A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges

Right wing extremists are as thick as flies these days.

You can tell a full blown socialist when they think Obama is "very very moderate" and "probably more conservative than Nixon was". :eusa_whistle:
Right wing extremists are as thick as flies these days.

Yeah, silly us. Thinking life and family are important. We are extremists. Heck, we actually expect people to support the claims they make. How dumb is that?!?! Clearly, we should just accept what you're saying because you've said it. You don't need to put any more effort into the discussion than that.

Or you could be a grown up and actually have a discussion with people.
1983 and from the Daily Kos. :lol::lol::lol:

Failed Thread Already!

So using something from years ago against a candidate is bad, eh?



You're getting just like NY Carbineer with the "So you're saying" and "So you mean". Now it's "So using..."?

You think I'm going to fall into that trap?

Is a story that's been out there from the first time Romney ran actually going to sway anyone this time around and at this late date?

If you're that easily swayed by a 20 year old story from the Daily Kos...take the bait and vote for Obama.

I'm not interested in 20 years ago. I'm interested in the next 8 years.

Just pointing out your blazing hypocrisy. You had no trouble starting a topic about an old Obama video, using a highly partisan web site as your source.

Exactly the same thing you just called a FAIL! here.

Hypocrite. You have just been bitten in the ass by your own standard.

A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges
Oct 11, 2012
The two most disturbing stories in this excerpt of a new book are of Romney pressuring a woman to have a baby despite a life threatening condition where both doctors, and even the Mormon President of Stake of Massachusetts, recommended an abortion. In the second example, Romney is alleged to have threatened a divorced single woman with excommunication if she did not relent and give her young son up for adoption to a "proper" LDS familiy, but showed no similar concern for her African American daughter.
Daily Kos: A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges

Holy shit. I heard about this 3 months ago.

Next thing you'll know, we'll hear some ridiculous story about Mitt tying his dog to the roof of his car or something.


Romney Tie his dogs to the roof of his car?? Now that is Big NEWS!! Why isn't the mainstream media all over that one??!??!?:tongue:

They were, till they found out Obama ate a Dog.
So using something from years ago against a candidate is bad, eh?



You're getting just like NY Carbineer with the "So you're saying" and "So you mean". Now it's "So using..."?

You think I'm going to fall into that trap?

Is a story that's been out there from the first time Romney ran actually going to sway anyone this time around and at this late date?

If you're that easily swayed by a 20 year old story from the Daily Kos...take the bait and vote for Obama.

I'm not interested in 20 years ago. I'm interested in the next 8 years.

Just pointing out your blazing hypocrisy. You had no trouble starting a topic about an old Obama video, using a highly partisan web site as your source.

Exactly the same thing you just called a FAIL! here.

Hypocrite. You have just been bitten in the ass by your own standard.


So you're going to equate the two sources? You're going to equate the large disparity in the time frame? You're going to equate the subject matter of the two threads?

I see no hypocrisy whatsoever. What I see is a sore ass who didn't like what I said about his phony centrist bullshit.

Try addressing the content of the two threads. What I see is your FAILED response.

This from "Daily Kos" by "HOUNDOG"

"Geoffrey Dunn, the author of the award winning 'The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power', has just published a devastating expose of what he alleges is Mitt Romney's pattern of behavior of callous and disrespectful treatment of women, as well as Romney's use of psychological intimidation and bullying in his role as a Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, offering three vivid examples in Horror Stories: Mitt Romney's Shameful Record with Mormon Women."


Content ( The Daily Kos )

Moulitsas and a small group of select contributors post directly to the front page; other users can post "diaries", the titles of which appear on the front page in reverse chronological order, with special attention and longer display time for those diaries highly recommended by other users. The other major source of content is the comments posted in response to front page entries and diaries. Comments for popular or controversial diaries or front page articles can run into the thousands.

Front page entries and diaries often take the form of a news story from an outside source interspersed with commentary from the author of the diary or post. Sometimes these stories contain a request for action from other members of the community, such as to get involved with a particular campaign, give money to a candidate or contact an elected official about an issue. Some front page entries are called "open threads", which encourage people to post comments on any issue. One of the versions of these open threads are "live threads" of commentary on important events happening in real time, such as debates or elections.

Administrators have the ability to edit or delete diaries, though this is done rarely. "Trusted users" have the ability to recommend or hide responses posted by ordinary members whose comments they deem solely disruptive. Less than 0.01% of comments are hidden.

Daily Kos had previously partnered with Research 2000 to produce nonpartisan polling for presidential, congressional and gubernatorial races across the country. In June 2010, Daily Kos terminated the relationship after finding their data showed statistical anomalies consistent with deliberate falsification and announced its intention to sue the polling firm.

