A Democrat President Is About To Meet Putin...

If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And then he threatened to pull the us out of G7 if Russia was not readmitted following their expulsion over their invasion of Crimea.

See if this helps with your delusions:

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction
Ah, Poli......you didn't read what you were replying to, did you? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Leviticus: If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And Leviticus' memory is far, far better than yours. As he's exactly right. With the very report you're citing confirming that Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

What you called 'delusion' was confirmed by the very report you're citing.

And Trump shit on our Intelligence services in front of Putin, to repeat whatever Putin told him to think about Russian interference.

Of course Putin prefers Trump and the GOP. They're so easy to manipulate.....as you just demonstrated for us elegantly

No vulgarity, no matter how totally I have destroyed your worldview.

Laughing....sweetie, you can't even read what you're responding to. Again, from the very report you're citing:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

Russia interfered with our election. But rather than side with Americans and the US Intelligence Agencies, Trump and the GOP threw them under the bus, siding with Putin and Russia AGAINST the US. It was a national disgrace that a sitting president would side with RUSSIA over his own people. As John McCain made so obvious in his condemnation of Trump's failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

'Head down, ass up' diplomacy is all the GOP has to offer with Russia. Reagan would be disgusted.

Normal folks have learned that here is no 'intel community'.....it is simply an arm of the Wehrmacht.,,,,er, Democrats.
If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And then he threatened to pull the us out of G7 if Russia was not readmitted following their expulsion over their invasion of Crimea.

See if this helps with your delusions:

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction
Ah, Poli......you didn't read what you were replying to, did you? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Leviticus: If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And Leviticus' memory is far, far better than yours. As he's exactly right. With the very report you're citing confirming that Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

What you called 'delusion' was confirmed by the very report you're citing.

And Trump shit on our Intelligence services in front of Putin, to repeat whatever Putin told him to think about Russian interference.

Of course Putin prefers Trump and the GOP. They're so easy to manipulate.....as you just demonstrated for us elegantly

No vulgarity, no matter how totally I have destroyed your worldview.

Laughing....sweetie, you can't even read what you're responding to. Again, from the very report you're citing:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

Russia interfered with our election. But rather than side with Americans and the US Intelligence Agencies, Trump and the GOP threw them under the bus, siding with Putin and Russia AGAINST the US. It was a national disgrace that a sitting president would side with RUSSIA over his own people. As John McCain made so obvious in his condemnation of Trump's failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

'Head down, ass up' diplomacy is all the GOP has to offer with Russia. Reagan would be disgusted.

Normal folks have learned that here is no 'intel community'.....it is simply an arm of the Wehrmacht.,,,,er, Democrats.

Normal Americans don't side AGAINST American Intelligence Services and WITH Putin and Russia.

John McCain rightfully condemned Trump's betrayal of Americans and fundamental failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

No thank you, Poli. You can keep your 'head down, ass up' diplomacy. I'll stick with Americans over Putin any day.
Biden is torturing Trump supporters.
He's teaching anti-white propaganda in schools.
He's economically amd racially discriminating against white farmers.
He's discrimnating against white university students.
He refuses to disavow Antifa, who also killed Trump supporters.
He supports the racist and marxist BLM.
And people ask here why conservatives won't back him!!!

And more:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Meanwhile back in reality, you stand 100% behind the your fellow blob supporters who killed a cop, injured 140 more, and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
The cop was a Trump supporter who died of natural causes.
His corpse was used by hyenas to influence the impeachment.
Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
Yeah. No shit.
I wonder why.
Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts. When it's clear he does not...he trashes the experts. And you guys eat it up.

"Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts."

Watch me eviscerate you again:

This is Hussein.....very much the same sort of lying dolt as you are.....here, on intelligence briefings.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is ‘not briefed to him’ ‘ because, they say, he is ‘among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.’ That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

‘I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,’ Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. ‘I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.’

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers.
Obama: I?m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers | AEIdeas

Looks like you put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?
If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And then he threatened to pull the us out of G7 if Russia was not readmitted following their expulsion over their invasion of Crimea.

See if this helps with your delusions:

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction
Ah, Poli......you didn't read what you were replying to, did you? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Leviticus: If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And Leviticus' memory is far, far better than yours. As he's exactly right. With the very report you're citing confirming that Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

What you called 'delusion' was confirmed by the very report you're citing.

And Trump shit on our Intelligence services in front of Putin, to repeat whatever Putin told him to think about Russian interference.

