A message from a Mexican to The USA

So, your point is that we have no right to this land and it is the right of Mexicans and the like to take it from us?
Straw man hyperbole- ALL men have certain unalienable rights- there are no ethnic caveats.

If an unalienable right means anything, it also means that the people that are being invaded are also being denied their rights.


The Anti Liberty / POLICE STATE / MAGA (APMs) supporters have not articulated a Right they were denied because a foreigner came into the United States. Did someone deny you a Right you had by taking advantage of an opportunity willingly offered?

IF undocumented foreigners are getting any of your tax money, it is because the government YOU voted for gave it to them OR they are stealing it... in which case the APMs already got the Orwellian National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify crap passed and that was supposed to catch those people - at a great loss to your Liberties as well as mine. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said that those who trade essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither? It's because once you forfeit your Liberty you forfeit Safety as well.

Be specific and tell me what Rights you've been denied on account of non-citizens participating in the free market.

Let me simply say this. Open borders are incompatible with a welfare state.


Now you're quoting Milton Friedman. Milton Friedman did not believe in a welfare state. Neither should we.
I answered your question. Now answer mine.
No, you haven't.

Post no. 163

Post 163

1. Most of that seemed to be supporting your example as a valid example of a problem. Which I did not challenge sooo.

2. If your solution is to bring in cheap foreign labor to do the work, then I will oppose you, no matter whether or not you deny personal responsibility for the results of your policy.

3. You suggest fixing our culture. Sounds good. I don't how or why allowing immigrants to flood our country while doing that, would be a good policy.

Nowhere do I see my question answered. So, when are you going to answer it?
Do you or do you not believe in UNalienable rights. Simple yes or no will do.

Do you still beat your wife? A simple yes or no will do. Yes, I believe in unalienable rights. I also believe that the rights of others does not give them a right to invade your home. If a person brought his family into your home, does he have a right to stay there without your permission?

A simple yes or no will suffice.


Mark, when Americans and foreigners do business willingly, the Americans have consented to that relationship. So, they have permission - though not necessary since unalienable Rights preceded the founding of government and are above the laws of man.

But, do tell, what Rights have been taken from you by way of foreigners engaging in the free market.
You do think this land belongs to the Mexicans or the brown people of Sun, or some such bullshit and you on their side AGAINST your fellow Americans.
I didn't see where there is a caveat about skin pigment in the declaration, nor in the constitution, which are the rules

Correct. "Mexicans" are a nation to the South of US, with an historical claim to some of our land. "People of the Sun" is a racial term used by some anti-white racists, in this case referring to such people from outside of our nation, that the lefty believes has some right to our territory.

There is a difference between exercising Liberty and taking over your territory. Citizenship to the third world is what leads to a takeover of your territory. There is no invasion when the relationship is consensual between willing Americans and willing foreigners. You're conflating the two which is why you stay mired in arguments.


My answer to that is, A. no there isn't, and one leads to the other.

First of all, by changing my nation, without my informed consent (as part of the assembled group, Americans,) the immigrants, (illegal and legal) are violating my right to self determination.

and second of all, as they increasingly take over the reins of government, it will NOT be about consensual relations between wiling Americans and willing foreigners, but foreigners imposing their culture and politics on US against our will.
You do think this land belongs to the Mexicans or the brown people of Sun, or some such bullshit and you on their side AGAINST your fellow Americans.
I didn't see where there is a caveat about skin pigment in the declaration, nor in the constitution, which are the rules

Correct. "Mexicans" are a nation to the South of US, with an historical claim to some of our land. "People of the Sun" is a racial term used by some anti-white racists, in this case referring to such people from outside of our nation, that the lefty believes has some right to our territory.

There is a difference between exercising Liberty and taking over your territory. Citizenship to the third world is what leads to a takeover of your territory. There is no invasion when the relationship is consensual between willing Americans and willing foreigners. You're conflating the two which is why you stay mired in arguments.


My answer to that is, A. no there isn't, and one leads to the other.

First of all, by changing my nation, without my informed consent (as part of the assembled group, Americans,) the immigrants, (illegal and legal) are violating my right to self determination.

and second of all, as they increasingly take over the reins of government, it will NOT be about consensual relations between wiling Americans and willing foreigners, but foreigners imposing their culture and politics on US against our will.

What you said has nothing to do with what you quoted. I read that "No, it isn't," trying to fit that into anything I stated. Correll, in all honesty, the founders / framers built the greatest nation in recorded history with the ability to do in under 300 years what the Roman Empire could not do in 1000 years. AND, they did it with open borders and foreigners taking advantage of the free market. The founders / framers did all of that without the restrictions and the danger of putting our Rights into jeopardy at a time when only free Whites could become citizens. So, history refutes your position.

