL.. Imagine being of the mindset that thinks trying to save the USD from collapse & saving the American people from inflation, huge interest payments and a possible currency collapse is "fringe."

Or that RINO's & liberals are not fringe.
Someone here says I'm fringe. LMAO..

As if the spending isn't.

Listen to this. Just listen.

We already give people money for doing nothing one way or another: it’s just a matter of how that money circulates. I also never claimed that the Forward party was trying to be fiscally conservative. They are trying to be forward thinking
The OP was talking about finding a party that is fiscally conservative. That's not the Forward party.
The OP was talking about finding a party that is fiscally conservative. That's not the Forward party.
That’s not how I read the OP. The poster may be fiscally conservative but the app was about third parties and whether any could compete with the two party system. I was giving an example of a movement that was starting for a new party
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.

For a very long time, Americans have stopped voting for anyone. They only vote against someone.

American politics are 100% an exercise in convincing people that the other candidate is totally evil and will cause a national catastrophe.

Nothing new here!
I won’t vote for the lesser of two evils, it a dumb way to vote. I vote third party and hope other people will wake up to the stupidity of a two party system.

Translation: another one voting Killary and Obiden. got it. Mark the tape//
That’s not how I read the OP. The poster may be fiscally conservative but the app was about third parties and whether any could compete with the two party system. I was giving an example of a movement that was starting for a new party
He specifically complained about both parties not being fiscally conservative.
That’s not how I read the OP. The poster may be fiscally conservative but the app was about third parties and whether any could compete with the two party system. I was giving an example of a movement that was starting for a new party
The OP was talking about finding a party that is fiscally conservative. That's not the Forward party.

It's about all of that. And then some.

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