Of course Putin prefers Trump and the GOP. They're so easy to manipulate.....as you just demonstrated for us elegantly

No vulgarity, no matter how totally I have destroyed your worldview.

Laughing....sweetie, you can't even read what you're responding to. Again, from the very report you're citing:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

Russia interfered with our election. But rather than side with Americans and the US Intelligence Agencies, Trump and the GOP threw them under the bus, siding with Putin and Russia AGAINST the US. It was a national disgrace that a sitting president would side with RUSSIA over his own people. As John McCain made so obvious in his condemnation of Trump's failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

'Head down, ass up' diplomacy is all the GOP has to offer with Russia. Reagan would be disgusted.

Normal folks have learned that here is no 'intel community'.....it is simply an arm of the Wehrmacht.,,,,er, Democrats.

Normal Americans don't side AGAINST American Intelligence Services and WITH Putin and Russia.

John McCain rightfully condemned Trump's betrayal of Americans and fundamental failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

No thank you, Poli. You can keep your 'head down, ass up' diplomacy. I'll stick with Americans over Putin any day.

There are no independent intelligence agencies any longer.

This is the level of "justice" the Democrat Deep State has permitted in America......

Here's what normal folks learned:

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.
Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
Yeah. No shit.
I wonder why.
Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts. When it's clear he does not...he trashes the experts. And you guys eat it up.

"Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts."

Watch me eviscerate you again:

This is Hussein.....very much the same sort of lying dolt as you are.....here, on intelligence briefings.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is ‘not briefed to him’ ‘ because, they say, he is ‘among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.’ That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

‘I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,’ Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. ‘I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.’

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers.
Obama: I?m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers | AEIdeas

Looks like you put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?
Your blob gets upset when he is shown to be an idiot. Which is why we had the sharpie event. Which is why we had so many people quit on him. Which is why he fired so many people who contradicted him. You get upset when your cult leader is called an idiot.

Nobody gives a shit about your walls of text, Jumbo.
Biden is torturing Trump supporters.
He's teaching anti-white propaganda in schools.
He's economically amd racially discriminating against white farmers.
He's discrimnating against white university students.
He refuses to disavow Antifa, who also killed Trump supporters.
He supports the racist and marxist BLM.
And people ask here why conservatives won't back him!!!

And more:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Meanwhile back in reality, you stand 100% behind the your fellow blob supporters who killed a cop, injured 140 more, and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

"Meanwhile back in reality, you stand 100% behind the your fellow blob supporters who killed a cop, injured 140 more, and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power."

None of that happened......Democrats lie about everything.



After nearly a month since his death there is no evidence Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from blunt force to the head on January 6th. Even CNN admits it’s more likely he died from the effects of chemicals sprayed into the crowd that day.

The media ran with the story that Officer Sicknick was beaten over the head with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters.

It was only later that the facts came out. Propublica reported that Sicknick told his brother he was merely pepper-sprayed. And according to Officer Sicknick’s family, he suffered from a blood clot and stroke and was on a ventilator, according to Western Journal.

Officer Brian Sicknick died on January 7th, the day after the Capitol protests and immediately the media reported he died from injuries caused by blunt force to the head on January 6th. But it is unlikely this occurred since after a month of investigations, there is no evidence this happened. We first reported on January 10th that Sicknick reportedly died from something other than getting hit on the head by a fire extinguisher:

UPDATE: DC Officer Sicknick’s Death was Driven by Medical Condition – Reports of Fire Extinguisher Attack Have Not Been Confirmed

CNN Even Admits There’s Still No Evidence Capitol Officer Sicknick Was Killed by Blunt Force to the Head on January 6th - WEATHER INTERNAL

“Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick

Investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case regarding fallen US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month's insurrection.

Authorities have reviewed video and photographs that show Sicknick engaging with rioters amid the siege but have yet to identify a moment in which he suffered his fatal injuries, law enforcement officials familiar with the matter said.

In Sicknick's case, it's still not known publicly what caused him to collapse the night of the insurrection. Findings from a medical examiner's review have not yet been released and authorities have not made any announcements about that ongoing process.

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.” Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick

Five died….three of natural causes, Ashley Babbit was shot by police, and Officer Sicknick…

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
Yeah. No shit.
I wonder why.
Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts. When it's clear he does not...he trashes the experts. And you guys eat it up.

"Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts."