The way back to self determination is the nullify the 14th Amendment, exercise your Rights and the rest will fall back into place in a very short amount of time. It is a fact that amalgamation is going to destroy this Republic (as if it hasn't already.) So, you take your country back incrementally by reclaiming Liberties OR you have a war. You do not pass more laws, take more Liberties off the table, and think that is beneficial to you. That is bass ackwards thinking - if it's thinking at all. IF you want an internal un-civil war, you'd better get cracking. Those willing to fight back dwindle by the day.
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.

The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.

The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Oh my god a couple days ago you were on another thread proclaiming how we all need government approved doctors notes to go outside ,or back to work lol

Show your papers to the nice police man fargin dunce
the greasy illegal rat **** standing behind you has a forged one

Pay an american to do your drywall ya cheap leftwing joo rat and fuck off with your hypocritical insane babbling
The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.
Inalienable and unalienable mean the same thing
As you seem not to know Winston Smith hated Big Brother and only pledged allegiance to Big Brother to end
his brutal and long torture when the Thought Police captured him and a woman who shared his views.

The commentary about me is bizarre.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.
In what way? Have we ceded the right to control who enters our borders? Please cite the SC decision
that formalizes this.

Let me guess that you are one of these super libertarian anarchists a-holes who think you should be able to get a Mexican to be your slave for $8.50 per day if you can talk one into it.
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The Anti Liberty / POLICE STATE / MAGA (APMs) supporters have not articulated a Right they were denied because a foreigner came into the United States. Did someone deny you a Right you had by taking advantage of an opportunity willingly offered?

IF undocumented foreigners are getting any of your tax money, it is because the government YOU voted for gave it to them OR they are stealing it... in which case the APMs already got the Orwellian National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify crap passed and that was supposed to catch those people - at a great loss to your Liberties as well as mine. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said that those who trade essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither? It's because once you forfeit your Liberty you forfeit Safety as well.

Be specific and tell me what Rights you've been denied on account of non-citizens participating in the free market.
Oh, okay....just as I thought. A super libertarian or an open borders dick sucker pretending to be one
It makes no difference. The scam is the same.

Entering the nation illegally is against the law so no one needs to show you what rights Americans have been denied although there are all sorts of them (the right to not be deprived of employment and benefits of said
employment because a vast horde of low wage, uneducated and low skilled workers from Mexico, and Central American nations, have illegally entered the nation and, like an invasive plant species,
and are killing off the native workers, for one).

The right to not have my tax money go to said illegals in a variety of ways, facilitated by politicians, Chamber of Commerce types, and bureaucrats all working under tropes of various kinds that make the citizen
evil and a bad guy if he dares speak up against the massive injustice of a slow motion coup rationalized by
pricks like you, for another.
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.

The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Oh my god a couple days ago you were on another thread proclaiming how we all need government approved doctors notes to go outside ,or back to work lol

Show your papers to the nice police man fargin dunce
the greasy illegal rat **** standing behind you has a forged one

Pay an american to do your drywall ya cheap leftwing joo rat and fuck off with your hypocritical insane babbling

You are a liar. And your lying ass has a driver's license, tag on your car, has done at least one drug test to get a job and vote for a government god.
The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.
Inalienable and unalienable mean the same thing
As you seem not to know Winston Smith hated Big Brother and only pledged allegiance to Big Brother to end
his brutal and long torture when the Thought Police captured him and a woman who shared his views.

The commentary about me is bizarre.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.
In what way? Have we ceded the right to control who enters our borders? Please cite the SC decision
that formalizes this.

Let me guess that you are one of these super libertarian anarchists a-holes who think you should be able to get a Mexican to be your slave for $8.50 per day if you can talk one into it.

Your post is non-specific... in what way, what??? What does that mean?

The United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime for undocumented foreigners to be present in the United States. That is a fact, not a partisan statement. As for your guess, it's most likely wrong which would only prove you're not the beaming paragon of human virtue and knowledge that you pretend.
The Anti Liberty / POLICE STATE / MAGA (APMs) supporters have not articulated a Right they were denied because a foreigner came into the United States. Did someone deny you a Right you had by taking advantage of an opportunity willingly offered?

IF undocumented foreigners are getting any of your tax money, it is because the government YOU voted for gave it to them OR they are stealing it... in which case the APMs already got the Orwellian National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify crap passed and that was supposed to catch those people - at a great loss to your Liberties as well as mine. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said that those who trade essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither? It's because once you forfeit your Liberty you forfeit Safety as well.

Be specific and tell me what Rights you've been denied on account of non-citizens participating in the free market.
Oh, okay....just as I thought. A super libertarian or an open borders dick sucker pretending to be one
It makes no difference. The scam is the same.

Entering the nation illegally is against the law so no one needs to show you what rights Americans have been denied although there are all sorts of them (the right to not be deprived of employment and benefits of said
employment because a vast horde of low wage, uneducated and low skilled workers from Mexico, and Central American nations, have illegally entered the nation and, like an invasive plant species,
and are killing off the native workers, for one).

