A Man Of Pure Grace.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
President George W. Bush,, standing side by side with the people who have demonized him for eight years.. He doesn't have to but he is. Standing side by side with the people who would like to try him as a war criminal. Standing side by side with the people who cannot bring themselves to try terrorists as war criminals, Standing side by side with the Perfect People.
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You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

you can bet your bloomers if anything goes wrong, now they can just all chime in "Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh did it." That's what Perfect People do..
"I always believed as a speechwriter that if you could persuade the president to commit himself to certain words, he would feel himself committed to the ideas that underlay those words. And the big shock to me has been that although the president said the words, he just did not absorb the ideas. And that is the root of, maybe, everything."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
Once histories are written and we have had years to reflect, it will become obvious that the majority of economic problems we are having right now are not entirely Bush's fault. Actually the majority of fault will fall outside his hands. His wars sped the downward spiral sure, but the damage was done before he saw the interior of the whitehouse residential quarters.

It must have been tough for him to stand next to his demonizers.

You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

oh pooh! bush wasn't "vilified". he was called out for the incompetent he was.

personally, i never thought he was evil. i always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... as did most people who are left of center.

but i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

it's pretty funny, actually.

but man of grace? come on. lol..
You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

oh pooh! bush wasn't "vilified". he was called out for the incompetent he was.

personally, i never thought he was evil. i always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... as did most people who are left of center.

but i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

it's pretty funny, actually.

but man of grace? come on. lol..

I like you, J. I don't wanna fight, but Dub has been vilified by many on the left, and not for being incompetent. "Bush lied, people died"? That's pretty damn vilifying.
You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

what should anyone gain from doing the decent or right thing?
Bush has more "class" in his little finger than Clinton and Obama have in their whole bodies combined. Out of the three, Bush is the better man because he has much better values and in a man of his word.
You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

oh pooh! bush wasn't "vilified". he was called out for the incompetent he was.

personally, i never thought he was evil. i always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... as did most people who are left of center.

but i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

it's pretty funny, actually.

but man of grace? come on. lol..

I like you, J. I don't wanna fight, but Dub has been vilified by many on the left, and not for being incompetent. "Bush lied, people died"? That's pretty damn vilifying.

and pretty damned true.
Bush has more "class" in his little finger than Clinton and Obama have in their whole bodies combined. Out of the three, Bush is the better man because he has much better values and in a man of his word.

i just dont get anyone saying any fo them have any values or do what they say they will do....i am sorry but this bush love fest is a hoottannanny
oh pooh! bush wasn't "vilified". he was called out for the incompetent he was.

personally, i never thought he was evil. i always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... as did most people who are left of center.

but i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

it's pretty funny, actually.

but man of grace? come on. lol..

I like you, J. I don't wanna fight, but Dub has been vilified by many on the left, and not for being incompetent. "Bush lied, people died"? That's pretty damn vilifying.

and pretty damned true.

Defense rests. Your witness.
o please dan...btw i like capt dan....nice av...

they all need their feet held to the flames....no difference between any of them....sorry if that truth is offensive...but trying to make a hero of any of them....is just absurd.
seems clearer now than ever that bush was looking for any excuse to invade iraq..when the saudis were directly involved...i do not wish to rehash the bush admin. nor will i see it glorified.
you know what? You're right. If he had said, "screw you. I'm staying in dallas. To hell with the haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

oh pooh! Bush wasn't "vilified". He was called out for the incompetent he was.

Personally, i never thought he was evil. I always said i'm sure he's charming to have a drink with.... As did most people who are left of center.

But i know that the right likes to do the whole drama queen thing by saying the left was "mean" to him... "mean" to palin...yadda, yadda.

It's pretty funny, actually.

But man of grace? Come on. Lol..

i like you, j. I don't wanna fight, but dub has been vilified by many on the left, and not for being incompetent. "bush lied, people died"? That's pretty damn vilifying.

seems clearer now than ever that bush was looking for any excuse to invade iraq..when the saudis were directly involved...i do not wish to rehash the bush admin. nor will i see it glorified.

Might you stop already and at least follow the theme of the thread.
Though I think invading Iraq was a mistake it does appear to be better off for it. The man has moved on and so should we. He is showing grace in his support of Haiti and refrained from even a hint of political divide preferring to show unity in the face of a task of great magnitude. Any credit for that?
Bush has more "class" in his little finger than Clinton and Obama have in their whole bodies combined. Out of the three, Bush is the better man because he has much better values and in a man of his word.

better values?

you mean because he said G-d told him to go to Iraq?

or because he said their were WMD's which allowed him to go kill a lot of people?

stop while you're ahead.
You know what? You're right. If he had said, "Screw you. I'm staying in Dallas. To hell with the Haitians!" he could not possibly be more vilified than he already has. He will likely gain nothing for answering the call.

The difference between Bush and the guys he's sandwiched between is he does things not expecting praise for it. He doesn't run up to the camera and proudly proclaim "See what swift action I am taking".

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