A Legal Fork for SCOTUS: How to Arrange Alphabet Soup Into a Viable Static Class.

Should a legal "class" first understand itself & its members before it gains special protections?

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"no practicing Christian may, under threat of eternal damnation, assist the spread of a homosexual cultural movement" Go find that in the bible, you lying sack of shit.


Is that more of your understanding of the law?:laugh2:
No, it is the law. That you choose to comment on things beyond your understanding is your problem.

Too funny.

It seems I've discovered another nut here. You are free to go.
Right. You are clueless about Civil Rights laws and decide to pretend you are not.
"no practicing Christian may, under threat of eternal damnation, assist the spread of a homosexual cultural movement" Go find that in the bible, you lying sack of shit.


Is that more of your understanding of the law?:laugh2:
No, it is the law. That you choose to comment on things beyond your understanding is your problem.

Too funny.

It seems I've discovered another nut here. You are free to go.
Right. You are clueless about Civil Rights laws and decide to pretend you are not.
All right, I will educate you.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has heavily influenced the way that courts determine the protected groups under discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination in educational facilities and public workplaces. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a person may not be discriminated against due to the following:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has heavily influenced the way that courts determine the protected groups under discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination in educational facilities and public workplaces. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a person may not be discriminated against due to the following:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation was never mentioned in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Age is not a choice. Pregnancy isn't a behavior, it's a state of being. National origin isn't a choice. Race isn't a choice. Ethnic Background isn't a choice. Religious beliefs ARE a choice and the only exception to a static state. Sexual orientation, like drug addiction or an eating orientation like bulimia are other animals altogether. Since their origins lie in mental illness and inabilities to deal with reality on its terms, we'd do well to treat them as "not discriminating against those with disabilities".

Fair enough. But at the same time as we provide a wheelchair ramp for the crippled, we don't insist that being crippled is "normal, healthy and fine" and encourage children to become crippled as well so they can be part of the new vogue. We need to treat that last one very very carefully when being urged to give it legal loopholes.
We are not in a court and your claim makes no sense. Mine does.

A subjective opinion.

How about this, most Christians reject the suggestion that gay people should not be treated equally with straight people.

No doubt. It's the American way.

Most Christians support marriage equality.

What many seem to support is equality of benefits. However, sympathy toward the recognition of constitutional rights (id est: equality before the law/due process) does not translate into an acceptance of particular lifestyles. A certain tolerance may be expected under the law, but any attempt to force acceptance on religious beliefs and practices (such as forced participation) is unconstitutional under the 1st, and will result only in backlash if pressed.
"no practicing Christian may, under threat of eternal damnation, assist the spread of a homosexual cultural movement" Go find that in the bible, you lying sack of shit.


Is that more of your understanding of the law?:laugh2:
No, it is the law. That you choose to comment on things beyond your understanding is your problem.

Too funny.

It seems I've discovered another nut here. You are free to go.
Right. You are clueless about Civil Rights laws and decide to pretend you are not.
All right, I will educate you.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has heavily influenced the way that courts determine the protected groups under discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination in educational facilities and public workplaces. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a person may not be discriminated against due to the following:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation

Right out of attorneys.com. Been there. Very good.

So we see. Protected groups. Thank you.
What many seem to support is equality of benefits. However, sympathy toward the recognition of constitutional rights (id est: equality before the law/due process) does not translate into an acceptance of particular lifestyles. A certain tolerance may be expected under the law, but any attempt to force acceptance on religious beliefs and practices (such as forced participation) is unconstitutional under the 1st, and will result only in backlash if pressed.

That was EXACTLY the logic that the US Supreme Court used in the language of their Lawrence v Texas Opinion. They said, "look, just because we're decriminalizing sodomy in the privacy of one's home, doesn't mean we are giving it the green light in the public venue. It just means we are tired of trying to police people's bedrooms".