The right to not have my tax money go to said illegals in a variety of ways, facilitated by politicians, Chamber of Commerce types, and bureaucrats all working under tropes of various kinds that make the citizen
evil and a bad guy if he dares speak up against the massive injustice of a slow motion coup rationalized by
pricks like you, for another.

What Rights are you denied if a foreigner is working a job in the United States?
The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.
Inalienable and unalienable mean the same thing
As you seem not to know Winston Smith hated Big Brother and only pledged allegiance to Big Brother to end
his brutal and long torture when the Thought Police captured him and a woman who shared his views.

The commentary about me is bizarre.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.
In what way? Have we ceded the right to control who enters our borders? Please cite the SC decision
that formalizes this.

Let me guess that you are one of these super libertarian anarchists a-holes who think you should be able to get a Mexican to be your slave for $8.50 per day if you can talk one into it.

Unalienable and inalienable do NOT mean the same thing in law. Now, any dumb ass here can look at the Declaration of Independence and see that you were factually wrong there. It would be an exercise in futility to prove to you that, IN LAW, inalienable and unalienable do NOT mean the same thing. You've been proven wrong once and all you come back with is chickenshit name calling you would not say to my face. That shows you're a coward. You've been proven to be wrong; proven to be a coward; proven to not have any facts which is why you had to stoop to name calling. What are you? Like 11?
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.

The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Oh my god a couple days ago you were on another thread proclaiming how we all need government approved doctors notes to go outside ,or back to work lol

Show your papers to the nice police man fargin dunce
the greasy illegal rat **** standing behind you has a forged one

Pay an american to do your drywall ya cheap leftwing joo rat and fuck off with your hypocritical insane babbling

You are a liar. And your lying ass has a driver's license, tag on your car, has done at least one drug test to get a job and vote for a government god.

Wheres your doctors note? ... mr ya either believe and live it or ya dont commie dunce lol

Maybe a greasy illegal net gain leech can get ya a forged one .....on all of em
Doctors note to drivers liscense ...they do specialize in forging documents

You'll cheap out ya cheap statist commie joo bag..... pay for shoddy ones and wind up a victim of the police state

How ironic :p
All men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights- among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no borders, no walls, no prejudice, etc.
That's actually INalienable rights, Thomas Jefferson.

Are you claiming there is some right for illegals to clean hotel rooms or run lawn mowers in this nation?
I know of no such right. I saw my county go to hell in the span of a couple of decades because
illegals from Mexico over ran it, like cockroaches in a cheap restaurant.

I know lots of great people who came here illegally. But they have no right to be here and there
numbers are usually wiped out by the assholes and law breakers among their group.

The official word in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States of America) is unalienable. The courts have applied different meanings to the two words, but then "Eric Blair" aka George Orwell you know that Winston Smith loved Big Brother - as you do. So you can enjoy your inalienable rights and worship the government god that granted those privileges to you.

On foreigners, the United States Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Oh my god a couple days ago you were on another thread proclaiming how we all need government approved doctors notes to go outside ,or back to work lol

Show your papers to the nice police man fargin dunce
the greasy illegal rat **** standing behind you has a forged one

Pay an american to do your drywall ya cheap leftwing joo rat and fuck off with your hypocritical insane babbling

You are a liar. And your lying ass has a driver's license, tag on your car, has done at least one drug test to get a job and vote for a government god.

Wheres your doctors note? ... mr ya either believe and live it or ya dont commie dunce lol

Maybe a greasy illegal net gain leech can get ya a forged one .....on all of em
Doctors note to drivers liscense ...they do specialize in forging documents

You'll cheap out ya cheap statist commie joo bag..... pay for shoddy ones and wind up a victim of the police state

How ironic :p

The right wing, Tea Party conservatives wanted that bullshit. Now you don't want it? That's my fault? Showing that you don't have an IQ any higher than your shoe size pisses you off. Bear in mind. I fought against those laws. You signed onto it, so deal with it.
The United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a crime for undocumented foreigners to be present in the United States. That is a fact, not a partisan statement. As for your guess, it's most likely wrong which would only prove you're not the beaming paragon of human virtue and knowledge that you pretend.
It's illegal to enter the country illegally. Stop with your ten year old's word games.
How do you suppose it's so easy for ICE to arrest and deport so many illegal aliens?

Gee....you are so intelligent .......sorry. I meant stupid.
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Unalienable and inalienable do NOT mean the same thing in law. Now, any dumb ass here can look at the Declaration of Independence and see that you were factually wrong there. It would be an exercise in futility to prove to you that, IN LAW, inalienable and unalienable do NOT mean the same thing. You've been proven wrong once and all you come back with is chickenshit name calling you would not say to my face. That shows you're a coward. You've been proven to be wrong; proven to be a coward; proven to not have any facts which is why you had to stoop to name calling. What are you? Like 11?
Unalienable / Inalienable
"The two words mean precisely the same thing. ... The unalienable rights that are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence could just as well have been inalienable, which means the same thing. Inalienable or unalienable refers to that which cannot be given away or taken away."

Fuck off with your idiocy!
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