Zone1 A King Stepped Down to Offer You the Greatest Gift a Man Can Give

What if we don’t want eternal life? What else does you “Savior” have to offer?
Jesus died so we could hunt colorful eggs, and have marshmallow peeps.
Something to think about when you're hunting for eggs

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as with the others ...

"Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times."

she's all talk for jesus little different than the above - while reading the 4th century c-bible written by the crucifiers omitting the reason jesus was willing to die, liberation theology, self determination the religion of antiquity - no where found in their book of forgeries and fallacies.
What if we don’t want eternal life? What else does you “Savior” have to offer?
Why must you interfere in such a great thread? What do you gain by spewing your hatred for the one Friend who willingly died to pay for YOUR sins? You're dark-hearted, but I hope you awaken to Christ's eternal light some day. When your back is up against a wall in the future ... think about getting humble and praying to your only hope ... Jesus Christ.
Why must you interfere in such a great thread? What do you gain by spewing your hatred for the one Friend who willingly died to pay for YOUR sins? You're dark-hearted, but I hope you awaken to Christ's eternal light some day. When your back is up against a wall in the future ... think about getting humble and praying to your only hope ... Jesus Christ.

your a joke, not one word written by their own hand makes such a claim - they died for liberation theology, self determination not christian servitude the very opposite they were willing to take as a chance knowing they would be murdered by the very likes of who wrote the c-bible.
your a joke, not one word written by their own hand makes such a claim - they died for liberation theology, self determination not christian servitude the very opposite they were willing to take as a chance knowing they would be murdered by the very likes of who wrote the c-bible.
Your heart if filled with hatred. Both sad and horrible at the same time. But I was there once, so I can't condemn you. For some reason ... Christ called me out of darkness way back in the 80s. If it can happen for me ... it can happen for you.
Let's be historically accurate, no fake good news.
1) the death scene story is PROVEN borrowed from predated mythology (found on the Marduk tablets) OF THE BEL PASSION PLAY.
The Jesus mythology is but a mask for prexisting mythology of Baal worship.
2) they used the Canaanite dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce, whereby the son of Baal called Morning star surpasses his father on the throne upon dying, a means to make excuses for a god who can't survive life and dies by the hands of his enemies in the seas (i.e. Rome)
3)Ishtar day is the mythology of the morning stars (lucifer) fall to earth, whereby the fish creature comes from out a giant egg (sounds like an e.t. scene) It makes sense if you know Baal's father was Dagon, the fishman god whos dying god son Baal surpassed his tired old mythology, so when Baal became less popular with drought and passing of time, the new mask became Romes 1 world religion compiled mythology figure.
Rome still uses the Dagon fishead hat Mitre, the fishman ring the Pope wears, and scales on their robes . THE twisted persian pillars at the Vatican with the Baal sun symbol above them, and the Baal cross (round symbol or sun behind the cross).
Your heart if filled with hatred. Both sad and horrible at the same time. But I was there once, so I can't condemn you. For some reason ... Christ called me out of darkness way back in the 80s. If it can happen for me ... it can happen for you.

wake up, christianity is the darkness that never left you, jesus died for self determination you on the other hand - read a book.
What a sick making and utterly Fake video .
Why must you interfere in such a great thread? What do you gain by spewing your hatred for the one Friend who willingly died to pay for YOUR sins?

Typical Cult hatred .
Cannot allow an opposing view .

And the Essene monk is no friend of mine, however well intentioned he may have been .
Charity begins at home, seems an excellent precept . Unfortunately he scores a big fat zero for that .
And as for Big Dad being a nice person or doing nice things -- a scam artist and thoroughly nasty piece of work .

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