Time to find a new party

Whatever. It's twisted, and shows how the two vested parties care more about their stranglehold on power than they do about the country they're suppose to represent. Thanks for displaying it so clearly.

I get that in unicorn land it works differently, but in the real world you have to have the votes to implement change, even change that you would like.
Sitting on the sidelines does not help.
We do not need to have a base in 85 different countries. This is a waste of money

We do not need to be the world's police force.

We do not need to invade countries that are not a threat to the US.

The military could easily cut 5% of its spending just by getting rid of the "use it or lose it" mentality when it comes to end of year spending.

As the Operations Chief for a marine FA-18 squadron if I had TAD money left by the middle of Sept I would get in trouble. I would send pilots on cross country trips not needed for training or readiness, but just to use money. Same went with supplies.

And every single unit in the military does this each and every year, spend every dime even if you do not need to or you might have your budget cut next year.
Yes, I was in the USMC as well, much can be saved in many different ways beyond what you stated.

Either way, we need submarines and that budget has been cut.

I hope you have the same concern about spending when it comes to green energy, which this year far exceeds the military budget, and green energy is proven a failure.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.

We don't have one.
We need an America First / Constitutional Party.

civil war pray.jpg
I get that in unicorn land it works differently, but in the real world you have to have the votes to implement change, even change that you would like.
Sitting on the sidelines does not help.

I just think it's awfully telling that, in two party whackoland, the true enemy isn't the partisan drones on the other side - it's people who think for themselves.
Leftism is a scourge across the globe that has killed 100 million, freed no one. There is nowhere to go to escape it. We need to start fighting back for real. Starting with Child Molester Joe

You may not agree that it is always a binary system, but at this point there really are only 2 choices.
Vote for the continued destruction of the country by The Democrat Party or do something to stop it.

There is no 3rd, 4th, or 5th choice.
I just think it's awfully telling that, in two party whackoland, the true enemy isn't the partisan drones on the other side - it's people who think for themselves.

You are thinking that you represent something that you don't.
That is what is telling.
Yes, I was in the USMC as well, much can be saved in many different ways beyond what you stated.

Nope, it sure is not

Either way, we need submarines and that budget has been cut.

We have plenty, they are not as useful or needed as they once were.

I hope you have the same concern about spending when it comes to green energy, which this year far exceeds the military budget,


You may not agree that it is always a binary system, but at this point there really are only 2 choices.
Vote for the continued destruction of the country by The Democrat Party or do something to stop it.

There is no 3rd, 4th, or 5th choice.

Yes, that at least in this country today we have two and only two choices has been the crux of my argument and why I stopped voting third party in 2020 when Democrats became an existential threat to our freedom and lives
I won’t vote for the lesser of two evils, it a dumb way to vote. I vote third party and hope other people will wake up to the stupidity of a two party system.
The problem about the two party system is that it honestly won't change voting for a third party...

IT is a fools game, you are just robbing the side who are closest to your idea of getting your support...

A real good example at the moment is going on in UK.... UK is one man one vote system which creates two parties...

Labour in the last conference (political parties have yearly conference) voted by 80% to push for preference voting, this is with their leader opposing it... Labour look locked in to win next election and this looks like a referendum will be called.

So why did they want it by 80%? Because UK has been a majority center left in every election for over the last 25 years. Tories just consolidate the center right. Tory polices in the UK has massive damage to there economy and their society. UK is loosing ground to EU through a number of Tory lead policies.
So the UK people want generally Center Left.. But they can agree on which left party to go for... This way if you vote center left you don't have to vote for Labour (or even the Labour candidate designated to your area), you get a choice...

So who is closer to giving you what you want?

Remember Turkeys don't vote for Christmas so don't expect the parties to want this... But look at the supporters..

Looking at it Dems Supporters seem more support than GOP Supporters but this one is quite non partisan and it changes by where you live..
The problem about the two party system is that it honestly won't change voting for a third party...

IT is a fools game, you are just robbing the side who are closest to your idea of getting your support...
You fools can't seem to get the message. In my view, Biden and Trump are both, far, far below any reasonable standards for leading the greatest country on earth. Whether one is "closer" to my values is irrelevant. They are both malignant. I refuse to vote for a bad candidate on purpose. Save your twisted sales pitch.
Provide a link for everyone of your statements. Every one. Until then it is obvious you are a liar.

Make sure you start with a link showing how much is spent on the green economy. If you disagree with the number I gave, that means you know the correct number, and have the links.

Per etiquette, those who demand links must link first, and link to prove every idea they present.

Once you catch up we can continue
So who is closer to giving you what you want?

Why did you post this link?
Provide a link for everyone of your statements. Every one. Until then it is obvious you are a liar.

Make sure you start with a link showing how much is spent on the green economy. If you disagree with the number I gave, that means you know the correct number, and have the links.

Per etiquette, those who demand links must link first, and link to prove every idea they present.

Once you catch up we can continue

You made a claim of fact, you cannot support it so you are dismissed as a liar.

There is not a trillion dollars a year going to any one thing, you are just a liar.

Sad, would expect more from a Marine
You made a claim of fact, you cannot support it so you are dismissed as a liar.

There is not a trillion dollars a year going to any one thing, you are just a liar.

Sad, would expect more from a Marine
No, you made a claim as fact, by your rule, you cannot support it so you dismiss yourself as a liar.

You prove, "the Marines need a few good men". Not all, just a few. Obviously you were a piss poor leader in the Corp, demanding your men do what you refuse to do..

No marine demands of another what the refuse to do. You demand links, go back and link your comments.

You think my numbers are wrong, lead by example give the real number, with a link.

Show us you were a marine with integrity. Or prove yourself not.
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No, you made a claim as fact, by your rule, you cannot support it so you dismiss yourself as a liar.

I will support anything you ask me specifically to do, just as I only asked you to support one thing, mostly because I know it is not true.

So, feel free to ask what specific things I said you would like supported. See, unlike you I can always back up my claims
I will support anything you ask me specifically to do, just as I only asked you to support one thing, mostly because I know it is not true.

So, feel free to ask what specific things I said you would like supported. See, unlike you I can always back up my claims
nope, you made claims, you never linked, that makes you a liar based on your "code"

If you know one thing is not true, you can only know that if you know the amount spent, and have a link, per your rules, so be that USMC leader you claimed you were. Give us what is spent this year on Green Energy and the link or links to prove it.
nope, you made claims, you never linked, that makes you a liar based on your "code"

Nope, my code is if you are asked to support a claim you should do so.

I only asked about a single one of your claims, not all of them.

I am more than happy to respond to any specific request you have

If you know one thing is not true, you can only know that if you know the amount spent, and have a link, per your rules, so be that USMC leader you claimed you were. Give us what is spent this year on Green Energy and the link or links to prove it.

Gladly. All you have to do is ask. Green Energy does not even make the top 10.

No, you made a claim as fact, by your rule, you cannot support it so you dismiss yourself as a liar.

You prove, "the Marines need a few good men". Not all, just a few. Obviously you were a piss poor leader in the Corp, demanding your men do what you refuse to do..

No marine demands of another what the refuse to do. You demand links, go back and link your comments.

You think my numbers are wrong, lead by example give the real number, with a link.

Show us you were a marine with integrity. Or prove yourself not.

Golfing Gator isn't a Democrat, but he is, and he isn't, and he is. His positions keep changing, his standards. If you want to wade through that crap go ahead, but I haven't found a point in it since he never stands by what he said from one conversation to another

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