A free church according to Matthew 18:20 instead of visiting an apostatic one?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Matthew 16:23
You are not promoting the Kingdom of G-d. You are making the name of Jesus a mockery to the non-christians, and make believers look like fools to the pagans.

How many people will dismiss Christianity, and end up in hell, because of the damage you, and those like you are doing to Christianity?

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Matthew 16:23
You are not promoting the Kingdom of G-d. You are making the name of Jesus a mockery to the non-christians, and make believers look like fools to the pagans.

How many people will dismiss Christianity, and end up in hell, because of the damage you, and those like you are doing to Christianity?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Your words like 'the Kingdom of G-d' reveal you are an adherent of Judaism.
Question: Why you intrude too much in Christian business but silence any discussion about your Religion as antisemitic?
The sad Truth is most of modern 'churches' are subverted and destroyed within by NWO & Co, true Christians who seek salvation and remission of sins receive there nothing else as damnation.
The completely corrupt 'church' hierarchy serve anyone else but not Jesus.
Therefore True Christians shall institute small congregations without any contact to state or 'churches'.
No money. nor necessity to ask NWO for tax exemption acc. to 501(c)(3) , no contact with anti-Christian state.
The only basis is the Holy Bible and mutual pray to God.

The same did ( and do now ) many Christian small denominations, for example Catacomb Church in Russia which does not accept satanic Communism, Putinism and Russian KGB 'Church'

True Christians do not subvert yourselves to NWO and its spiritually dead 'churches'

Can you imagine yourself the first Christians will allow to enforce themselves slaves muzzles, corrupted NWO hierrachy and 'Churches' - practically whore houses?


The modern 'churches' are well described in the Revelation Book as the Great Harlot

Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Matthew 16:23
You are not promoting the Kingdom of G-d. You are making the name of Jesus a mockery to the non-christians, and make believers look like fools to the pagans.

How many people will dismiss Christianity, and end up in hell, because of the damage you, and those like you are doing to Christianity?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Your words like 'the Kingdom of G-d' reveal you are an adherent of Judaism.
Question: Why you intrude too much in Christian business but silence any discussion about your Religion as antisemitic?
The sad Truth is most of modern 'churches' are subverted and destroyed within by NWO & Co, true Christians who seek salvation and remission of sins receive there nothing else as damnation.
The completely corrupt 'church' hierarchy serve anyone else but not Jesus.
Therefore True Christians shall institute small congregations without any contact to state or 'churches'.
No money. nor necessity to ask NWO for tax exemption acc. to 501(c)(3) , no contact with anti-Christian state.
The only basis is the Holy Bible and mutual pray to God.

The same did ( and do now ) many Christian small denominations, for example Catacomb Church in Russia which does not accept satanic Communism, Putinism and Russian KGB 'Church'

True Christians do not subvert yourselves to NWO and its spiritually dead 'churches'

Can you imagine yourself the first Christians will allow to enforce themselves slaves muzzles, corrupted NWO hierrachy and 'Churches' - practically whore houses?


The modern 'churches' are well described in the Revelation Book as the Great Harlot


I am a born again, Christian, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ the messiah. The one who rose again, and will return.

In everything that we do publicly as Christians, you are presenting to the pagans around us, what Jesus Christ is all about.

In thread, you have turned the name of Jesus Christ into a silly and absurd, tin foil hat conspiracy group, that ends up getting themselves killed.

Your mission on this planet, is to reach out to the pagans with hope, love, and wisdom. Instead you have presented the Lord as a bunch of incompetent foolishness, that causes the death of their own people.

There is a real practical argument to be made to end the lock down.

But you have made us, the followers of Jesus the Lord, out to be a bunch of crack pots. And you have made Jesus to be mocked by the Pagans.

I won't bother you again about this.

But I think you should hear this word going forward: You will answer the Lord for how you have acted here. He will hold you accountable for every life lost, because you humiliated the name of Jesus in front of the pagans.

Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Matthew 16:23
You are not promoting the Kingdom of G-d. You are making the name of Jesus a mockery to the non-christians, and make believers look like fools to the pagans.

How many people will dismiss Christianity, and end up in hell, because of the damage you, and those like you are doing to Christianity?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Your words like 'the Kingdom of G-d' reveal you are an adherent of Judaism.
Question: Why you intrude too much in Christian business but silence any discussion about your Religion as antisemitic?
The sad Truth is most of modern 'churches' are subverted and destroyed within by NWO & Co, true Christians who seek salvation and remission of sins receive there nothing else as damnation.
The completely corrupt 'church' hierarchy serve anyone else but not Jesus.
Therefore True Christians shall institute small congregations without any contact to state or 'churches'.
No money. nor necessity to ask NWO for tax exemption acc. to 501(c)(3) , no contact with anti-Christian state.
The only basis is the Holy Bible and mutual pray to God.

