A dad, his daughter and how a law abiding citizen protected his family with a gun.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....this story explains the difference between democrat criminals in democrat controlled inner cities, and normal, law abiding gun owners...

What Being a Dad with a Gun Taught My Daughter

Years ago, my daughter Samantha and I were home in the afternoon (she was off school, second grade, and I was home with her) when there was a loud knock on the front door. When I answered, I discovered that there were about a hundred cops, including SWAT (tactical truck and all) at my door and in my front yard. They did not look very happy.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I asked, as I got about a hundred hard stares from our new guests.

"Daddy, how many cops are out there?" Sam asked.

"All of them, I think..."

"Sir, there was a bank robbery, and we think the robber is hiding in your backyard," said a highly impatient and well armed young man at my door. "Could you open your backyard gate?" Well, I wasn't going to miss this, so I grabbed the key, and, with many cops accompanying me, we opened up the gate. Then I was shooed back into the house and told to stay down.

So I went back in the house and got Sam and my nice Ruger 9mm, and we sat down on the floor of the kitchen, because that's the place with the most walls between us and the outside world, which could be filled with bullets and anger at any moment.

While waiting, she asked me: "Daddy, what if the robber gets in our house?"

"Well, he would have to get past all those cops, and they all have guns, huh?"

"Yeah." She smiled for a moment but then got serious again.

"What if he gets past the cops somehow?"

"Well, he would have to get past the bars on the windows, huh?"

"What if he breaks the bars and gets in the house?"

"Well honey, what do you think will happen then?"

"You'll shoot him!"

"That's right." And then a peaceful smile came across her face, and we waited for the all-clear sign. Turns out the miscreant was not in our yard after all, but I was proud of the aggressiveness and professionalism of the local LEOs. I hope they got the guy.

We Americans grew up in a culture formed by the assumptions of the Gandhian sort of pacifism. We almost always feel guilty and somewhat tawdry when we consider using violence to solve problems because, after all, all violence is morally equal, right? And if we didn't believe that, and I certainly didn't, we at least knew that on some level, we had been "reduced to the level" of the robber by our willingness to use violence. Worst of all, we had inflicted our wicked world on an innocent child, who now knew that her dad was capable of picking up a gun and killing someone. Could she ever trust me again? Is it not frightening to learn that your dad has the potential to be a killer?

So I watched her closely, and in fact, I noticed that she trusted me more, and even had more affection for me after doing that than before.

Wait – weren't we taught that violence, or even the threat of violence, traumatizes children? That seeing Dad with a gun means that Dad might shoot someone with it?

Now, I am a lifelong shooter and a teacher of other lifelong shooters, and I am the last guy in the world to buy into all the "all violence is morally equal" rubbish, but I still found myself feeling as though it was true on some level. I would bet that many of you, in my shoes, would feel the same emotions. It's how we were raised.

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