A Discussion About White Supremacy In The United States

I have...I've stopped watching the network known as FOXNEWS.

So you have made a conscious effort to be ignorant and uninformed. Coming from a Progressive, this is to be expected. Especially considering how good the country is progressing under the leadership of President Donald Trump.

What do you think the GDP will be tomorrow? July 27, 2018
Video = Watch.

Podcast = Audio = listen.

Why would I listen to an hour-long racist rant about something that has been on this very forum dozens of times as you continue to live in denial?
The typical White Supremacist in America...

Saturday Night in the middle of Cooterville County....

View attachment 207088

The typical Black Supremacist in America.

Saturday night in the middle of New York City.

Personally, I'd rather be in your mythical Cooterville. By the way, I live in the heart of Redneck Country in North Florida. GREAT people, salt of the earth.

What did President Barack Hussein Obama do to divide the nation on race? Other than beat the Republicans to a pulp, not once, but twice at the polls?

You know, and it has been posted a dozen times. You just live in denial.

Shocking Audio Obama has to Redistribute WHITE Suburbia’s Wealth for both His and Our Salvation

Obama: Police Acted 'stupidly' in Scholar Arrest

Barack Hussein Obama campaign for black votes 2012

Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need


Barack Obama's mentor Hillary ain’t never been called a ....

GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama

Jeremiah Wright

Obama Appeals Court Nominee - Goodwin Liu - on Reparations for Slavery

Eric Holder Drops Charges on Black Panthers for Voter Intimidation - Bill O'Reilly Reports

Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!
Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!

VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of
upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Ask yourself this question MarcATL
The state of the black race in America.... which is a bigger contributor to the problem...
1) White Supremacist.
2) A self defeating amoral culture that glorifies violence and demeans women.

There's no nation on earth that glorifies violence more than the United States of America.

It's the only nation that's WRITTEN guns into their constition...the 2nd Amendment, which I'm sure you worship.

And they glorify it in their very national anthem...

"The bombs BURSTING in air!!!"

Let's not talk about their entertainment, pumping the world of nothing but violent images in their movies.

Their news corporate news media, the saying "if it bleeds it leads" didn't come out of nowhere, it caters to the AMERICAN PUBLIC's blood-lust.

Their very history, built on violence, first by deceiving and killing damn near all the natives and thieving their land for themselves. Followed by part DEUX, travelling half way around the world to take blacks from their homeland to enslave them on this soil for your greed and avarice. Raping their women and destroying their families along the way.

And you sit there and have the nerve to talk about the black "amoral culture that glorifies violence and demeans women?!?!"

Why I oughta....

*takes 4 steps back, winds up foot, runs and...*



And we're the greatest nation in the world. Funny how that worked out!
In fact I will go further.... more WHITE teenagers know who the bottom guy is than black teens.
Hands down.
Who is it?
Is he a singer?

Neal deGrasse Tyson
Probably, and certainly arguably the world most renown astrophysicist. Born in America.
Love the guy, has done numerous documentaries and a host of volunteer education appearances all over America.
To Marc and Co.....Tyson is an Uncle Tom. Just like Henry Louis Gates is. Because they are smart, made something of themselves, and know history as it truly was and is. Anyone with those characteristics is immediately thrown in the Uncle Tom box.
Uncle tom was killed for refusing to whip some of his fellow enslaved. I only know that Tyson is a astrophysicist. Never heard of his political leanings.

What got Drumpf elected was white anger and EC giving him the affirmative action vote.

Wow! Nearly two years and you still cannot accept reality. Why?

Here are the demographics on the vote.

Here's audio of reformed white supremacist Christian Picciolini discussing the rise of White Supremacy in America today...
The average American white racist | Crooked Media
I've listened to it twice previously, but listening to it again now, and probably will again. Once you've listened to it, let's continue the discussion and address the things they spoke about.

