Carly Fiorina--it's a rigged game--excluded from the ABC debate

And frankly if the RNC didn't learn anything from the loss of 2012, and the serious issues that they already have with women, and don't know how to win National elections, then RNC top officials need to be replaced with ones that do.

ANY political party that needs women's votes to win an election is not one I want to have anything to do with. WOMEN DO NOT BELONG IN POLITICS.

Wow, really? I hope your joking otherwise you need some serious help.

The women's suffrage was made a law 1920...for women to vote.
Oh my, the heartless hatchet bitch from Hewlett Packard is being treated unfairly.

Shall I go with fake tears, or the classic jerk off simulation?

Why we would you expect you to jerk off because you aren't even upset about disenfranchising Dem voters by substituting coin tosses for actual mathematics. Or confusing debates with "pre-canned" "town halls".. OR having a coronation instead of a real primary election..

Or nominating a black guy with a weird Muslim name who pals around with terrorists?
Oh my, the heartless hatchet bitch from Hewlett Packard is being treated unfairly.

Shall I go with fake tears, or the classic jerk off simulation?

Why we would you expect you to jerk off because you aren't even upset about disenfranchising Dem voters by substituting coin tosses for actual mathematics. Or confusing debates with "pre-canned" "town halls".. OR having a coronation instead of a real primary election..

Or nominating a black guy with a weird Muslim name who pals around with terrorists?

Yeah -- that too.. :biggrin: Takes so little to satisfy the "revolutionaries" that have hijacked your party.. Even the freakin' Clintons -- who run their own "shadow government" can't get in the way of the revolution..

So don't go getting all sniffly about a qualified women in the GOP that BEAT Jeb and Christy in Iowa, won most all her "undercard" debates and is being arbitrarily excluded by Mickey Mouse.

Did you watch the Video tho? (not a chance)..
Wow, really? I hope your joking otherwise you need some serious help.

The women's suffrage was made a law 1920...for women to vote.

I don't joke or kid. I don't have a sense of humor. I do have a very large sense of morals, propriety, and an understanding of the proper place of different peoples in society....

As a wise man once told me.... Society works when there is a place for everyone, and everyone IS IN their place.
Wow, really? I hope your joking otherwise you need some serious help.

The women's suffrage was made a law 1920...for women to vote.

I don't joke or kid. I don't have a sense of humor. I do have a very large sense of morals, propriety, and an understanding of the proper place of different peoples in society....

As a wise man once told me.... Society works when there is a place for everyone, and everyone IS IN their place.
Wondering if you are married, it seems that the idea of women going back to the 1900's would be a hard kind of person to be ok with that.

So if there were ten people at the first debate why wasn't there room for Fiorina tonight? There were only six or seven on stage tonight. As someone interested in the at least appearance of a fair process even though I don't like her, she should have been on stage.

I think this might be one of two or three things that causes the GOP candidate to lose. You can bet whoever the Democratic candidate is they will use this in ads as a blatant rejection of the participation of women in the GOP. Which it is.

Honestly I just do not get this one. Why would they not insist she be on the debate stage. I've talked to a few women that are independents who normally vote progressive and THEY are angry about this as well.

I mean WTH man.
There are eight candidates left. They should all be in the debate. No reason to exclude any of them at this point.

Exactly, they've done debates this year with 11 candidates on one stage. Now they're saying no to 8, and it's only CARLY FIORINA that has been excluded, even though she beat Chris Christie & John Kasich in Iowa, and is currently polling ahead of Ben Carson and Chris Christie in New Hampshire.

You look at all of her supporters that have spent so much time, have donated money to her campaign, and imagine how they feel right now. They are PISSED-- and they have every right to be.

She has been winning in every WOMAN Republican straw poll across this country.

So what does that say about a party that doesn't have enough respect for their women base (who are really the workers of the party) to NOT demand that their favorite candidate is put on a debate stage, after she rightfully won that place.

Maybe deep down the Republican party just wants to be an all male party. They may get their wish with this stunt.

Let me get this straight: Left-wing ABC decided not to have her in the debates, but that's the Republicans fault.......

Which Republican this time, Bush or Reagan??????

Carley just like Bush should leave, it takes way too much time having each candidate talk..

We need to hear more from the ones up in the ratings. Huckabee had more points than her.


Maybe, but nobody would elect Huckabee. He may be a nice guy and all that, but he's not the guy to scare Iran out of building nukes or North Korea from shooting off more missiles.

Carley is a bitch. She doesn't smile much, she knows WTF is going on, and she doesn't seem like a woman that would back down in fear. I can't say that about Huckabee, Jeb, Kasich or even Carson. I think she has bigger balls than all of them put together.

Now it's not that I'm a fan of hers or anything like that, but if she did win the nomination and eventually the presidency, I wouldn't be too disappointed. I actually think Trump would put more fear in our adversaries than any other candidate up there. The guy is nuts and doesn't care what people think about him.

But the problem I have with this whole discussion is how the leftists are pinning this on the Republicans instead of ABC who called the shots in this debate. It's a major network likely to draw record numbers of viewers that weaken the Republicans leverage.
"Carly Fiorina--it's a rigged game--excluded from the ABC debate"

Given the disaster that was tonight's 'debate,' ABC likely did her a favor.
"Carly Fiorina--it's a rigged game--excluded from the ABC debate"

Given the disaster that was tonight's 'debate,' ABC likely did her a favor.

I only watched half of it because I DVR everything and never watch live television. But from what I've seen so far, it was a great debate.

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