*Trumps VP Pick*

Nikki is the best choice by far if Trump decides to hold his nose.

Her people will do what she tells them, when the only other oprion is saving America from Biden and him risking nuclear war against Russia.
If he does will she be able to hold HER nose? Trump is waiting for the Dem convention to announce his pick because he thinks he'll get better ratings on the idiot box that he loves & was glued to for four years as he sat around on his fat ass in is pj's until the crack of noon upstairs in the W.H.

He was the laziest son of a bitch ever elected potus.
If he does will she be able to hold HER nose? Trump is waiting for the Dem convention to announce his pick because he thinks he'll get better ratings on the idiot box that he loves & was glued to for four years as he sat around on his fat ass in is pj's until the crack of noon upstairs in the W.H.

He was the laziest son of a bitch ever elected potus.

This point in time would be a stupid time to make the announcement.

The world is focused on Sleepy Joe, no reason to take the spotlight away from Biden.
How is Trump ever going to find one who opposes Biden's war he started against Russia?
John Edgar Slow Horses: Nikki Haley dissed him and is female.
MAGA would like J.D. Vance, yet his personality is too forceful for Trump.
Byron Donalds and Tom Scott are black.
He hates DeSantis.
Tulsi Gabbard would be professional if curt, but Tulsi Gabbard believes that abortion should remain legal and accessible. She voted against a proposed ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
While she supports codifying Roe v. Wade, she also thinks that during the third trimester, abortion should not be an option unless the life or severe health consequences of a woman are at stake12.
Again, I don't know where you get your information, other than your own posterior.

This article is from a year ago:

Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia​

Opposing aid (money) isn't the same as opposing the war, but your answer is deeply appreciated as it being our common cause.

I don't mind using you as long as you're willing! You can think of that being you using me! I'm all in!

On a positive note for Trump, if he isn't going to be afraid of trying to convince the American people on becoming antiwar, he will be forcing Biden to become prowar at the same time.

Get it yet? Biden is still afraid to take a position. That because asking the question risks that you are right about the majority being antiwar.
If he chooses Burgum, Abbott, Cotton, Vance, or Youngkin, you'll immediately be hearing screams from the left, that it's just another all-white male ticket, and that trump is racist, blah, blah, blah.

If he goes with Rubio, this could help his outreach to Hispanics, with Rubio campaigning much of the time in Spanish. On the other hand, Trump is likely to win Florida anyway, so Rubio isn't needed to deliver a state to the ticket.

If he goes with Tim Scott, it might bring Trump more black voters. On the other hand Trump will win S. Carolina anyway, so like Rubio, he's not needed to bring him a state.

If he went with Katie Britt, it might get Trump some new female voters, where he is hurting badly. On the other hand, Trump doesn't need her in order to carry Alabama, and she lacks experience to be viewed as a strong replacement as president should something happen to Trump.

If he chooses Ben Carson, again it may help him with black voters. On the other hand, since he was never elected to an office, he really wouldn't be bringing Trump a state to carry.

Haley has too much baggage now to really be seriously considered. Her criticisms of Trump would continually dog her on the campaign trail.

If he went with Tulsi Gabbard, as a woman of color she checks two boxes, and could bring in more minority voters. On the other hand, Hawaii is a lost cause to Republicans, so she wouldn't bring anything to the table to carry the state.

If he went with Kari Lake..................................................nevermind, next............................

If he chose Kristi Noem...........................................nevermind.
How is Trump ever going to find one who opposes Biden's war he started against Russia?
John Edgar Slow Horses: Nikki Haley dissed him and is female.
MAGA would like J.D. Vance, yet his personality is too forceful for Trump.
Byron Donalds and Tom Scott are black.
He hates DeSantis.
Tulsi Gabbard would be professional if curt, but Tulsi Gabbard believes that abortion should remain legal and accessible. She voted against a proposed ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

While she supports codifying Roe v. Wade, she also thinks that during the third trimester, abortion should not be an option unless the life or severe health consequences of a woman are at stake12.
John Edgar Slow Horses: Nikki Haley dissed him and is female.
MAGA would like J.D. Vance, yet his personality is too forceful for Trump.
Byron Donalds and Tom Scott are black.
He hates DeSantis.
Tulsi Gabbard would be professional if curt, but Tulsi Gabbard believes that abortion should remain legal and accessible. She voted against a proposed ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

While she supports codifying Roe v. Wade, she also thinks that during the third trimester, abortion should not be an option unless the life or severe health consequences of a woman are at stake12.
Donald H is right with "Trump ever going to find one who opposes Biden's war he started against Russia?"
If he does will she be able to hold HER nose? Trump is waiting for the Dem convention to announce his pick because he thinks he'll get better ratings on the idiot box that he loves & was glued to for four years as he sat around on his fat ass in is pj's until the crack of noon upstairs in the W.H.

He was the laziest son of a bitch ever elected potus.
Nikki wasn't serious with her talking points when she was running against Trump. No candidate has ever turned down the offer based on invented principals. Kamala spreading her 'wings' for Biden should be the last word on your suggestion.

In any case, nobody really gaf.
I just find it likely for reasons.
Donald H is right with "Trump ever going to find one who opposes Biden's war he started against Russia?"
Thanks boevans. Now we're slowly getting to the point.

I can leave it to the peanut gallery for the rest of the day now.

Credit goes to hellokitty for allowing the can of worms to be opened.
Nikki wasn't serious with her talking points when she was running against Trump. No candidate has ever turned down the offer based on invented principals. Kamala spreading her 'wings' for Biden should be the last word on your suggestion.

In any case, nobody really gaf.
I just find it likely for reasons.
Biden is not a serial criminal, Trump is & Haley knows it. Huge difference.
I can already foresee extreme peril for Trump's chances if Biden is forced into the prowar position defined as being unambiguous.

It's for god., it's against the godless commies. It's to save democracy from a gas station posing as a country, running roughshod across all of Europe, and the rest of the world.
It's for the flag., It's for the American Constitution. It's against a mad man who is an unpopular dictator. Putin is Saddam's half brother!

And it's for Biden's mind to make up other truths that are supported by the god!
Opposing aid (money) isn't the same as opposing the war


Your intellectual dishonesty knows no bounds I see.

If the American people oppose our involvement in the war - that is the precise opposite of the Dems' position - and perfectly aligns with Trump's.

And that flies directly in the face of your original assertion.

End of story.

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