A Few Facts About The Palestinians

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The cognitive dissonance of the Zionists is so ingrained that though their leaders knew very well they were embarking on a colonial project and were on record as early as 1899, they try to deny it today. It gives shucking and jiving a bad name.

In the second article reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 1926, it shows that the European Jews were not satisfied with colonizing Palestine but intended to colonize Trans Jordan and Syria.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times



Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
July 25, 1926

London (Jul. 23)

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered.

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
So, you claim that state.gov has stated that Gaza is ruled by "Islamic terrorist animals"? Can you provide a link for that.
Keep digging, idiot:

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Bureau of Counterterrorism

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated


10/8/1997 Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

10/8/1997 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

10/8/1997 Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)

10/8/1997 HAMAS

Now DIG!

So you link to a propaganda site.
US state dept isn't a propaganda site, dufus!
The UN has specific guidelines for segregating refugees from combatants at the point of entry into the camps. But if they ( the UN ) don't do that then UNWRA says its the host nations responsibility. Either way the UN failed to separate the two and now we have a mosh of refugee and combatant descendants all being treated like refugees and offered aid even if they are still actively engaged in combat. Which is illegal under all kinds of international law.
Palestinian's have every legal right in the world to resist the belligerent occupation by a foreign force.

There is no belligerent occupation, Israel came to be the governing power in the region through defensive action. I don't think you comprehend the meaning of the term belligerent

Or are you arguing that none of the three major acts of war against the Israeli nation was initiated by the Arab nations or peoples?
If those foreigners stayed in Europe there would not be any problems.
Jews always maintained a presence and their immigration ramped up during the 700 years of the Ottoman Empire, the ones from Europe were simply joining their brethren in land that had been designated to be the future homeland of the Jews. Jerusalem had a Jewish majority in 1896.
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Of course it is propaganda site. The State Department had the ANC (and Nelson Mandela) classified as a terrorist organization until 2008. Nelson had received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and was still considered a terrorist by the State Department. The murderous terrorist Contras, on every other countries' terrorist list were not on the Department of State's list. That's called propaganda.
The website of US state dept is a propaganda site? Ha ha ha ha.

Take a hike. You are an idiot.
Yeah we've seen a lot of that in the First Peoples of the America's. Its not always easy to jump into a new way of doing things but its essential if you want to play the game.

Things change, life moves on. No reason to whine or complain is what I tell my fellow native americans, get over it and live, be strong, succeed. Embrace the new age.

They are working hard at winning back their land -- one roll of the dice at a time... :biggrin: THEY have a plan.. And they now understand "the system"..

Yes and they have given up armed resistance. My own people fought to the bitter end and are one of the few who've maintained at least a segment of their original homeland. But that is unusual, and irrelevant. Today native tribes are doing better than they've done in a long time. Education is up, alcoholism is down. Average income is increasing, and yes, some tribes are taking advantage of their sovereign status in that they allow activities not generally allowed in the USA. And its all happening because the people realize we must play the game to survive.


If the palestinians want to be treated like respectable citizens, they are going to have to act like it. End the outrageous acts against innocent civilians, stop the random rocket fire, quit trying to run over pedestrians and start acting like adults.

A peaceful solution is the only solution
That is why I support BDS.
That's why BDS has achieved less than nothing.
BDS: The world's best failure, and what to do about it ...


To: BDS Board of Directors


Subject: My resignation

Dear friends,
Despite all our efforts over the past decade to persuade people, companies, universities, nations, artists and others to boycott Israel, pull investments and impose sanctions, we have failed abysmally. Therefore, please accept my resignation.


From: BDS Board of Directors

Subject: Your resignation

It is true that BDS has failed miserably in its stated goals, but it has, under your direction, become a world force in anti-Israel activity. Some even credit us with starting a new wave of anti-Semitism. We don’t know how you did it, but keep doing it. Your resignation is hereby rejected.
End Quote

"BDS makes it ‘almost impossible’ for Europe’s Jews to support Israel

The boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign has succeeded in dividing Diaspora Jewry, warns UK’s former chief rabbi in bleak address
BDS has also so far been “fairly successful” in de-legitimizing Israel internationally, he noted. Isolating Israel in the global arena could eventually leave Jews defenseless...."

Lord Sacks: BDS makes it ‘almost impossible’ for Europe’s Jews to support Israel
"BDS makes it ‘almost impossible’ for Europe’s Jews to support Israel

The boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign has succeeded in dividing Diaspora Jewry, warns UK’s former chief rabbi in bleak address
BDS has also so far been “fairly successful” in de-legitimizing Israel internationally, he noted. Isolating Israel in the global arena could eventually leave Jews defenseless...."

Lord Sacks: BDS makes it ‘almost impossible’ for Europe’s Jews to support Israel


The anti-Israel movement can't hold back the thriving Israeli democracy.

Israel's Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry

Israel has continued economy growth – even during a worldwide economic meltdown – along with a conservative, well-regulated banking system. Israel has approximately the same number of companies listed on NASDAQ as the next three countries combined, and, as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, is rightfully known as the "start-up nation." Israel is no banana republic, and remains one of the most thriving economies in the Middle East.
Yeah we've seen a lot of that in the First Peoples of the America's. Its not always easy to jump into a new way of doing things but its essential if you want to play the game.

Things change, life moves on. No reason to whine or complain is what I tell my fellow native americans, get over it and live, be strong, succeed. Embrace the new age.

They are working hard at winning back their land -- one roll of the dice at a time... :biggrin: THEY have a plan.. And they now understand "the system"..

Yes and they have given up armed resistance. My own people fought to the bitter end and are one of the few who've maintained at least a segment of their original homeland. But that is unusual, and irrelevant. Today native tribes are doing better than they've done in a long time. Education is up, alcoholism is down. Average income is increasing, and yes, some tribes are taking advantage of their sovereign status in that they allow activities not generally allowed in the USA. And its all happening because the people realize we must play the game to survive.


If the palestinians want to be treated like respectable citizens, they are going to have to act like it. End the outrageous acts against innocent civilians, stop the random rocket fire, quit trying to run over pedestrians and start acting like adults.

A peaceful solution is the only solution
That is why I support BDS.
That's why BDS has achieved less than nothing.
Israel Fears the Boycott Movement as an 'Existential Threat'

After 12 years and hundreds of millions of dollars what has the boycott movement accomplished? LESS THAN NOTHING.

Actually, they have accomplished something. The scum has been banned from US campuses and all organizations affiliated with the US govt. :clap2:
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