A guess at what World War III will look like


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

A guess at what World War III will look like

29 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mark C. Ross

The following is nothing more than an educated guess.
The current military conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East will not likely end via negotiated armistice, though Mr. Putin may figure out a face-saving way to cut his losses, while Israel is truly committed to putting an end to Hamas and Hezb’allah once and for all.
For this to come about, the mullahs in Iran also have to be eliminated. They have made their ancient nation the truly most responsible party for the Israel-Hamas conflict. They are also not all that popular with their own people — especially those of the female persuasion. Their nuclear weapons program provides an excellent selling point for us to enlist allies in this endeavor.
What is not mentioned when discussing Iran’s nuclear weapons program is the importance of the delivery system. Hydrogen bombs are “old tech,” while all kinds of ordnance-transporting vehicles have been developed since. Hypersonic guided missiles can deliver the weapon so quickly that a defensive response has a low probability of success. Cruise missiles are fairly old-fashioned, being similar to the V-1 buzz bombs of WW2, but in the modern world, with their high-tech guidance systems, they have the potential of coming in under the radar and taking out a specific target.
Islam has been at war with the outside world (AKA infidels) since its inception. But there has long been an implied containment on excesses. Then came the mullahs and ayatollahs, and a new and particularly dangerous militancy swooped in to aggravate the pre-existing tensions. Let me be clear: Islam does not need to be eradicated. Its over-the-top violent zealots should be, however.
Israelis are mostly modern, integrated, worldly people. They tolerate, if not outright respect, dissenters from their mainstream view of the world. They too balked at vicious retribution when it came to discouraging their enemies. And they seem to have been punished for that, but that is the price we all have to pay for being civilized. We just have to work at lowering that price.

World War III is not theoretical. It is here.
Fortunately there was a respite between 2017 and 2020.
Yet, when so many nations see everything as a zero sum game in which an adversary nation must be destroyed and given no voice, you have world war.
Peace is no longer an option and those calling for peace are mocked.
Israel relies heavily on reserves for it's military, which makes it extremely difficult to fight a long, extended war. They would love to drag the US into their wars.

US presidents during the past 70 years have been smart enough to stay out of Israel's wars.
US presidents during the past 70 years have been smart enough to stay out of Israel's wars.
75% of the 4 billion in aid must BY LAW be spent with US defense contractors. If those who want to cut ties with Israel were to get their way it's likely Israel would go down fighting and that means a GUARANTEED USE OF NUKES against the scum that we saw on 10/7. The Jews may burn again but if they DO... we ALL get to go along for that ride and that would be justice for us.
75% of the 4 billion in aid must BY LAW be spent with US defense contractors. If those who want to cut ties with Israel were to get their way it's likely Israel would go down fighting and that means a GUARANTEED USE OF NUKES against the scum that we saw on 10/7. The Jews may burn again but if they DO... we ALL get to go along for that ride and that would be justice for us.
We all won’t go down, but Mecca, Riyadh, Amman, Damascus, Cairo and Teheran would burn along whatever secondary targets Israel has the warheads to hit. When they say “ never again” the Israelis mean it.

A guess at what World War III will look like

29 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mark C. Ross

The following is nothing more than an educated guess.
The current military conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East will not likely end via negotiated armistice, though Mr. Putin may figure out a face-saving way to cut his losses, while Israel is truly committed to putting an end to Hamas and Hezb’allah once and for all.
For this to come about, the mullahs in Iran also have to be eliminated. They have made their ancient nation the truly most responsible party for the Israel-Hamas conflict. They are also not all that popular with their own people — especially those of the female persuasion. Their nuclear weapons program provides an excellent selling point for us to enlist allies in this endeavor.
What is not mentioned when discussing Iran’s nuclear weapons program is the importance of the delivery system. Hydrogen bombs are “old tech,” while all kinds of ordnance-transporting vehicles have been developed since. Hypersonic guided missiles can deliver the weapon so quickly that a defensive response has a low probability of success. Cruise missiles are fairly old-fashioned, being similar to the V-1 buzz bombs of WW2, but in the modern world, with their high-tech guidance systems, they have the potential of coming in under the radar and taking out a specific target.
Islam has been at war with the outside world (AKA infidels) since its inception. But there has long been an implied containment on excesses. Then came the mullahs and ayatollahs, and a new and particularly dangerous militancy swooped in to aggravate the pre-existing tensions. Let me be clear: Islam does not need to be eradicated. Its over-the-top violent zealots should be, however.
Israelis are mostly modern, integrated, worldly people. They tolerate, if not outright respect, dissenters from their mainstream view of the world. They too balked at vicious retribution when it came to discouraging their enemies. And they seem to have been punished for that, but that is the price we all have to pay for being civilized. We just have to work at lowering that price.

World War III is not theoretical. It is here.
Fortunately there was a respite between 2017 and 2020.
Yet, when so many nations see everything as a zero sum game in which an adversary nation must be destroyed and given no voice, you have world war.
Peace is no longer an option and those calling for peace are mocked.

So you're saying World War III is here...and you're posting on a message board? Seems like you'd be taking some more important actions to ensure the safety of your family than what you're doing. Are you a coward or just an idiot?
So you're saying World War III is here...and you're posting on a message board? Seems like you'd be taking some more important actions to ensure the safety of your family than what you're doing. Are you a coward or just an idiot?
Remember when every Democrat was so scared that Trump would start a war?
Turns out your heart throb and weak leader has screwed the pooch from the get go and has given us two wars.
One in the Ukraine and Israel. Not to mention the shortages and inflation Joey Xi has created here in the U.S.
Now there's a good possibility that we go to war with Iran. Thanks to your heart throb Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Here's a reminder...
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Remember when every Democrat was so scared that Trump would start a war?
Turns out your heart throb and weak leader has screwed the pooch from the get go and has given us two wars.
One in the Ukraine and Israel. Not to mention the shortages and inflation Joey Xi has created here in the U.S.
Now there's a good possibility that we go to war with Iran. Thanks to your heart throb Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Here's a reminder...

Not sure what, if anything, that was supposed to mean. You're blaming Biden for Russia's attack in Ukraine and Hamas hitting Israel. Yet amazingly Biden has strongly assisted our allies in rebuking both invasions... So you're not making any sense at all.
We are talking about a "world" war not some regional conflict. WW3 would start out the same way WW2 ended for Japan. Every two bit regime has nuclear weapons and most of them are willing to use them.

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