Why are judges not MADE to recuse themselves when there's obviously a Conflict?

Yes. It is very unlikely to get acted upon. But that a different issue, dimwit.

disciplinary action could come down on the judge. Although, obviously, that wont happen here. It could impact the appeal, though. You are allowed to wish and pray otherwise.

No. It hasn’t.

As one expects after reading your notion of “posting,” you are far too stupid to grasp any of this.

Alito and his wife are entitled to free speech, you abject dipshit retard. So why would I care that he or his wife exercised free speech? And for that matter, you moron, how would you know that the flags were flown upside down to “support” any of the criminal behavior of 1/6?

Dismissed ages ago, dipshit retard

So upside down flags being flown by stop the steal rioters on Jan 6 and Alito displaying an upside down flag at all his homes RIGHT AFTER jan 6 is just a coincidence? LOL. This isn't one of your nutter friends, this is a supreme court justice making a huge political statement in support of an insurrection on Jan 6 to steal back the election. If you have a problem with a judge donating $35 because it looks like they are biased it would be the height of hypocrisy to ignore what Alito did while hearing Trump's case, dipshit retard!
The decision wasn’t reported until 2 weeks ago. And the dismissal wasn’t ages ago anyway.
So upside down flags being flown by stop the steal rioters on Jan 6 and Alito displaying an upside down flag at all his homes RIGHT AFTER jan 6 is just a coincidence? LOL. This isn't one of your nutter friends, this is a supreme court justice making a huge political statement in support of an insurrection on Jan 6 to steal back the election. If you have a problem with a judge donating $35 because it looks like they are biased it would be the height of hypocrisy to ignore what Alito did while hearing Trump's case, dipshit retard!
Your spin, like you are, can best be described as “weak.”

I also finding funny that a libtard suddenly pretends to even care about the flag. Not convincing, you schmucks.

The symbol of flying our flag upside down is well known as being a sign of distress. And I am a bit distressed (in political and Constitutional terms) about the state of our Republic.
The decision wasn’t reported until 2 weeks ago. And the dismissal wasn’t ages ago anyway.

Your spin, like you are, can best be described as “weak.”

I also finding funny that a libtard suddenly pretends to even care about the flag. Not convincing, you schmucks.

The symbol of flying our flag upside down is well known as being a sign of distress. And I am a bit distressed (in political and Constitutional terms) about the state of our Republic.

There's no spin, just hypocrisy. You have zero comeback to what I said because you absolutely know Alito is a closet maga partisan hack job that has no business hearing any case with Trump in it. This guy probably shouldn't even be allowed as a judge if he supports the Jan 6 insurrection. That's outrageous. Meanwhile you're crying over $35 LMAO.

You can be distressed 24/7 about the government and fly upside flags to your hearts content. You're not a supreme court justice. You don't need to stand in judgement about Trump's involvement in Jan 6. You people love to cry all day about Merchan, but you'll never be honest enough to call out Alito and his obvious conflict of interest, which is infinitely more significant.
There's no spin, just hypocrisy. You have zero comeback to what I said because you absolutely know Alito is a closet maga partisan hack job that has no business hearing any case with Trump in it. This guy probably shouldn't even be allowed as a judge if he supports the Jan 6 insurrection. That's outrageous. Meanwhile you're crying over $35 LMAO.

You can be distressed 24/7 about the government and fly upside flags to your hearts content. You're not a supreme court justice. You don't need to stand in judgement about Trump's involvement in Jan 6. You people love to cry all day about Merchan, but you'll never be honest enough to call out Alito and his obvious conflict of interest, which is infinitely more significant.
No comeback needed. You’re entirely wrong.

You libturds demand the recusal of only conservative jurists because the jurists have spouses who speak freely.

Your position is so inane, it requires no deeper consideration.
far as I can tell, this is a LIE

figures. That's all dims do is lie.

The links to the ethics committee report have been posted on multiple threads over the past two days.

You could of googled it before proving you're a gullible idiot by called those of us who take the time to check the facts as "liars". The only people who label others "liars" on no evidence, are themselves people who are liars.

Those of us who tell the truth have no problem providing the links but you clowns refuse to read them.

But you're not in a Cult. On no, not you.
The links to the ethics committee report have been posted on multiple threads over the past two days.

