A little history lesson on China Joe in light of Jack Ma's disappearance.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
This is an article from May 3rd, 2019 .

For his part, Joe Biden has long served as a friendly voice for U.S.-China relations, even before his son’s investment ventures. The elder Biden helped lead Democratic support to passing permanent national trade relations with China.

In 2000 remarks in support of the vote, Biden argued that he did not “see the collapse of the American manufacturing economy” as a danger from opening up further trade with China, claiming that an economy “about the size of the Netherlands” could not become “our major economic competitor.” Opening China to further trade, Biden predicted, would create “a path toward ever greater political and economic freedom” for the country’s citizens.

A lot of strange coincidences.

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And old Joe did this all by himself during a Republican majority of Congress and the presidency?

Man that guy is good if he can turn over six hundred opposition political opponents into colleagues that are in line with what this one guy wanted..According to the OP...

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden
The report delivered on Wednesday appeared to be little more than a rehashing of unproven allegations that echoed a Russian disinformation campaign.

For years even while China Joe was a senator I can remember wondering if Joe was being blackmailed or paid off by China because of his total devotion to China over the American people...now I see I was right....

I wish one lib on this board would be honest enough to tell us the truth...that they admire how China rules their people....how they wish for that kind of hardline against freedom here by our government....

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