A Great Earthquake Coming

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
As I was visiting today - reading Michael Boldea Jr.'s website and ministry Helping Hands- founded by Dumitru Duduman - his grandfather many years ago - I came across this prophecy. It was a prophetic dream that had been given by the LORD to Mike Boldea Jr. and two other Christians and this was back in 2006. I will post a clip of the dream and you can click the link if you want to read the entire message. In light of the recent happenings in California I do not believe this judgment is too far off now.

A Great Earthquake coming

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980's I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. "I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple."

continue reading on link............
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I'm standing on the rock. Jesus Christ. How about you, Henry? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb and living for Jesus Christ today?
I do not know why this thread posted twice as I only made one. Could a moderator please delete one of these threads? Thank you.
Whole lotta shakin' goin' on...

Large earthquake rocks Ecuador, kills 28
Sunday 17 April 2016 - Ecuador's strongest earthquake in decades, a 7.8 magnitude tremor, struck off the Pacific coast on Saturday, killing at least 28 people and causing "considerable damage" near the epicenter as well as in the largest city of Guayaquil. The Andean nation's government recommended people leave coastal areas over concern for rising tides.
Alarmed residents streamed into the streets of the highland capital Quito, hundreds of kilometers (miles) away, and other towns across the nation. "Based on preliminary information, there are 16 people dead in the city of Portoviejo, 10 in Manta and two in the province of Guayas," said Vice President Jorge Glas in a televised address. The country's Geophysics Institute in a bulletin described "considerable damage" in western coastal areas nearest the quake and in Guayaquil, without providing further details. The quake struck at around 8:00 p.m. (0100 GMT) at a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles).

President Rafael Correa cut short a trip to Italy to return home, urging Ecuadoreans via Twitter to keep their spirits up. Guayaquil's mayor Jaime Nebot, who was traveling in Spain, said on his Facebook page he would coordinate recovery operations from where he was. Official details on the damage to Guayaquil, a frequent departure point for foreign tourists visiting the Galapagos islands made famous by Charles Darwin, were slow to emerge.


Social media pictures showed a collapsed bridge in the city and minor damage to the lobby of a hotel, as well as images of a collapsed air traffic control tower at an airport in the city of Manta. "I was in my house watching a movie and everything started to shake. I ran out into the street and now I don't know what's going to happen," said Lorena Cazares, 36, a telecommunications worker in Quito. Parts of the capital were without power or telephone service, with many communicating only via Whatsapp. Photos on social media showed cracks in the walls of shopping centers.

The capital's municipal government later said power had been restored and there were no reports of casualties in the city. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said tsunami waves reaching 0.3 to 1 meter (one to three feet) above tide level were possible for some coastal areas of Ecuador. State officials said the OPEC nation's oil production was not affected by the quake but that the principal refinery of Esmeraldas, located near the epicenter, had been halted as a precaution.


See also:

Japan quake breaches the historic walls of 400-year old Kumamoto Castle
Sunday 17th April, 2016 - The deadly earthquakes that struck the southern Japanese island of Kyushu on Thursday and Saturday breached the walls of Kumamoto Castle which had previously withstood bombardment and fire in its four centuries of existence.
The fortification in the city of Kumamoto has stood as one of Kyushu's icons ever since it was built in 1607 by Kiyomasa Kato. He was a veteran military campaigner and feudal lord who took part in the reunification of Japan, which had been ravaged by a century of war. Television footage on Saturday showed a large section of the stone wall housing the castle collapsed in a dusty heap.

A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck southern Japan early on Saturday, killing at least 20 people, injuring more than 1,000 and trapping people in collapsed buildings, barely a day after Thursday's quake killed nine people in the same region. While the castle keep, which has so far withstood the series of quakes, is a concrete reconstruction built in 1960, many of the stone walls are originals from the 17th century. Sections of the outer stone walls had already been damaged by Thursday's earthquake.

Long after advancements in firearms made such fortifications obsolete, the castle withstood artillery fire when it came under siege from a rebel samurai army during the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877. Much of the castle structure later burned down during the conflict, although the walls managed to stand firm. Now a popular tourist attraction, the castle's administrative office has closed the structure to the public. "Please do not go close to the stone walls as aftershocks continue," the office said on its Facebook page.

