A huge caravan of central Americans is headed for the US and no one in Mexico is stopping them


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.
Elections are coming up....

Black folks are wising up to the Democrat BS and bailing in droves. They know it.
They need fresh voters that can be tricked or bribed to vote Democrat who don't know the wool is being pulled over their eyes.

You can best believe the Progressives like Soros are helping this along.

Nothing funny about it. America as we knew it...the prosperity and opportunity.....POOF!
Working people will be forced to fork over more and more for the new Democrat voters.
Got a few places picked out and preparing. No need to wait for the Dictator like they did in Venezuela. It's too late by then.
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

i gave them directions to your house.
another 500,000 are waiting and watching to see if they make it.

If the the first caravan is successful.........we'll merge with Mexico and S. America.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were all good people....but a TON of MS13 will come with them.
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.
What happens when this wave reaches our southern border will be a test of Trump's primary resolve -- and it will dramatically affirm the need for his wall.
It's an invasion....the constitution calls for the military to protect the border...
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.
I read this news! :(

Hope they will be stopped.
It will take a lot of serious political effort to put an end to this wave of invasive "migration." It will require an abrupt end to all forms of aid and the deployment of National Guard troops will be needed to deal with the response to that.
cockroaches want welfare

stop welfare for future refugees.

think of working instead
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

i gave them directions to your house.

YOu wanted them here retard open that door to your house doofus........
An illegal alien flotilla? I'm sure they are being followed by high tech drones and will all be arrested, in fact, border patrol might make an example out of them.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.
funniest bunch of non-sense I have read in a long time.

hateful leftist want the power to determine who can and can't have kids.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.
funniest bunch of non-sense I have read in a long time.

hateful leftist want the power to determine who can and can't have kids.

Nope. All along, the aim was that everyone would have access to birth control and the national governments were to encourage its use, leaving people to make their decisions for themselves. Years ago, I had a neighbor from either Honduras or Nicaragua. She told me that back home, they had small houses, large families, slept in the same room with blankets for privacy, and barely enough food to go around. She said that she was happy to come here and have the means available to limit her offspring to two. She had her girl and her boy and she was through with it.

Why do you "conservatives" consistently refuse to acknowledge that many people want to limit the number of children they have? Why is this so hard to understand? This is how Hull House got started, Planned Parenthood got started. People wanted to turn off the spigot.

Just yesterday afternoon, my doctor (who is funny as hell and who went to another room to get pictures of his beloved dog and cat to show me) were talking about my trip that morning to the awful world of Costco and its flying unattended children that one is not supposed to kick or trip over. He told me that he was getting pressure from his in-laws to produce and he was not enthusiastic at the prospect of parenthood.

A few months back I saw a piece on population. It might have been on the BBC. It seems that the governments of some African nations are holding "husbands' schools" to encourage birth control, slow down population growth, and garner attention in rural areas to the health of wives and children. Meanwhile, the Polish and Taiwanese want to encourage the production of more Poles and Taiwanese. The government of Taiwan is running TV ads featuring happy, smiling, and obviously very pregnant Taiwanese people. The ad run by the Polish government is cuter: heterosexual couples laughing and smiling at each other while playing with bunny rabbits on the grass. I guess Taiwanese and Polish citizens are a bit reluctant to get in the game.

What does this all tell you about what actual people actually want?

Who the hell is paying for the food and water. It's a long, long way from the Guatemala border to the USA.

Over a thousand miles!
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
Liberals are just as guilty for this shit.....take off your blinders and you might see more....

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