A Fair Prediction? Down To Rubio, Walker And Cruz. Any Combination Of The Three?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Why Rubio is gaining strength? Obviously Florida. It looks like it's going to be more like a race to win Florida, the West, and at least Wisconsin. At this point of the race, anyone seeing a Rubio/Walker or Walker/Rubio ticket? That has to be the current most feared ticket of the left.
Why Rubio is gaining strength? Obviously Florida. It looks like it's going to be more like a race to win Florida, the West, and at least Wisconsin. At this point of the race, anyone seeing a Rubio/Walker or Walker/Rubio ticket? That has to be the current most feared ticket of the left.
Why Rubio is gaining strength? Obviously Florida. It looks like it's going to be more like a race to win Florida, the West, and at least Wisconsin. At this point of the race, anyone seeing a Rubio/Walker or Walker/Rubio ticket? That has to be the current most feared ticket of the left.

Grand Total of 59.
To win the election, the GOP must hold all of what Romney won, and flip 64 electoral votes (65 will win outright but 64 gets the House involved and it would vote for the GOP candidate).

According to your analysis if that is the best the GOP can do, it won't be good enough. Besides, a sweep of the Western purple states is likely not going to happen with Rubio as the candidate given his stances on immigration. Watch out for Arizona if Rubio is the nominee.

Additionally and hysterically the Party that spent 8 years crowing about Obama's thin record is going to nominate a 1st term Senator for President...especially one whose resume looks like a footnote compared to Clnton's? It may be the best move they can make but it's not likely to go over that well.

Cruz is not a factor unless he goes 3rd party.

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