A Fourth Novel About the California Missions


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
For some reason, I did not submit the manuscript of the fourth novel I wrote in the series, Father Serra's Legacy. I can't tell you why. I'd finished the first draft along with a revision and thought it was ready for publication. But, I hesitated. Time has passed and the contractual obligations no longer exist. So, I have the right to do with it whatever I wish.

With that in mind, I am going to do yet one more revision of INDEPENDENCE FLOWERS – THE MISSIONS WITHER; Florecer de la Independencia – Marchitar las Misiónes.

And, when it is complete, I will self-publish it on Amazon.com. In the meantime, I am going to publish each chapter as I finish it here on this blog. I owe it to you, those who've taken the time to follow this blog and my laziness in not posting on a regular basis.

I hope you enjoy and, yet again, I'm asking you to check one of the boxes at the bottom of this post, along with any comments you care to make. Comments are especially important to me as they will tell me if I'm going in the right direction.

Thanks and enjoy.
Chapter Six – 1815 – Visiting the Friar's Hospital is now nline @ https://msgdaleday.blogspot.com This refers to then Visita San Rafael to the north across the bay where Natives went to be cured of diseases encountered in the area of Mission San Francisco.
Chapter Nine – The Missions Wither, 1818 – Unwanted Visitors is about a pirate attack on Monte Rey in which the pirates gain little but livestock and some foodstuffs. The presidio survives with repairable damage. Read @ https://msgdaleday.blogspot.com
The Missions Wither – Chapter Thirteen – Early 1822 – A New Year – A New Ruler. Word reaches California about the end of Spanish Rule in Mexico and the establishment of the Empire of Mexico and the Three Guarantees is now available @ Father Serra's Legacy

Augustin Iturbide, Emperor of Mexico

Chapter Fifteen – The Missions Wither – 1823 – Mexican California No real changes in the territory far from Mexico City but fears of what may come. Now available at https://msgdaleday.blogspot.com
Chapter Sixteen – The Missions Wither. 1824 – The Indians at Misión Santa Inés Rebel because of cruelty from soldiers against the wishes of the friars and without permission from the governor. A new Mexican governor arrives in the Territory of California. Now available online @ https://msgdaleday.blogspot.com
Chapter Twenty – The Missions Wither. 1827 – Big Social Doings in Monte Rey. At last, the new Mexican territorial governor deigns to travel from San Diego, where he prefers the weather and the daughter of one of the local families, to Monte Rey to attend the first territorial assembly. He's vain and not very impressive, constantly scribbling notes on little cards. Now online @ https://msgdaleday.blogspot.com. Enjoy
Chapter Twenty-One, The Missions Wither – 1828 – Calls for secularization – taking the missions away from the friars and turning them over to the Indians. This was the time of the first meeting of the territorial diputación or assembly with the governor actually traveling to Monte Rey. Now available @ http://msgdaleday.blogspot.com

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