A lesson to the colonies

That picture is from 2020 and has nothing to do with any election.

Are you always this dishonest or did you make an exception to hide your lack the balls to stand up for your words?
It had everything to do with the 2020 election. Violence in the summer of 2020 spiked just before the election courtesy of Democrats and blamed on Trump. It's what Democrats do. I would not expect a lying POS like yourself to admit it. Talk about lack of balls. lol
Yeah, not weeks afterwards so they could get the numbers then cheat enough to beat them.
UK and Canada gets results same night, official usually a day or 2 after, mainly due to 2 things. The ballot has a single choice. We vote for our MP. That's it. faster to process a single choice ballot. We also have a lot of polling stations. Any given polling station won't have a lot more than a thousand voters. And the votes are counted at the polling station.
Democrats won't peacefully handover power.

They don't need to. Instead, they spend all year planning to steal elections so the matter never even comes up.

It had everything to do with the 2020 election. Violence in the summer of 2020 spiked just before the election courtesy of Democrats and blamed on Trump. It's what Democrats do. I would not expect a lying POS like yourself to admit it. Talk about lack of balls. lol

The election had not even taken place yet, thus it had nothing to do with not having a peaceful transfer of power.

So, yes you are indeed this dishonest.

Good bye
We kicked those Brits out of the Colonies 250 years ago. Almost nobody in the U.S. understands the convoluted Brit system or gives a damn about it. What the hell is the Labor (with a U) party? I doubt if the conservative label means the same in the country formerly known as England as it does in the Colonies. We have enough problems with a crooked media that protects a demented president without worrying about a bunch of foreign politicians who still support a monarchy.
Yeah, not weeks afterwards so they could get the numbers then cheat enough to beat them.
Well, I don't know if cheating occurred or not, but in order to not allow any oxygen to such suspicions you need to have votes counted in short order, as it always has been done. Also, I will never have faith in computers for federal elections.

If I were Trump and the GOP I would demand the hiring of a team of Pen Testers (basically hackers) to test Dominion servers and voting machines. Why allow even a shred of concern with the process? Tabulate the votes asap and ensure proper security. At that point far fewer people would question results.
Yes I would recommeend the maga herd on here glance across the ocean to observe one of the cornerstones of what we call democracy.

We call it a "peaceful handover of power" and it has already happened in the UK after yesterdays election.
Sunak may be shit but he isnt squaking like a bitch after losing. He is respecting the will of the people.

Do have a look. It might heelp uou develop uour democracy . Maybe up to first world standards.

This is an example of what DID NOT happen in the U.S. Trump encouraged violence. He refused to accept his loss. Even after 60+losses in the courts, he lied about the "rigged election." Great Britain has set us an example.
This is an example of what DID NOT happen in the U.S. Trump encouraged violence. He refused to accept his loss. Even after 60+losses in the courts, he lied about the "rigged election." Great Britain has set us an example.
Sunaak actually apologised for his mess. Trump has never apologised for anything in his life. Mainly becaise he cant take responsibiliy.

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