Palm Beach prosecutor painted Epstein victims as prostitutes, grand jury records show

Taking young girl's across state lines makes it Federal.
The local Sheriff's investigation was rock solid. That's who had epstein nailed. The DA tanked it on purpose. The Feds got involved because the Sheriff begged them to get involved as a last resort. It was a local investigation from Day 1. This isn't "news" it's old and has been covered.

Cohen told Maddow that Trump believes “that Putin owns all of Russia and all of its wealth, and anything, like the purchase of this home, had to have been through or with the permission of Vladimir Putin.”Trump was convinced the real buyer of that house was Vladimir Putin.”
Asswipe the only reason the Feds got involved was because the local DA tanked the case on purpose. It wasn't a federal case.
It wasn't a federal case until it was. I'm not excusing the local yokals, I'm just pointing out the connections Trump has with Epstein, both personally and politically, with appointing one the prosecutors who let Epstein off to his Administration.
It wasn't a federal case until it was. I'm not excusing the local yokals, I'm just pointing out the connections Trump has with Epstein, both personally and politically, with appointing one the prosecutors who let Epstein off to his Administration.

Of all the things Trump did that is one of the biggest head scratchers. They had to know it was going to bring really bad publicity down on them.

Any decent person who knew what Acosta did wouldn't have anything to do with him. Then again, look at how the media still clings to every word Dershowitz has to say.
Of all the things Trump did that is one of the biggest head scratchers. They had to know it was going to bring really bad publicity down on them.

Any decent person who knew what Acosta did wouldn't have anything to do with him. Then again, look at how the media still clings to every word Dershowitz has to say.
They were right. Republicans and their voters don't actually care about their politicians connections to criminality, even child rape. These are just issues they use at the their convenience and pretend don't exist or weapons of the Deep State when they become inconvenient.
From 2018,

But the original villain in this story is former Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer.

Acosta shouldn’t have been in the position to consider the Epstein case. Krischer got it first, and it was handed to the Palm Beach County prosecutor on a platter by the Town of Palm Beach Police.

To the department’s credit, the town police treated Epstein’s use of underage girls for his sexual gratification as the serious crime it was.
As the article notes. Used as an alias.
You realize this is from 2016. That the complaint was filed and dismissed several times. That Katie Johnson refused to serve the complaint. That it was voluntarily withdrawn again, for the last time. The whole this was a phony from the beginning l
You realize this is from 2016.

Yes, it's in the article. I read it.

That the complaint was filed and dismissed several times. That Katie Johnson refused to serve the complaint. That it was voluntarily withdrawn again, for the last time. The whole this was a phony from the beginning l

Money can work wonders. It's why Epstein was able to get away with what he did for so long.
From 2018,

But the original villain in this story is former Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer.

Acosta shouldn’t have been in the position to consider the Epstein case. Krischer got it first, and it was handed to the Palm Beach County prosecutor on a platter by the Town of Palm Beach Police.

To the department’s credit, the town police treated Epstein’s use of underage girls for his sexual gratification as the serious crime it was.

Krischer was screwing underage girls? The villains here are Trump and Epstein.
Krischer was screwing underage girls? The villains here are Trump and Epstein.
Epstein raped kids, Trump didn't you lying sack of shit. Krischer let Epstein off of the hook. You are fucking retarded.
The failed complaint will have no more effect today than it did in 2016.

Well the Democrats made sure of that.

Aren't you even a little curious as to why Trump would make Acosta a part of his cabinet? People like this are supposed to be thoroughly vetted. He wasn't? No one cared? Quid pro quo? BLackmail?

No curiosity at all?
All you do is fucking lie.

One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14.

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, who is being identified by the pseudonym Jane, said on cross-examination that she met the future president in the 1990s at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14.

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, who is being identified by the pseudonym Jane, said on cross-examination that she met the future president in the 1990s at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

Jane didn’t allege any improper behavior by Trump

You forgot that part

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