I'm glad you've thought it necessary to listen to this crap nine times from a site calling itself Crooked Media, you wife beater, now let's get a few things clear:

1). America was fought for, founded and created by WHITE PEOPLE.
2). There would be no United States without rich WHITE PEOPLE.
3). After a time, WHITE PEOPLE said to themselves, you know, our country is solid, secure and sound, why don't we open it up to more and more people of all kinds, and WHITE PEOPLE gave freedom to slaves, rights to vote, opportunity and prosperity to all, regardless of race, sex or ethnicity. We even created a built in tolerance to those that did not agree with everything we do. Soon after that came the rise of the guilt-ridden progressive white thinker who questioned, doubted and challenged everything this country stood for, and being the giving people we are, we welcomed that too.
4). Eventually America became a melting pot with large numbers of people from all over the world and color bringing their own diverse ideas, cultures and backgrounds, and still, WHITE PEOPLE said, "sure!"
5). Finally enough non-whites came about, discontent that the country shared with them, given to them, didn't actually REVOLVE around them, and they discovered a new term for it called: White Supremacy. The basic tenet is resentment that Whites have a lot of nerve being the majority in this country with most of its history favoring Whites just because they founded, created and then gave up control of their country! And then Whites became a problem. Damn those Whites!

The ONLY REAL racism in this country is racism against whites. The more Whites give, them more they are blamed for and accused of. Just consider that racism had been molded to actually IMPLY whites, even though Whites are the least racist, most tolerant and giving of all. As Whites have worked to be ever-more inclusive, Blacks have worked to be ever-more EXCLUSIVE.

DON'T AGREE? Show me another non-white race in the world that has created a nation anything close to resembling the United States which has:
  1. Fought as many wars defending people other than their own.
  2. Spent as much money helping other people, even those that didn't like us.
  3. Worked more tirelessly in the interest of the rights of others.
  4. After creating the biggest, wealthiest, most advanced, most powerful nation on the planet, opened up its doors to as many other people, philosophies, cultures and ways as we have?
When Blacks do all that, then open the doors of opportunity, wealth, freedom and education they built to Whites as we have to others, then you can talk to me, Racist. Otherwise you can go make your own country and leave ours and STFU.
Here's audio of reformed white supremacist Christian Picciolini discussing the rise of White Supremacy in America today...

The average American white racist | Crooked Media

The host is Ana Marie Cox on her podcast 'With Friends Like These'

I've listened to it twice previously, but listening to it again now, and probably will again. Once you've listened to it, let's continue the discussion and address the things they spoke about.
Just remember to the rich we are all n#$*ers. Herman Cain and Ben Carson are one of them.

They’re using race to divide us. I’m sure you can find several examples of how cops have abused their power against poor white people but that’s not what they have us talking about.

They used it to get trump elected and they believe dividing us will benefit them.

Try not bringing race into it. If they treat blacks badly I’m sure they treat poor whites bad too
What got Trump elected was decades of lies from Congress and presidents.
I never swallowed the lies. Never voted for bush1, dole, mitt, McCain or trump
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans on American soil since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?
I did not know that and do not believe that.
Where's your link?
Here's audio of reformed white supremacist Christian Picciolini discussing the rise of White Supremacy in America today...

The average American white racist | Crooked Media

The host is Ana Marie Cox on her podcast 'With Friends Like These'

I've listened to it twice previously, but listening to it again now, and probably will again. Once you've listened to it, let's continue the discussion and address the things they spoke about.
Just remember to the rich we are all n#$*ers. Herman Cain and Ben Carson are one of them.

They’re using race to divide us. I’m sure you can find several examples of how cops have abused their power against poor white people but that’s not what they have us talking about.

They used it to get trump elected and they believe dividing us will benefit them.

Try not bringing race into it. If they treat blacks badly I’m sure they treat poor whites bad too
What got Trump elected was decades of lies from Congress and presidents.
I never swallowed the lies. Never voted for bush1, dole, mitt, McCain or trump
That's fine....but then again you're part of the problem.
You didn't like racists....but you supported all of these race-baiters who are, as we speak, causing violence in our streets.
You must be so proud.
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Ask any black teenager, especially inner city students who this guys is...