On November 30, 2010, an agreement to a settlement began as lawyers for the Plaintiff filed a status report indicating that both parties were in "agreement as to the contours of a proper settlement but are still in the process of determining whether the execution of the proposed terms is feasible." In May 2011, the Huffington Post reported that the lawsuit had been settled with Research 2000 pollster Del Ali making payments to Daily Kos.


HuffPo Banishes Geoffrey Dunn

Here's their explanation for refusing to run his latest column:

"We did pass on a submission by Geoffrey Dunn about Trig, as it ran counter to our policy against conspiracy theories," Huffington Post spokesman Mario Ruiz confirmed in an email.

But the column says that Palin's version is more damning than any possible conspiracy theory. In fact, that's the column's point. And no conspiracy theory is proposed by the column - just a factual account of how the author's attempts to debunk such theories kept running aground. But even this cannot get past the HuffPo thought-police.

Now I finally know where the HuffPo ends and the Internet begins. Meanwhile Ben Smith argues against Palin's release of a birth certificate because he knows in advance that this would not stop the conspiracy theorists.

For the record, I have simply asked for some medical records establishing maternity since the day I found out about the weirdnesses of the story. If provided, I would regard the question as closed as the Obama birther certificate question. I tried to clear this up privately with the McCain campaign, but they had no clue either. The difference between the two cases, as Ben acknowledges, is that one public figure has provided easily available definitive evidence to end the debate; the other says she has - but hasn't.

And the MSM, including the HuffPo, takes the position that such evidence need not be provided and shouldn't be asked for. The media's job is to accept at face value the stories public figures tell about their lives. Anything else is impertinence.


HuffPo Banishes Geoffrey Dunn - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast



Full audio of 1998 Obama 'redistribution' speech | The Daily Caller

Anything else?
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Right wing extremists are as thick as flies these days.

Yeah, silly us. Thinking life and family are important. We are extremists. Heck, we actually expect people to support the claims they make. How dumb is that?!?! Clearly, we should just accept what you're saying because you've said it. You don't need to put any more effort into the discussion than that.

Or you could be a grown up and actually have a discussion with people.

So true...
This is old news. If folks haven't figured out by now how bizarre the Mormon faith is--and how dangerous Romney will be when he is President--they never will. Americans are getting everything they so richly deserve.

You are SO right, Freemason...Massachusetts barely survived having Romney as Governor! (Eye roll)

Since when is a moderate "dangerous"? Let me guess...when he doesn't support the far left progressive agenda that YOU espouse?

Mitt Romney will fix our economy and get people back to work. What's "dangerous" is giving another four years to a man who won't do either.

I'm afraid we're about to find out.

By the way--LOL on Obama's "far left agenda!" He's very, very moderate. The only thing that makes right wingers assume he is "far left" is the fact that he is black. Blackness has always annoyed the right wing.

There is nothing at all "radical" about Obama. He's probably more conservative than Nixon was.

Negged for race card, idiot!
A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges
Oct 11, 2012
The two most disturbing stories in this excerpt of a new book are of Romney pressuring a woman to have a baby despite a life threatening condition where both doctors, and even the Mormon President of Stake of Massachusetts, recommended an abortion. In the second example, Romney is alleged to have threatened a divorced single woman with excommunication if she did not relent and give her young son up for adoption to a "proper" LDS familiy, but showed no similar concern for her African American daughter.
Daily Kos: A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges

Once a Bully....
This is of no surprise.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMUgNg7aD8M&feature=player_detailpage]Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube[/ame]
A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges
Oct 11, 2012
The two most disturbing stories in this excerpt of a new book are of Romney pressuring a woman to have a baby despite a life threatening condition where both doctors, and even the Mormon President of Stake of Massachusetts, recommended an abortion. In the second example, Romney is alleged to have threatened a divorced single woman with excommunication if she did not relent and give her young son up for adoption to a "proper" LDS familiy, but showed no similar concern for her African American daughter.
Daily Kos: A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges
A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges
Oct 11, 2012
The two most disturbing stories in this excerpt of a new book are of Romney pressuring a woman to have a baby despite a life threatening condition where both doctors, and even the Mormon President of Stake of Massachusetts, recommended an abortion. In the second example, Romney is alleged to have threatened a divorced single woman with excommunication if she did not relent and give her young son up for adoption to a "proper" LDS familiy, but showed no similar concern for her African American daughter.
Daily Kos: A Devastating Expose of Mitt Romney's Mistreatment of Mormon Women Emerges

October Surprise?


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