Japan quake breaches the historic walls of 400-year old Kumamoto Castle


"Life is in limbo" after pair of deadly earthquakes in Japan
April 16, 2016 -- The wooden home barely withstood the first earthquake. An even stronger one the next night dealt what might have been the final blow -- if not to the house, then to the Tanaka family's peace of mind.
The Tanakas joined about 50 other residents of the southern Japanese town of Ozu who were planning to sleep in their cars at a public park Saturday after two nights of increasingly terrifying earthquakes that have killed at least 41 people and injured about 1,500, flattened houses and triggered major landslides. "I don't think we can go back there. Our life is in limbo," said 62-year-old Yoshiaki Tanaka, as other evacuees served rice balls for dinner. He, his wife and his 85-year-old mother fled their home after a magnitude-7.3 earthquake struck Saturday at 1:25 a.m., just 28 hours after a magnitude-6.5 quake hit the same area.

Army troops and other rescuers, using military helicopters to reach some stranded at a mountain resort, rushed Saturday to try to reach scores of trapped residents in hard-hit communities near Kumamoto, a city of 740,000 on the southwestern island of Kyushu. Heavy rain started falling Saturday night, threatening to complicate the relief operation and set off more mudslides. "Daytime today is the big test" for rescue efforts, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said early Saturday. Landslides had already cut off roads and destroyed bridges, slowing down rescuers.

Nearly 200,000 homes were without electricity, Japanese media reported, and an estimated 400,000 households were without running water. Kumamoto prefectural official Riho Tajima said that more than 200 houses and other buildings had been either destroyed or damaged, and that 91,000 people had evacuated from their homes. Hundreds of people lined up for rations at distribution points before nightfall, bracing for the rain and strong winds that were expected. Local stores quickly ran out of stock and shuttered their doors, and people said they were worried about running out of food.

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Shallow usually means a lot of movement felt at the surface...

Powerful Earthquake Kills 77 in Ecuador
April 17, 2016 - The death toll from the powerful earthquake in Ecuador has risen to 77.
Vice President Jorge Glas says the toll is likely to rise as reports from around the country continue to come in. "It's very important that Ecuadorians remain calm during this emergency," Glas said. The U.S. Geological Survey says the shallow 7.8 magnitude quake struck late Saturday along the South American country's coast.

It was felt 170 kilometers away in Quito, the capital, where it knocked out electricity and cell phone coverage in several neighborhoods. Quito buildings swayed for about 40 seconds, causing people to rush into the streets. A bridge collapsed in the port city of Guayaquil.


Police look at a car crushed under a collapsed overpass in Guayaquil, Ecuador, Saturday April 16, 2016. The strongest earthquake to hit Ecuador in decades flattened buildings and buckled highways along the country's coast, killing scores of people and causing damage hundreds of kilometers away from the epicenter in the capital and other major cities​

In Manta, the airport was closed after the control tower was damaged. Glas says the national guard has been mobilized to maintain public order. A tsunami warning has been issued, but there were no immediate reports of waves.

President Rafael Correa was not in Ecuador at the time of the quake. He was in Rome after attending a Vatican conference Friday. He said the earliest he could return to Ecuador is Sunday afternoon.

Powerful Earthquake Kills 77 in Ecuador
Earthquakes suck. That one in LA some years back...Northridge, I think....that one was a doozy. Felt it all the way here where I am and I am like 5 hours away. It was a roller one.....not a shaker. It looked like the wave they do at football games..or is it baseball? The apartments..I was standing at the slider dining room doors looking at the building across from us and it just ROLLED. I was hollering afterwards if everyone was ok in that building (there were 4 in that complex) and they were all "dayum!" but all were ok.
Then a voice spoke out ...

from whenever that book was written to today has anyone ever recorded or more than one person ever said they have heard the same voice to corroborate its existence ... ?

or how about just a world wide "Good Morning" - not that everyone needs reassurance from the Almighty but just what that would do in securing a direction for humanity.

has there ever been an evangelist that has not dreampt the same dream of -

"I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter". .:bow2:

Then a voice spoke out ...

