Why are judges not MADE to recuse themselves when there's obviously a Conflict?

I obviously meant to hold your faith based beliefs.

Which you admitted.

Good stuff. I can always trick you guys into telling on yourselves. Fish in a barrel.

Eh? What faith based beliefs? Where did THAT come in?

Good stuff. I can always trick you guys into telling on yourselves. Fish in a barrel.

When you’re done patting yourself on the back, you’ll realize that you didn’t trick anyone because I wasn’t trying to hide anything. You went on to some comment about faith based beliefs, when all I was talking an about is, we no longer need evidence to start an investigation. You all just wrote the book on that, so it’s time for the right to put that in practice…
There certainly should not be an OPTION to recuse.

The fox is asked politely not to target the henhouse?!

from site (emphasis added)

"Democrat Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan, who donated to Biden’s campaign and another anti-Trump cause in 2020, has a clear judicial bias against President Trump," Stefanik, the House Republican Conference chair, said late Tuesday. "Merchan’s adult daughter is a Democrat political operative who has financially benefited from her father’s unprecedented trial of President Trump."

"When Trump raised this additional evidence of Judge Merchan’s bias, Merchan retaliated by expanding his unconstitutional gag order on Trump," Stefanik added. "The law and common sense absolutely requires Judge Merchan’s recusal from President Trump’s trial. We cannot allow a biased, far-left activist judge to strip the American people of our constitutional right to select [our] own leaders."

The judge consulted an ethics committee before taking the case, and was told that there was no conflict of interest, and he should not recuse himself.

Elise Stefanik is campaigning for to be Trumps VP running mate. She’ll say and do anything and cannot be believed or trusted.
Judge Merchan donated $15 to the Biden campaign, and his daughter has been in marketing as her career for over a decade, with democratic politicians mostly as clients with the firms she worked at....

Judge Merchan when asked to recuse, brought it before the Judicial Ethics Board to get their advise on it, and the Ethics board said there was no conflict of interest, and he did not meet the standard to recuse himself. So, Merchan did not.

Pretty rotten of Trumpers to not mention that Merchan took this step and would have followed what the ethics board recommended. And that the donation was $15....you don't mention the amount and mostly try to deceive Trumpers in to believing he was a big contributor to his campaign.
It doesn’t matter how much Merchan contributed to Potato. Whether $35.00 or $2000.oo. He wasn’t supposed to do it at all.

It was improper and undermines the perception of neutrality of jurists.
Give us a link to prove this because it's the first time I've heard of it. We have heard over and over that M refused, absolutely refused to do that

Then there is this: It was $35 not $15, so why should we believe you?

AND he wasn't supposed to donate ANYTHING at all. I believe it was actually against the law for him to do that..

so he demands that everyone else follow every jot and tittle of the law but he doesn't have to ... typical dim
is that a new york law?

politicians donate to each other's campaigns (that is the point of a "leadership pac") all the time
yeh, such hypocrites. They allow Merchan of Injustice to decline to recuse

but then turn around and demand that the scotus justices recuse themselves.

The scotus justices should recuse, with any direct political involvement of their wives (who live and sleep with them)in the cases related that they may get....

Merchan's daughter, is an adult, doesn't live with him, is married, and lives in D.C. and her Political consulting business has no relation or effect on Merchan's court rulings. Zip, zero, nada!

Trump's ax to grind with Merchan extends from the Trump org found criminally responsible and guilty via a jury, for fraud and tax evasion, that Merchan was the presiding judge over last year, where Alan Weisselberg took the hit for Trump org, and went to prison.
Give us a link to prove this because it's the first time I've heard of it. We have heard over and over that M refused, absolutely refused to do that

Then there is this: It was $35 not $15, so why should we believe you?

AND he wasn't supposed to donate ANYTHING at all. I believe it was actually against the law for him to do that..

so he demands that everyone else follow every jot and tittle of the law but he doesn't have to ... typical dim

You haven't heard ANY of this before because right wing news sites never give you the facts. They WANT you to be angry and outraged so they both flat out lie to you, or they lie "by omission" - leaving out pertinent facts which change EVERYTHING.

When someone (other than Trump), makes a error in statement, you immediately label them a "liar" and dismiss everything they say??? It's not a "lie", and he's not a "liar" unless he KNEW that $15 was WRONG, and he posted it to deliberately mislead you.

And yet you believe ALL Donald Trump's lies, and cling to every single one of them as absolute truth.

What a gullible fool you are.
is that a new york law?

politicians donate to each other's campaigns (that is the point of a "leadership pac") all the time

The same people who have no problem with Clarence Thomas taking lavish vacations, houses, and tranvel from the people who have cases before the Supreme Court, or Justice Alito flying insurrectionist flags at his "wife's" properties - both of whom have refused to recuse themselves from ANY cases having to do with January 6th, are going batshit crazy because Engoran donated $35 to a Democrat running for office.
Give us a link to prove this because it's the first time I've heard of it. We have heard over and over that M refused, absolutely refused to do that

Then there is this: It was $35 not $15, so why should we believe you?

AND he wasn't supposed to donate ANYTHING at all. I believe it was actually against the law for him to do that..

so he demands that everyone else follow every jot and tittle of the law but he doesn't have to ... typical dim

Opinion 23-54
May 4, 2023​
Digest: (1) A judge’s impartiality cannot reasonably be questioned based on (a) de minimis political contributions made more than two years ago or (b) the business and/or political activities of the judge’s first-degree relative, where the relative has no direct or indirect involvement in the proceeding and no interests that could be substantially affected by the proceeding.
(2) As a result, the judge is not ethically required to disclose such facts or circumstances sua sponte in the proceeding, regardless of any surrounding publicity or lack thereof. The judge may continue to preside in the matter....


The complaint stemmed from donations in 2020 which, according to the Federal Election Commission, were for $35 to the Democratic group ActBlue that included $15 earmarked for Biden for President and $10 each to Progressive Turnout Project and Stop Republicans. Reuters could not determine who made the complaint.
It doesn’t matter how much Merchan contributed to Potato. Whether $35.00 or $2000.oo. He wasn’t supposed to do it at all.

It was improper and undermines the perception of neutrality of jurists.

Since when are judges disbarred from contributing to political parties or candidates? LOL
Surely you can answer that question. Forcing a Justice to recuse himself would have been laughed at years ago but now it seems reasonable to some because they are victims of left wing propaganda promoted by the media..

Not hard to find it.

Even if true, does this restriction really apply to amounts as small as $35? :auiqs.jpg: What's the punishment? It's such a non issue it's already been dismissed by the NYS ethics commission. I guess if this bothers you this much then you must be absolutely outraged over Alito hanging flags upside in all of his homes in support of the Jan 6 insurrection :auiqs.jpg:
Even if true, does this restriction really apply to amounts as small as $35?
Yes. It is very unlikely to get acted upon. But that a different issue, dimwit.
What's the punishment?
disciplinary action could come down on the judge. Although, obviously, that wont happen here. It could impact the appeal, though. You are allowed to wish and pray otherwise.
It's such a non issue it's already been dismissed by the NYS ethics commission.
No. It hasn’t.
I guess if this bothers you this much then you must be absolutely outraged over Alito hanging flags upside in all of his homes in support of the Jan 6 insurrection
As one expects after reading your notion of “posting,” you are far too stupid to grasp any of this.

Alito and his wife are entitled to free speech, you abject dipshit retard. So why would I care that he or his wife exercised free speech? And for that matter, you moron, how would you know that the flags were flown upside down to “support” any of the criminal behavior of 1/6?

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