Just as a primer and an update. We went legally "there" to where we are now which is sodomites attempting to force the public to not only accept their lifestyles publicly, but also to promote it as "a neo-Christian value"...or else...lawsuits! Lawrence v Texas therefore, should stand as a lesson to SCOTUS to fully understand the nature of the beast who stands before them petitioning, before they go to strap on the blindfold and hold up the scales..
What many seem to support is equality of benefits. However, sympathy toward the recognition of constitutional rights (id est: equality before the law/due process) does not translate into an acceptance of particular lifestyles. A certain tolerance may be expected under the law, but any attempt to force acceptance on religious beliefs and practices (such as forced participation) is unconstitutional under the 1st, and will result only in backlash if pressed.

That was EXACTLY the logic that the US Supreme Court used in the language of their Lawrence v Texas Opinion. They said, "look, just because we're decriminalizing sodomy in the privacy of one's home, doesn't mean we are giving it the green light in the public venue. It just means we are tired of trying to police people's bedrooms".

Sodomy in a public venue is illegal regardless of the sexes involved.
Sodomy in a public venue is illegal regardless of the sexes involved.
Then surely you can understand why Michigan just passed its law saying adoption agents can opt-out of adopting kids to applicants who are sodomites. Thank you. We agree, finally.

Is that more of your understanding of the law?:laugh2:
No, it is the law. That you choose to comment on things beyond your understanding is your problem.

Too funny.

It seems I've discovered another nut here. You are free to go.
Right. You are clueless about Civil Rights laws and decide to pretend you are not.
All right, I will educate you.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has heavily influenced the way that courts determine the protected groups under discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination in educational facilities and public workplaces. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a person may not be discriminated against due to the following:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation

Right out of attorneys.com. Been there. Very good.

So we see. Protected groups. Thank you.
No, dipshit, from the EEOC website. And the "protected" groups are people a particular race, white or black; of any national origin, of any religion, of any ethnic background, or any religion. You are in a protected group. That is the part you are too dumb to understand with your claim of "special rights".
Sodomy in a public venue is illegal regardless of the sexes involved.
Then surely you can understand why Michigan just passed its law saying adoption agents can opt-out of adopting kids to applicants who are sodomites. Thank you. We agree, finally.
A law that is unconstitutional and will deemed such as soon as it gets in front of a Federal Judge. Are you aware of the definition of sodomy:
  1. sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation.
So, you agree that couples that engage in oral intercourse, married, straight couples, cannot adopt?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has heavily influenced the way that courts determine the protected groups under discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents discrimination in educational facilities and public workplaces. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a person may not be discriminated against due to the following:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation was never mentioned in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Age is not a choice. Pregnancy isn't a behavior, it's a state of being. National origin isn't a choice. Race isn't a choice. Ethnic Background isn't a choice. Religious beliefs ARE a choice and the only exception to a static state. Sexual orientation, like drug addiction or an eating orientation like bulimia are other animals altogether. Since their origins lie in mental illness and inabilities to deal with reality on its terms, we'd do well to treat them as "not discriminating against those with disabilities".

Fair enough. But at the same time as we provide a wheelchair ramp for the crippled, we don't insist that being crippled is "normal, healthy and fine" and encourage children to become crippled as well so they can be part of the new vogue. We need to treat that last one very very carefully when being urged to give it legal loopholes.
So, if religion is a choice and being gay is a choice, why are they both not protected?
Sodomy in a public venue is illegal regardless of the sexes involved.
Then surely you can understand why Michigan just passed its law saying adoption agents can opt-out of adopting kids to applicants who are sodomites. Thank you. We agree, finally.

We don't agree. That is another lie you tell yourself to make you feel better about how you've wasted your life on this crusade of yours. The list of lies you tell yourself could fill a small library.
No, dipshit

BZZZT! You lose.

from the EEOC website.

Same chunk at attorneys.com. Shrug

And the "protected" groups are people a particular race, white or black; of any national origin, of any religion, of any ethnic background, or any religion. You are in a protected group. That is the part you are too dumb to understand with your claim of "special rights".

