A few Years ago the Left HATED Dick Chaney, But now that he's a Commie Voter they Love him!

Cheney and I agree on NOTHING, no issues. But what we do agree on is that the United States should retain it's democratic foundations.

What is truly ironic is that these very same Trumpers condemning Cheney were the same people hawking Cheney’s claim of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and condemning all those that opposed the Iraqi War as traitors.

My how times have changed,

Yes, I agree with Cheney on Trump but, like citygator, disagree with him one everything else.

The true hypocrite is the Op and other Trumpers who were all in for Cheney in the 00s, and still would be, but for his support of Harris.

You know, all these Trumpers now ex-Cheney supporters were lemmings then and are lemmings now.

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose​

Hardly anybody has changed their opinion of Dick Cheneys politics. I put him the the McCain, Romney, Reagan Republican class of old school Republicans. Loyal to the country then party. Unlike the current leadership of the New Republican Party.
What is truly ironic is that these very same Trumpers condemning Cheney were the same people hawking Cheney’s claim of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and condemning all those that opposed the Iraqi War as traitors.

My how times have changed,

Yes, I agree with Cheney on Trump but, like citygator, disagree with him one everything else.

The true hypocrite is the Op and other Trumpers who were all in for Cheney in the 00s, and still would be, but for his support of Harris.

You know, all these Trumpers now ex-Cheney supporters were lemmings then and are lemmings now.

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose​

People can reassess their opinions after the facts come out can't they?

After 9/11 I remember the bus ride home, all of us in our dress clothes on the bus, sent home early. I was looking around as everyone was silent, meanwhile I just wanted to yell out "what happened today!?" It's as if Canadians wanted to remain on the fence and sit quietly, not expressing an opinion about what happened that day. I was in shock, not interested in some deep analysis. I was angry and disgusted as we all should have been after those attacks. I was not one to sit on the fence in the face of evil.

I recall going home and going onto an IRC chat program and a Canadian telling the Americans in the forum that "this is what happens when you anger people". We even had teachers in B.C who praised the attacks. It was sick. I was pissed but remained stoic while in this chatroom, telling the Americans in the chatroom as they were being bombarded by numerous nuts, first an apology from all Canadians for what happened, "don't listen to her, she doesnt share Canadians views, we support you and will have your back when you seek justice". I didn't attack those going after the U.S other than to tell them they don't represent the values that I or other normal humans do.

Now, this was well before the events of the M.E unfolded. As years rolled on, it was obviously a far different situation, especially some of the exclusive contracts that the world learned about years later.

I could never believe then nor now after Oct 7th that anyone can side with terrorists. This doesn't mean I am going to support the intentional death of any innocent citizen, or, if Israel gets their hostages back and Hamas is eliminated that I would support them conquering the people of Gaza. At this juncture, of course I will support the right side in a war. We can't sell out democratic nations.

My belief at that time was that America would go after the culprits and as such I would support them. In terms of WMDs, I didn't follow it at that time at such a granular level but I would hope the information would be legitimate. You have to remember, it was not as it is in 2024, we relied on legacy media and this media was ordered to repeat the findings. Powell regretted his decision and many CIA lost their careers leaking counter details to the narrative.

So, the benefit of knowing now compared to not knowing what we didn't then, is drastically different. I supported GWB, he was the elected president. I supported America. This doesn't mean I'm going to support Cheneys decisions in perpetuity. I wouldn't support the U.S if they dropped nukes on Iraq or started to randomly murder citizens or kids. We had to support the pursuit of justice at that time, until such time when it was deemed successful.

Over 20 years have passed, Cheneys legacy is solidified for a reason. I think Harris accepting his endorsement is not only going to hurt her in this election but, it is also going to give some pause to allied nations about just what type of administration she would have in place. Cheney didn't fight in a war himself. His first impulse is problematic. The potential for conflicts of interests are probably higher than average.

I support helping Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, we also have to be somber in our assessment of the risk/reward continuum and the cost analysis if Ukraine cannot win. Nobody should head into office believing "it's time for a good Third World War".

If Cheney said the aforementioned, would those he endorsed celebrate?
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A few Years ago the Left HATED Dick Chaney, But now that he's a Commie Lover Voter they Love him!

In 2013 Republicans were asking "why do you hate dick chaney. So clearly you guys were still defending the war criminal. You guys wanted specifics.

Please admit we were right about Bush/Chaney and YOU were wrong back then. And if you were that wrong back then, perhaps you're wrong about Trump. You have bad judgement. You get easily conned.

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

Asked about the remarks during a presidential debate eight years later, Trump said, “you do whatever you want – you call it whatever you want,” and reiterated his belief that the Bush administration lied.

2016 he said and you Republican assholes voted for him??? After you defended Bush and Chaney for 16 years???

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