Watch me eviscerate you again:

This is Hussein.....very much the same sort of lying dolt as you are.....here, on intelligence briefings.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is ‘not briefed to him’ ‘ because, they say, he is ‘among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.’ That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

‘I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,’ Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. ‘I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.’

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers.
Obama: I?m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers | AEIdeas

Looks like you put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?
Your blob gets upset when he is shown to be an idiot. Which is why we had the sharpie event. Which is why we had so many people quit on him. Which is why he fired so many people who contradicted him. You get upset when your cult leader is called an idiot.

Nobody gives a shit about your walls of text, Jumbo.

No vulgarity no matter how deeply I've wounded you.
Biden is torturing Trump supporters.
He's teaching anti-white propaganda in schools.
He's economically amd racially discriminating against white farmers.
He's discrimnating against white university students.
He refuses to disavow Antifa, who also killed Trump supporters.
He supports the racist and marxist BLM.
And people ask here why conservatives won't back him!!!

And more:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Meanwhile back in reality, you stand 100% behind the your fellow blob supporters who killed a cop, injured 140 more, and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

"Meanwhile back in reality, you stand 100% behind the your fellow blob supporters who killed a cop, injured 140 more, and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power."

None of that happened......Democrats lie about everything.



After nearly a month since his death there is no evidence Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from blunt force to the head on January 6th. Even CNN admits it’s more likely he died from the effects of chemicals sprayed into the crowd that day.

The media ran with the story that Officer Sicknick was beaten over the head with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters.

It was only later that the facts came out. Propublica reported that Sicknick told his brother he was merely pepper-sprayed. And according to Officer Sicknick’s family, he suffered from a blood clot and stroke and was on a ventilator, according to Western Journal.

Officer Brian Sicknick died on January 7th, the day after the Capitol protests and immediately the media reported he died from injuries caused by blunt force to the head on January 6th. But it is unlikely this occurred since after a month of investigations, there is no evidence this happened. We first reported on January 10th that Sicknick reportedly died from something other than getting hit on the head by a fire extinguisher:

UPDATE: DC Officer Sicknick’s Death was Driven by Medical Condition – Reports of Fire Extinguisher Attack Have Not Been Confirmed

CNN Even Admits There’s Still No Evidence Capitol Officer Sicknick Was Killed by Blunt Force to the Head on January 6th - WEATHER INTERNAL

“Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick

Investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case regarding fallen US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month's insurrection.

Authorities have reviewed video and photographs that show Sicknick engaging with rioters amid the siege but have yet to identify a moment in which he suffered his fatal injuries, law enforcement officials familiar with the matter said.

In Sicknick's case, it's still not known publicly what caused him to collapse the night of the insurrection. Findings from a medical examiner's review have not yet been released and authorities have not made any announcements about that ongoing process.

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.” Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick

Five died….three of natural causes, Ashley Babbit was shot by police, and Officer Sicknick…

None of that happened....

Yeah, you're as delusional as you are dishonest. Diabetes is a bitch...it's causing you to lose what's left of your mind Tubby.
Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
Yeah. No shit.
I wonder why.
Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts. When it's clear he does not...he trashes the experts. And you guys eat it up.

"Because your blob thinks he knows better than actual experts."

Watch me eviscerate you again:

This is Hussein.....very much the same sort of lying dolt as you are.....here, on intelligence briefings.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is ‘not briefed to him’ ‘ because, they say, he is ‘among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.’ That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

‘I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,’ Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. ‘I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.’

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers.
Obama: I?m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers | AEIdeas

Looks like you put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?
Your blob gets upset when he is shown to be an idiot. Which is why we had the sharpie event. Which is why we had so many people quit on him. Which is why he fired so many people who contradicted him. You get upset when your cult leader is called an idiot.

Nobody gives a shit about your walls of text, Jumbo.

No vulgarity no matter how deeply I've wounded you.
The only thing you've ever wounded were your bedsprings.
Joe will call him Gorby and then meet with handlers for 15 mins and restart with big print notes
If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And then he threatened to pull the us out of G7 if Russia was not readmitted following their expulsion over their invasion of Crimea.

See if this helps with your delusions:

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction
Ah, Poli......you didn't read what you were replying to, did you? Try again, this time reading for comprehension:

Leviticus: If I recall correctly, Trump Met Putin by publicly denouncing all us intelligence workers as Liars and saying that he did not believe them when they told him Russia was responsible for the interference in the 2016 election.