You could of googled it before proving you're a gullible idiot by called those of us who take the time to check the facts as "liars". The only people who label others "liars" on no evidence, are themselves people who are liars.

Those of us who tell the truth have no problem providing the links but you clowns refuse to read them.

But you're not in a Cult. On no, not you.
Forum rules state that telling someone Google/search for proof of info "stated as fact" is a NO-NO! It is the responsibility of the person making the statements to provide the source(s).
Since when are judges disbarred from contributing to political parties or candidates? LOL
In new York they are not disbarred but reprimanded, but the ethics committee ruled it was over two years ago and only $15 to Biden...on other judges the ethics committee has ruled the same, beyond two years ago and tiny amount, is not a reason for recusal, though they are reprimanded to not do it again.
There certainly should not be an OPTION to recuse.

The fox is asked politely not to target the henhouse?!

from site (emphasis added)

"Democrat Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan, who donated to Biden’s campaign and another anti-Trump cause in 2020, has a clear judicial bias against President Trump," Stefanik, the House Republican Conference chair, said late Tuesday. "Merchan’s adult daughter is a Democrat political operative who has financially benefited from her father’s unprecedented trial of President Trump."

"When Trump raised this additional evidence of Judge Merchan’s bias, Merchan retaliated by expanding his unconstitutional gag order on Trump," Stefanik added. "The law and common sense absolutely requires Judge Merchan’s recusal from President Trump’s trial. We cannot allow a biased, far-left activist judge to strip the American people of our constitutional right to select [our] own leaders."

He donated $10 to Biden's campaign. You seriously going to make hay of ten bucks?

No problem, let see you play it straight and support Republican Trump appointed Judge Cannon recusing herself.
No comeback needed. You’re entirely wrong.

You libturds demand the recusal of only conservative jurists because the jurists have spouses who speak freely.

Your position is so inane, it requires no deeper consideration.

You fail at being honest,not unlike like Trump. If you were indicted for rioting at the capitol building would you want the judge overseeing your trial to coincidentally have a s on who was a capitol police officer, who was badly injured during the riots and in a coma? If you didn't know, that would be called a conflict of interest. Even if Alito's wife was the crackpot, allowing flags that represented the insurrection movement and riots to stay flying at all your houses shows either a complete and total lack of judgement or he actually supports it. If your wife flew Nazi flags on your front lawn and you were a mayor, or governor, senator would you let it stay up if you didn't support her message? Heck, if you were just a regular person and didn't support Nazism would you let it keep flying? Try and think about that and get back to me. My position is one of sanity and rationale, yours is based purely out of cult loyalty. Try and think for yourself instead of following along like a sheep. Alito has a clear and obvious conflict of interest.
You fail at being honest,not unlike like Trump. If you were indicted for rioting at the capitol building would you want the judge overseeing your trial to coincidentally have a s on who was a capitol police officer, who was badly injured during the riots and in a coma? If you didn't know, that would be called a conflict of interest. Even if Alito's wife was the crackpot, allowing flags that represented the insurrection movement and riots to stay flying at all your houses shows either a complete and total lack of judgement or he actually supports it. If your wife flew Nazi flags on your front lawn and you were a mayor, or governor, senator would you let it stay up if you didn't support her message? Heck, if you were just a regular person and didn't support Nazism would you let it keep flying? Try and think about that and get back to me. My position is one of sanity and rationale, yours is based purely out of cult loyalty. Try and think for yourself instead of following along like a sheep. Alito has a clear and obvious conflict of interest.
You fail at being honest. Much like the Potato.
Give us a link to prove this because it's the first time I've heard of it. We have heard over and over that M refused, absolutely refused to do that

Then there is this: It was $35 not $15, so why should we believe you?

AND he wasn't supposed to donate ANYTHING at all. I believe it was actually against the law for him to do that..

so he demands that everyone else follow every jot and tittle of the law but he doesn't have to ... typical dim

You say you're a Christian .
Duh. How do they even compare? $15 vs $4,000,000 in gifts to Thomas by a Republican billionaire.....to influence his decisions?
compare hunter's entire haul, legitmate or not, to the interest on kushner's $2B from the ibn saud

but that wahataboutism aside, any amout of this corrujpion is too much and if examples must be set, "thy will be done."

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