View attachment 207093

And every damn one of them know.

Now ask them who this guy is.......

View attachment 207094

And they won't have a clue.

And THIS.... is a BIG part of the problem.

Why is it a big problem for them to know 50 instead of Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975),[2] known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, businessman, and investor.

And here you have it.... case closed
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans on American soil since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?

Are you talking about the Aryan Brotherhood? because those idiots are more of a prison gang than an actual white supremacist movement.

It appears that he is talking more about these type of people. There have been a number of polls like this over the past year prompted by incidents like the "unite the right" rally in North Carolina where that person ran over counterprotesters with a car. Do you feel that was orchestrated by progressive strategists who are attempting to use the "alt right" to divide the country?

U.S. troops say white nationalists are a bigger threat to America than ISIS jihadis
What about the fact that Blacks are busy killing each other?
What about the fact that white are busy killing each other?

See...? I can engage in whataboutism too. :D
Give me one Black neighborhood that I can drive through after sundown.

Take a drive through Baldwin Hills in Los Angeles
What about the fact that Blacks are busy killing each other?
What about the fact that white are busy killing each other?

See...? I can engage in whataboutism too. :D
Give me one Black neighborhood that I can drive through after sundown.

Any one of these. And there are quite a few more.

I have some friends that live in some of them around Los Angeles and have visited AFTER sundown AND seen white people in the area visiting and socializing as well.

10 of The Most Affluent African American Suburbs In The Nation
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans on American soil since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Is that a fact? Did you know that White Supremacists have killed more Americans since 9/11, than were killed on 9/11? Did you know that?

Are you talking about the Aryan Brotherhood? because those idiots are more of a prison gang than an actual white supremacist movement.

It appears that he is talking more about these type of people. There have been a number of polls like this over the past year prompted by incidents like the "unite the right" rally in North Carolina where that person ran over counterprotesters with a car. Do you feel that was orchestrated by progressive strategists who are attempting to use the "alt right" to divide the country?

U.S. troops say white nationalists are a bigger threat to America than ISIS jihadis

The guy is being prosecuted, isn't he? You don't see people on this board (besides the actual racists) rallying to his "cause" do you?
Trump's comments were taken out of context in Charlottesville...

No they weren't.

he was saying both sides were to blame for the violence...and they were because the BLM crowd came to the park without a permit obviously looking for a fight...they could have stayed were police asked them to stay but they didn't...they wanted a confrontation and they got one....

Your spin aside, it was still a very stupid thing to say. He said it when he should have kept his yap shut. You don't embolden white supremacists. Ever.

You are just upset because he would not blame one side of the fight...
Trump may be a lot of things but racist is not one of them....

I disagree.
Ask any black teenager, especially inner city students who this guys is...

View attachment 207093

And every damn one of them know.

Now ask them who this guy is.......

View attachment 207094

And they won't have a clue.

And THIS.... is a BIG part of the problem.

Why is it a big problem for them to know 50 instead of Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975),[2] known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, businessman, and investor.

And here you have it.... case closed
You didnt answer my question. Are you more successful than 50?
Trump's comments were taken out of context in Charlottesville...

No they weren't.

he was saying both sides were to blame for the violence...and they were because the BLM crowd came to the park without a permit obviously looking for a fight...they could have stayed were police asked them to stay but they didn't...they wanted a confrontation and they got one....

Your spin aside, it was still a very stupid thing to say. He said it when he should have kept his yap shut. You don't embolden white supremacists. Ever.

You are just upset because he would not blame one side of the fight...
Trump may be a lot of things but racist is not one of them....

I disagree.
You don't want to see the truth...I get that...but just for fun go back and listen to Trump's words in context...all of his words not one line....don't allow the haters in the media to scramble your brain....think for yourself...

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