And Leviticus' memory is far, far better than yours. As he's exactly right. With the very report you're citing confirming that Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

What you called 'delusion' was confirmed by the very report you're citing.

And Trump shit on our Intelligence services in front of Putin, to repeat whatever Putin told him to think about Russian interference.

Of course Putin prefers Trump and the GOP. They're so easy to manipulate.....as you just demonstrated for us elegantly

No vulgarity, no matter how totally I have destroyed your worldview.

Laughing....sweetie, you can't even read what you're responding to. Again, from the very report you're citing:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. "

Russia interfered with our election. But rather than side with Americans and the US Intelligence Agencies, Trump and the GOP threw them under the bus, siding with Putin and Russia AGAINST the US. It was a national disgrace that a sitting president would side with RUSSIA over his own people. As John McCain made so obvious in his condemnation of Trump's failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

'Head down, ass up' diplomacy is all the GOP has to offer with Russia. Reagan would be disgusted.

Normal folks have learned that here is no 'intel community'.....it is simply an arm of the Wehrmacht.,,,,er, Democrats.

Normal Americans don't side AGAINST American Intelligence Services and WITH Putin and Russia.

John McCain rightfully condemned Trump's betrayal of Americans and fundamental failure of leadership:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

No thank you, Poli. You can keep your 'head down, ass up' diplomacy. I'll stick with Americans over Putin any day.

There are no independent intelligence agencies any longer.

Says you, citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about. Meanwhile, the actual intelligence experts have a very different take:

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

But like Trump before you, you side with Putin and Russia AGAINST Americans and the US, mechanically repeating whatever Putin tells you to think. While throwing our patriots in the Intelligence services under the bus and you obediently think what Russia tells you to think.

McCain was spot on of his condemnation of Trump's betrayal of the US:

The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

And just as predictably.....you, Trump and the GOP side WITH Putin and AGAINST Americans.

No thank you, Comrade.



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‘Putin is no Gorbachev, and Biden certainly no Reagan’: Poland’s top diplomat hits Biden for ‘cascade of errors’

President Joe Biden’s team has committed “a cascade of errors” in the lead-up to his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the top Polish diplomat, who complained that Warsaw only learned “from the media" that the U.S. would waive sanctions on a major Russian pipeline project.

“Our American allies did not find time to consult with the region most exposed to the consequences of that decision,” Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said Friday.

Rau was critical of Biden’s relationship with Central and Eastern European allies, just as the new administration hopes to make a show of transatlantic unity following former President Donald Trump’s tempestuous tenure on Biden's first trip abroad. Yet, the Putin encounter looming at the end of that diplomatic tour casts a shadow over the alliance, as Biden's outreach to the western European capitals that clashed most with Trump involves policy concessions that alarm the allies who endured the tyranny of the Soviet Union.

“American-Russian-German dialogue is no substitute for consultations between America and its allies on NATO’s eastern flank, who will be particularly affected by these decisions,” Rau told Rzeczpospolita, a Polish media outlet. “It is easier for the Americans to talk to the Germans and the French, who won’t ask awkward questions and are willing to give the Americans the nod on Russia.”

All Biden has to do to wildly outperform Trump's incompetence......is side with America over Russia. That's how low the bar has been set after 4 years of blunders, betrayals, ignorance and pure inept failure.

As Trump when given the chance to side with Americans, to side with his OWN intelligence services.........instead sided AGAINST America, AGAINST Americans and with Putin. WIth Trump gleefully repeating whatever Putin told him to think.

McCain absolutely nailed it:

"The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

We've see what GOP 'leadership' looks like in the face of Russia. And it involves subservience, fawning praise of Vladimir Putin and betrayal of the American patriots of our Intelligence services, all while submissively repeating what Putin tells you.

Again, no thank you, Comrade.
Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
Sorry Vlad

Sorry, Vlad, there's a new sheriff in town, and he's NOT your puppet!​

May be an image of 2 people
May be a cartoon of 1 person, child, standing, bird, footwear and office

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.''Nobody else would lend Trump money because he's a fucking deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts. The only place he could get money was Russia, and instead of paying them back he gave them America. Bill Maher BUY AMERICAN! I DID. DONALD TRUMP IS THE BEST PURCHASE IEVER MADE.'
Our allies consider Biden "a breath of fresh air". And Putin prefers Trump.

That tells you everything you need to know about the failure of GOP 'head down, ass up' diplomacy with Russia.
What has Russia done that makes them an enemy?