Interesting. So, back to my previous question -

If the "protected groups" contain everyone, why is it necessary to have "protected groups"?
Sodomy in a public venue is illegal regardless of the sexes involved.
Then surely you can understand why Michigan just passed its law saying adoption agents can opt-out of adopting kids to applicants who are sodomites. Thank you. We agree, finally.
"Then surely you can understand why Michigan just passed its law saying adoption agents can opt-out of adopting kids to applicants who are sodomites. Thank you. We agree, finally." That is not what they passed. They said that purely religious organizations that offer adoption services can opt out of placing children with gay couples. That would not be a problem except for the fact that they use public funds to provide those services so the gay couple whose taxes pay for the adoption service will be denied services they pay for. Will not last long enough for the ink to dry on that bigoted governor's signature.
No, dipshit

BZZZT! You lose.

from the EEOC website.

Same chunk at attorneys.com. Shrug

And the "protected" groups are people a particular race, white or black; of any national origin, of any religion, of any ethnic background, or any religion. You are in a protected group. That is the part you are too dumb to understand with your claim of "special rights".

Interesting. So, back to my previous question -

If the "protected groups" contain everyone, why is it necessary to have "protected groups"?
Explaining things to stupid people is really frustrating. It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of those distinctions. Pretty simple. Race is the protected class, not the black race. So, no particular groups are given "special protection" as you seem to think. We are all protected from discrimination based on those characteristics.
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What the future of the LGBTQ movement holds Portland Pride 2015 OregonLive.com
Debra Porta, president of Pride Northwest – the nonprofit that organized this weekend's Portland Pride festivities – said the LGBTQ movement has a very strong future ahead, but it hinges on the community all sticking together...."Gay" became LGB to recognize lesbians and bisexuals. It grew into LGBT with the addition of the trans community, then to LGBTQ with those who identify as queer or questioning. Some intersex people have even pushed for an extension to LGBTIQ....It's a mouthful, to say the least....
The "alphabet soup" as some in the community call it, is consistently under discussion, Porta said, leading to alternative catchall terms for the diverse group. Some have suggested GSRM – Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities – or the increasingly popular description "gender non-conforming."...The word "queer" has gained a lot of steam lately, but older people in the movement bristle at a word that was once thrown so commonly as a slur...."The phrasing that someone chooses to use is very sort of individual, and a lot of it is very generational," Porta said.

So a shifting sexual deviant group that morphs within the individual and the group and morphs through time as well, wants special class recognition and protections.

This presents a problem. In order to identify a person who is deserving of a special class distinction, that person himself needs to recognize what he or she or it or ?? is first. And once recognized, that person can't change away from that static status day to day or year to year. That would be a legal nightmare to nail down and apply in actual courtrooms. You could literally make up any type of deviant behavior you like and include it under this shifting rainbow umbrella. One year you could sue someone for not recognizing you as a woman. The next year, for not recognizing you as a man when you switched back.

I like the soup analogy better than an umbrella though. Trying to nail down what exactly an 'LGBT...??' person is is like trying to eat soup with a fork. Have fun parsing out all the lawsuits in the future!
What special protections? Like not having to pay taxes?
Explaining things to stupid people is really frustrating.

No kidding. Again, the question -

If the "protected groups" contain everyone, why is it necessary to have "protected groups"?
Exactly. Which race can be discriminated against and which cannot?

And when will LGBT get their tax-exempt status so the 14th can actually apply to their non-static, shifting and little understood characteristics? (besides just being adamant about rebellious sexual behavior and delusional gender identity issues)
Explaining things to stupid people is really frustrating.

No kidding. Again, the question -

If the "protected groups" contain everyone, why is it necessary to have "protected groups"?
Exactly. Which race can be discriminated against and which cannot?

And when will LGBT get their tax-exempt status so the 14th can actually apply to their non-static, shifting and little understood characteristics? (besides just being adamant about rebellious sexual behavior and delusional gender identity issues)

Again, the 14th amendment doens't include any mention of race, religion, or any of the other 'categories' you've hallucinated. Nor does it mention tax exempt status. You've literally made up your own version of the amendment.

The court is going to be using the actual 14th amendment when making its ruling. And none of your 'static' nonsense has any legal relevance to any issue being discussed.

You're in full on fantasy mode right now, Sil.
Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute

So the blind can drive now?

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