A Judicial Dictatorship


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I'M sure if Trump wanted to he could punish them in ways that would boggle the mind...

April 25, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

When the left lost Congress, it retreated to the White House. Having lost both Congress and the White House, it has retreated into its remaining state governments, corporations and the judiciary. The latter has begun to function like Venezuela's judiciary. Except it's functioning not as the arm of a sitting executive, but as the shadow government of a former executive.

Repeated illegal and unconstitutional interference by Federal judges with President Trump's policies is creating a serious crisis. Nuking the filibuster means that the Supreme Court may eventually be able to resolve some of these crises, but the left is betting heavily that judicial sabotage alone will shut down some moves, such as the travel pause, while running out the clock might give it a shot at Congress.

The scale and scope of the sabotage is unprecedented. As is the crisis that it's ushering in.

President Trump is being given three choices, to either abandon his key policy initiatives, spend indefinite amounts of time fighting just to begin implementing them or to go ahead anyway. None of these are good options. But they are the work of a left that clearly does not care how much damage it causes.


A Judicial Dictatorship

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