The same did ( and do now ) many Christian small denominations, for example Catacomb Church in Russia which does not accept satanic Communism, Putinism and Russian KGB 'Church'

True Christians do not subvert yourselves to NWO and its spiritually dead 'churches'

Can you imagine yourself the first Christians will allow to enforce themselves slaves muzzles, corrupted NWO hierrachy and 'Churches' - practically whore houses?


The modern 'churches' are well described in the Revelation Book as the Great Harlot


I am a born again, Christian, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ the messiah. The one who rose again, and will return.

In everything that we do publicly as Christians, you are presenting to the pagans around us, what Jesus Christ is all about.

In thread, you have turned the name of Jesus Christ into a silly and absurd, tin foil hat conspiracy group, that ends up getting themselves killed.

Your mission on this planet, is to reach out to the pagans with hope, love, and wisdom. Instead you have presented the Lord as a bunch of incompetent foolishness, that causes the death of their own people.

There is a real practical argument to be made to end the lock down.

But you have made us, the followers of Jesus the Lord, out to be a bunch of crack pots. And you have made Jesus to be mocked by the Pagans.

I won't bother you again about this.

But I think you should hear this word going forward: You will answer the Lord for how you have acted here. He will hold you accountable for every life lost, because you humiliated the name of Jesus in front of the pagans.


No one True Christian shall subvert himself to Satanic 'politicians' ' and apostatical whore 'churches'
Only those churches who reject violation of believer's rights by NWO are the True Churches
Most of so-called 'churches' have subverted to Satan and NWO because their greedy 'priests' simple need money. Those 'priests' will call you to accept 'vaccine' of Bill Gates ( which kills you ) and to put the Mark of the Beast on your forehead and hand.

Is it good to visit the New Corona 'Church' subverted to Satan`?
Wouldn't it probably not better to institute small groups of true believers who read the Holy Bible and pray to Jesus directly without corrupted fat middleman?
The Holy Bible speaks clearly we shall flee from Satan . Matthew 24:15-18


Or do you prefer to go to 'church' where corrupt priests demand from you to keep social distancing, refuse to sing and to pray and to wear muzzles?


Only a not collaborating with Satan's Covid-19 Hoax Agenda is a true church
Matthew 16:23
You are not promoting the Kingdom of G-d. You are making the name of Jesus a mockery to the non-christians, and make believers look like fools to the pagans.

How many people will dismiss Christianity, and end up in hell, because of the damage you, and those like you are doing to Christianity?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Your words like 'the Kingdom of G-d' reveal you are an adherent of Judaism.
Question: Why you intrude too much in Christian business but silence any discussion about your Religion as antisemitic?
The sad Truth is most of modern 'churches' are subverted and destroyed within by NWO & Co, true Christians who seek salvation and remission of sins receive there nothing else as damnation.
The completely corrupt 'church' hierarchy serve anyone else but not Jesus.
Therefore True Christians shall institute small congregations without any contact to state or 'churches'.
No money. nor necessity to ask NWO for tax exemption acc. to 501(c)(3) , no contact with anti-Christian state.
The only basis is the Holy Bible and mutual pray to God.

The same did ( and do now ) many Christian small denominations, for example Catacomb Church in Russia which does not accept satanic Communism, Putinism and Russian KGB 'Church'

True Christians do not subvert yourselves to NWO and its spiritually dead 'churches'

Can you imagine yourself the first Christians will allow to enforce themselves slaves muzzles, corrupted NWO hierrachy and 'Churches' - practically whore houses?


The modern 'churches' are well described in the Revelation Book as the Great Harlot


I am a born again, Christian, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ the messiah. The one who rose again, and will return.

In everything that we do publicly as Christians, you are presenting to the pagans around us, what Jesus Christ is all about.

In thread, you have turned the name of Jesus Christ into a silly and absurd, tin foil hat conspiracy group, that ends up getting themselves killed.

Your mission on this planet, is to reach out to the pagans with hope, love, and wisdom. Instead you have presented the Lord as a bunch of incompetent foolishness, that causes the death of their own people.

There is a real practical argument to be made to end the lock down.

But you have made us, the followers of Jesus the Lord, out to be a bunch of crack pots. And you have made Jesus to be mocked by the Pagans.

I won't bother you again about this.

But I think you should hear this word going forward: You will answer the Lord for how you have acted here. He will hold you accountable for every life lost, because you humiliated the name of Jesus in front of the pagans.


No one True Christian shall subvert himself to Satanic 'politicians' ' and apostatical whore 'churches'
Only those churches who reject violation of believer's rights by NWO are the True Churches
There is only one true religion.

Who is NWO?

Interesting you posted a picture of Babylon the Great which is in our literature. Do you know why false religion is called Babylon the Great?

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