Time to find a new party

The conservative way of handling this is for the government to stop spending more than it takes in.
Cut everything that's not a "have to do" kind of thing. You gotta pay social security benefits. You gotta pay for medicare. Those are a given. But cut out all the BS spending and reduce the size and scope of government to what only the US constitution allows.
No more pork. No more nation building and getting ourselves into wars FOR other countries. And no more a lot of things.

Then, and only then, after you cut all the BS spending, ways to make money that doesn't cost the American tax payer extra (Not like Trumps retarded trade war with China). I don't necessarily support nationalizing oil. But it would be something to consider.
Then you see how much the people need to be taxed. Maybe tax increases are what's needed.
Seems every time we get a tax cut, the value of the USD eats all of that up and we're right back to where we started. And the government ends up with more money.

Also, we need a federal Reserve who'll start taking money out of the economy to help reduce inflation. The Fed needs to go back to keeping the USD value in check. Because for the last 50 years, they've neglected that part of their responsibility.
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4T with revenue at about $3T.

Biden's Budgets are running about $7T with revenue about $4T.

Totally agree that we need to cut spending to 2019 levels, fix SS & Medicare, and then cut spending even more.
After that pass a new Balanced Budget Amendment.

Even then we are not good, the interest on the Debt will still be about $1T to $1.5T a year until we reduce that $33T Debt.

The bit where tax cuts reduce government income but do not contribute to the deficit.
That one always has me baffled.
Their "big lie" is that the tax cuts pay for themselves by growing the economy (GDP) so that the "pie" gets bigger and revenue increases.

The Trump tax cut didn't grow GDP at 5% as predicted. The GDP only grew about the average of 2% a year.
If I got to a grocery store and they only got tainted beef or tainted beef with sprinkles, I'm not choosing either
The fuck you aren't, if you know you ARE going to eat one of them, and you're in a room of 20 people who are going to vote to decide which one you eat.

You would be pretty stupid not to cast your own vote.
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Yes, if you cannot find evn a tiny difference why you prefer one over the other, you are just lazy. Or stubborn.
LOL. Call it what you want. Accuse me of being whatever horrible thing you can dream up. Get on your knees and beg - but none of it will change my mind. I'm not voting for your shitty candidate. If you want my vote, you'll have to do better.
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Look at all the Never-Trumper Biden supporting closeted D voting loons come in to trash Trump pretending they are against everything. “I declare I am ABOVE it all”. Better than common man who actually has to live and work here in America,
Nah. But way better than the shitstain partisans who keep electing crappy leaders. Thanks for nothing, jackass.
The fuck you aren't, if you know you ARE going to eat one of them, and you're in a room of 20 people who are going to vote to decide which one you eat.

You would be pretty stupid not to cast your own vote.
So which would you go with? Tainted beef, or tainted beef with sprinkles?


I guess the sprinkles? Would you actually eat the tainted beef, to prove your loyalty, or just scrape off the sprinkles?

I think I'd just skip a meal, but I'm not clever enough to understand the subtle logic of the two-party death spiral.
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Nah. But way better than the shitstain partisans who keep electing crappy leaders. Thanks for nothing, jackass.

All of DC is crappy mostly. Their playhouse, their way. Trump was one that wasn’t One of DEM.

Only so much one person can do To stop the Deep State installed by Obiden 1 yrs. now on Obiden round 2. This won’t end well. You are smart enough to know that one would hope?
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The most shameful "tell" of the lesser-of-two-evils con is that the partisans don't even try to pretend that their candidate is any good. Just that the other candidate is worse. They implicitly admit they've nominated shitty candidates, but try to browbeat us into voting for them anyway.

GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
Sorry but when was the GOP every Fiscal Conservatives?

GOP has been selling a line for decades but it bullshit.

Trump was telling everyone about how great the economy was but he was increasing borrowing the whole time...
MAGA supporters don't care about Fiscal Conservatism, they just don't care..
They care about it when a Democrat is in charge.

Massive reductions in Government Spending would tank the US economy. Can US control finances but they have look at increasing their tax revenue during booms (by increasing taxes) and then reducing them during recessions.. This is 101 macroeconomics...


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Sorry but when was the GOP every Fiscal Conservatives?
View attachment 871116

GOP has been selling a line for decades but it bullshit.

Trump was telling everyone about how great the economy was but he was increasing borrowing the whole time...
MAGA supporters don't care about Fiscal Conservatism, they just don't care..
They care about it when a Democrat is in charge.

Massive reductions in Government Spending would tank the US economy. Can US control finances but they have look at increasing their tax revenue during booms (by increasing taxes) and then reducing them during recessions.. This is 101 macroeconomics...

tired old Leftist CNN type hogwash. Not much to do with Trump. You’re posting Deep State activities.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
All you need to do is decide if you want order and stability returned or if you want a continuation of the disaster the Democrats are inflicting on the USA. It's not hard.
Yes, if you cannot find evn a tiny difference why you prefer one over the other, you are just lazy. Or stubborn.

I can find things I prefer about each of them. I can find things I dislike about each of them.

In the end, whichever one wins, nothing ever changes.
tired old Leftist CNN type hogwash. Not much to do with Trump. You’re posting Deep State activities.
Well this explains a lot...

We are actually discussing a serious topic and the MAGA guy bring up 'Deep State'

So tell us, how many working in the Deep State, how can I get a job in it...
How come they never have a single person telling us about them even though the are running the whole Government?
Are there Deep State in local Governement too...
What is the pay like? Do they do dental?
Oh my friggin god, bro. Congress & the senate passes an appropriations bill. The money in that BILL cannot be spent until one of two things happens.

1. The president signs the bill into law.
2. Or he veto's it, and the veto is overridden by congress

Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Just one. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough. He wanted more. If Trump was against all that spending, he would've vetoed more than just one. He signed many MANY spending bills. 3 of them were omnibus bills. There were regular spending bills (that spent too much. Like the NDAA). Then there were defense bills that were too much. Omnibus bills. There were all kinds of spending bills that he signed into law.

A fucking 4 year spending spree is what it was.
You are cracked

Defense bills that are too much? Now that there is about as ignorant as it gets.

We cut our budget for Virginia class submarines from 2 submarines a year to 1.

Is your position we should retire our entire fleet of submarines as the are getting old?

No Ohio class replacements?

I will address the rest of your comments after I see your reply here.
Nope, we don't have saints on my side of the aisle either but out-and-out con men?

For that, you need the Republican party. Do you think it is a coincidence that the biggest con men of the era - Trump & Santos ran under the Republican banner?
The biggest conman that has ever been in the white house is Jo Biden
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
I won’t vote for the lesser of two evils, it a dumb way to vote. I vote third party and hope other people will wake up to the stupidity of a two party system.

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