Time to find a new party

Look at all the Never-Trumper Biden supporting closeted D voting loons come in to trash Trump pretending they are against everything. “I declare I am ABOVE it all”. Better than common man who actually has to live and work here in America,
you are attributing the policies of Congress to Trump and only Trump

Assault the 2nd amendment, how did Trump do that.

Bump stock ban. Which was ruled 2 years later to be unconstitutional by a federal judge. He understood what "shall not be infringed" means.

Trump, not so much.

In fact, Trump is on record for saying "I like taking the guns first. And do due process later." <<<<When he was president.
You Trump supporters really don't know anything about Trump, do you? All y'all got is embellishments about how great Trump is. But with issue after issue, conservatives like me expose how you were either duped by Trump, or you simply didn't care that you were duped.

My god, if you'd pay attention to what Trumps record actually was, instead of what HE says it is, you'd have a lot better perspective on him. "The concept of Trump is much better than Trump." Y'all make him out to be some sort of fairy tale super hero. But he's nothing more than a north eastern democrat with a Republican label. (a RINO)]
and here you are, able to insult and denigrate, but unable to articulate facts, why is that?

You are conservative? Yet you do not support Trump? You denigrate Trump, but not with facts or issues, just with you feelings. Sonuds to me like you are RINO

Follow up with specifics
  • Funny
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The problem isn’t the GOP – the problem is failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma that advocates for reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

BS, tax cuts and regulations are only a miniscule fraction of why the US debt is $33 trillion.
What part of inflationary and deficit spending do you not understand?
"Find a new party"? You mean Biden's party? Maybe a 3rd party that won't count for anything? This is typical B.S. propaganda designed to split the republican vote. The funny thing is that only left wing democrats fall for it.
Trump will be demonized and cheated out of a win. Nikki Haley is "cheat proof".

Half a loaf is better than 4-more years of democrats.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; acknowledging these facts is not to ‘demonize’ Trump.
In fact, Trump is on record for saying "I like taking the guns first. And do due process later." <<<<When he was president.
and, you leave so much out of the comment, if you are a conservative, why are you censoring Trump and taking him out of context!

why is it, if yourstruly is conservative, yourstruly is purposely cherry picking a statement of Trump's? It is because yourstruly is not conservative when it comes to presenting the truth.

Trump specifically stated, "if a person is proven a threat", "take the guns first".

yourstruly, you believe and will fight for those who are proven threats to keep their guns.
Correct, he is NY Liberal masquerading as a conservative so people like you will vote for him

Trump is no ‘liberal’ – he is in fact a conservative; indeed, Trump is the product of conservatism: illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, a hateful bigot and racist, purveyor of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Trump is clearly not a liberal.
  • Fact
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Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; acknowledging these facts is not to ‘demonize’ Trump.
The treasonous acts, the historic crimes, are proven fabrications of the democrats. The overturning of an election? That riot and the vandalism of the Capitol was proven to be caused because the Police opened fired on the crowd with rubber bullets and tear gas, while the crowd had FBI and BLM leading the crowd into the Capitol building.
and here you are, able to insult and denigrate, but unable to articulate facts, why is that?

You are conservative? Yet you do not support Trump? You denigrate Trump, but not with facts or issues, just with you feelings. Sonuds to me like you are RINO

Follow up with specifics

You said Trump had no healthcare plan. I posted him explaining his healthcare plan. And I posted the Speakers own words defending the bill they were putting for and talking about how great it was going to be.
You said he didn't. I proved he did.

So If I through a something that offended you, whoopti-friggin-do. Life is hard. Wear a helmet.

And here's the thing with you Trumpbots. When proven wrong, you're reply isn't "well dang, I didn't know that. I must've missed that. I didn't realize Trump had a healthcare plan." Oh no. you completely ignore what was just proven to you. And then start throwing out BS like I'm not a conservative. And how I don't support Trump.

Of course I don't support Trump because he only claims to be a conservative. But does just the opposite of what actual conservatives do. He's a RINO. Period. End of story.

But don't take it personal. A lot of people are still duped by Trump. But now that you know the difference, the responsibility is on you.
The problem for the left is that they are desperate and divided about Ukraine, Israel and open borders but the criminal enterprise in the mainstream media tries to make it look like business as usual and the president is rational when people instinctively know Biden is on the wrong path.

Trump is no ‘liberal’ – he is in fact a conservative; indeed, Trump is the product of conservatism: illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, a hateful bigot and racist, purveyor of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Trump is clearly not a liberal.

You can't

Increase the debt ceiling twice, then suspend it 3 for 2 years
Spend $8 trillion in just 4 years
Fund gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Assault the 2A
Support government ran healthcare
Reauthorize legislation that allows the government to spy on Americans
Try to give the black community $500 billion just because they're black

..... And call yourself a conservative. There's just simply no way. Unless you're lying.

Me thinks you're one of those who are going to defend and support Trump, regardless of what he actually does.
The problem for the left is that they are desperate and divided about Ukraine, Israel and open borders but the criminal enterprise in the mainstream media tries to make it look like business as usual and the president is rational when people instinctively know Biden is on the wrong path.

That and 1000 other things.
You said Trump had no healthcare plan
I said we never got a healthcare plan from trump

you have a link to the trump healthcare plan? Other than a speech. Text is best, it is easily quotable.

The government has no business offering health care plans. Trump was wrong to do so, but still a great president.

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