Joe was bad, Trump was worse

if you don't think trump has cognitive decline then who is a sad state of affairs that this upcoming election who are too old and too addled to do their jobs..neither is in fit condition to be president but alas one is not a convicted felon and convicted sexual abuser..this country can survive 4 more years of Biden but not 4 more years of trump
One is an incestuous pervert and it is not Trump.
So the CHinese developed a germ that wouldn't kill Jews because Fauci told them to?

Yup, that doesn't sound even a little bit crazy.

Here's the reality, Covid killed Jews, and it killed Asian people. My wife's brother in China died from Covid.
I can't say.

But neither can you.

The MSM mischaracterized what he is saying about those studies.

. . . likewise, these are studies that deal with percentage chances, not absolutes.

Just because sickles cell anemia has a higher percentage chance to affect those in the black community, doesn't necessarily mean, no one outside of that community is affected by it.

You are doing what is called, a poisoning the well fallacy, because you are too intellectually dumbed down to understand any of this.
One is an incestuous pervert and it is not Trump.


That's fantastic.

I was disappointed Trump didn't address child care and got sidetracked. People can't afford a one income home with this inflation and also cannot afford childcare. It's terrible.
Do you think childcare is something the government should provide without cost?

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