You mean other than this?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.

The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

You know, Russia's senior most officials, like Vladimir Putin that Trump obsequiously fawned over, believing Put over our own Homeland Security Department and Director of National Intelligence. Obediently apeing whatever Putin told him to think while ignoring our own intelligence services.

Of course Putin preferred Trump and the GOP: they're so easily manipulated. They believe anything Putin tells them. Our allies on the otherhand, no so much. And our Allies consider Biden a breath of fresh air.

Demonstrating the idiocy of the GOP's 'head down, ass up' approach to Russia.
You had a lengthy investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and it was a nothing burger.

Laughing.....no, it didn't. The investigation confirmed that Russia meddled.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence ofRussian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response teampublicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releasesof hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases inOctober and November"

Remember.....you don't actually know what you're talking about.

And it was this same Russia that Trump obsequessly fawned over, naiveley believing everything that Putin told him about Russian interference in our election while throwing our own intelligence services under the bus. This is the GOP 'head down, ass up' diplomacy with Russia. And its a humiliating embarassment for our nation.

You are completely full of shixt! You're the one that does not know what you're talking about 90% of the so-called evidence was easily debunked upon close analysis. In addition to that Trump did nothing but destroy the Russian economy for four years despite whatever it is you think he may have said or not said his actions spoke 1,000 times louder than his words. If anything Russia interfered in the 2020 election and helped get Biden elected to take the pressure off of themselves. Biden on the other hand so far talks tough but is making torrents of concessions to Eastern Europe, Russia and China... For which he is no doubt being handsomely rewarded throughout European bank accounts under straw-man account names.
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.....it'd be best if his watchers reminded him of how a Republican President did it.

"SO ON WHOM or what do we bestow the title of the "evil empire's" killer? Was it Mikhail Gorbachev himself who pulled down what Lenin and Stalin had built up? It is tempting to finger Gorbachev, but this would ascribe too much wisdom and foresight to a man who wanted merely to reform, but not to relinquish, the empire. At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.

Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving. He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State: "Let's go, George. We're leaving." Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

Ronald Reagan, though dismissed by Europeans as a second-rate actor and fondler of cue cards, possessed that magic faculty that separates run-of-the mill politicos from history-molding leaders. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"

When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.'

Now......who did you vote for?
That's a one-question IQ test.
Did Pinochijoe bring the Obammy kneepads???

All Biden has to do to wildly outperform Trump's incompetence......is side with America over Russia. That's how low the bar has been set after 4 years of blunders, betrayals, ignorance and pure inept failure.

As Trump when given the chance to side with Americans, to side with his OWN intelligence services.........instead sided AGAINST America, AGAINST Americans and with Putin. WIth Trump gleefully repeating whatever Putin told him to think.

McCain absolutely nailed it:

"The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake,” McCain said in a statement. “President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

John McCain

We've see what GOP 'leadership' looks like in the face of Russia. And it involves subservience, fawning praise of Vladimir Putin and betrayal of the American patriots of our Intelligence services, all while submissively repeating what Putin tells you.

Again, no thank you, Comrade.

".... Trump's incompetence......"

Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency

The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported


Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel agencies.

Who did you vote for? This is a one question IQ test. You will fail.
thread killer

You should have waited for posts #7 & 8...

Now you look like fool.
No, Jumbo, you're the only one who looks like a fool. Your fellow blob took the side of Putin over his own intel agencies.


You weigh more than I do.

And I just schooled you.
You thought Reagan met with Putin and were unaware that your fellow blob believed Putin over his own intel agencies.

Don't worry......I'm here to help:

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.
8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.

Another custard pie in your ugly kisser again, huh?

Putin, former head of the KGB who was tied to meddling in our 2016 election, was trusted by Trump over his own intel agencies.

Your fellow blob and you are not patriots in any way, shape, or gigantic blobby form.

Now go lay down and torture your bedsprings some more tubby.

"Putin, former head of the KGB who was tied to meddling in our 2016 election,..." ...to help Hillary.

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


Oh....and Trump didn't have intel agencies.....they work for the Democrats.

The rest of us learned that......didn't you?

This is the level of "justice" the Democrat Deep State has permitted in America......

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.
Weird how The Democrats spent about a Billion Dollars to try to pin their crime of Russian Collusion on the man Putin was helping Hillary Clinton keep out of office.

Standard DemNazi M.O.

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