from whenever that book was written to today has anyone ever recorded or more than one person ever said they have heard the same voice to corroborate its existence ... ?

or how about just a world wide "Good Morning" - not that everyone needs reassurance from the Almighty but just what that would do in securing a direction for humanity.

has there ever been an evangelist that has not dreampt the same dream of -

"I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter". .:bow2:

Those that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. Michael Boldea Jr and his grandfather - Dumitru Duduman (now in heaven) are two servants that I know are led by the Spirit of God. Amos 3:7
The Word of God says:

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7
There are earthquakes somewhere on earth every single day. Hundreds of them.
Walky, what prompted you to search in Archives and bump up a thread I posted in October of 2014? Any idea?
As I was visiting today - reading Michael Boldea Jr.'s website and ministry Helping Hands- founded by Dumitru Duduman - his grandfather many years ago - I came across this prophecy. It was a prophetic dream that had been given by the LORD to Mike Boldea Jr. and two other Christians and this was back in 2006. I will post a clip of the dream and you can click the link if you want to read the entire message. In light of the recent happenings in California I do not believe this judgment is too far off now.

A Great Earthquake coming

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980's I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. "I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple."

continue reading on link............


Religious loons, liars, and charlatans have been predicting all manner of ‘catastrophes’ since the advent of human civilization.
As I was visiting today - reading Michael Boldea Jr.'s website and ministry Helping Hands- founded by Dumitru Duduman - his grandfather many years ago - I came across this prophecy. It was a prophetic dream that had been given by the LORD to Mike Boldea Jr. and two other Christians and this was back in 2006. I will post a clip of the dream and you can click the link if you want to read the entire message. In light of the recent happenings in California I do not believe this judgment is too far off now.

A Great Earthquake coming

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980's I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. "I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple."

continue reading on link............


Religious loons, liars, and charlatans have been predicting all manner of ‘catastrophes’ since the advent of human civilization.
Clayton, you have demonstrated (repeatedly) your rejection of Jesus Christ and unbelief in the reality of heaven and hell so why would expect to understand what Amos 3:7 is about? Just because you do not believe God shares his secrets with his servants does not mean that it isn't true. Of course it is true. God has always had his own servants. Read Matthew Chapter 22. The people the King sent out? Those were God's servants!
I was thinking recently about why the LORD sent me to this board to preach for almost 4 years here and yet most of the same people here are still violently opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what has come to me. You people have the truth because I've written to you what the Scriptures say - not what I have to say but what the Scriptures have to say and what God's servants have been given to tell the world (such as Dumitru Duduman and Michael Boldea Jr). What possible excuse will any of you have when you face Jesus Christ at the Judgment Seat of God Almighty? Many of you will say - I never knew! I didn't know and therefore I am innocent! Then the LORD will tell you, I sent my servants to you and he is going to remind you of every single laborer he ever sent across your path to offer you the Gospel of Jesus Christ which - had you received it - would have given you eternal life.

You will spend eternity in hell regretting that you didn't listen. But you won't be cursing my name because I have put in the time here to tell you (AND to pray for you) and not a single one of you have any excuse. NOT A ONE.
I was thinking recently about why the LORD sent me to this board to preach for almost 4 years here and yet most of the same people here are still violently opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what has come to me. You people have the truth because I've written to you what the Scriptures say - not what I have to say but what the Scriptures have to say and what God's servants have been given to tell the world (such as Dumitru Duduman and Michael Boldea Jr). What possible excuse will any of you have when you face Jesus Christ at the Judgment Seat of God Almighty? Many of you will say - I never knew! I didn't know and therefore I am innocent! Then the LORD will tell you, I sent my servants to you and he is going to remind you of every single laborer he ever sent across your path to offer you the Gospel of Jesus Christ which - had you received it - would have given you eternal life.

You will spend eternity in hell regretting that you didn't listen. But you won't be cursing my name because I have put in the time here to tell you (AND to pray for you) and not a single one of you have any excuse. NOT A ONE.

You are very funny Jeremiah. You incessantly threaten people with hell if they do not accept your belief that Jesus, a human being, is God even though if scripture is true , because you worship a human being as if he was a god, you are already in hell.

Whats your excuse for setting aside the divine commands and teaching others to do the same?

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