A Modernism Prayer


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a modernism-paranoia comic book oriented tale I cooked up representative of some of the anarchistic concerns of our arguably commerce-labyrinthed 'TrumpUSA.'

This little tale was inspired by the engagement-calamity films Leviathan, Virus, and World War Z.

I'm trying to neutralize 'capitalism distress' with light-hearted 'Orwellian fables,' and I'm having fun doing it (though this may be my last one, as I will sit back and simply observe American progress and TrumpUSA on CNN!).

I wonder if First Lady Melania Trump likes California Pizza Kitchen...




Two mysterious alien beings descended upon Earth after the inception of the Human Genome Project and the advent of computers --- a brainiac pirate named Deranger and a metaphysics-scrambler named Deformer. The two quickly became friends when they sensed each others' presence and decided to work together to undermine modern civilization labyrinths on Earth regarding networking-sophistication and 'intelligence-based science/tech' (e.g., eTrade, NASDAQ, Ancestry.com, etc.). Deformer and Deranger discovered that humanity was invested in intrigue surrounding Israel-Palestine and commercial networks regarding petroleum (i.e., Texaco/OPEC) and wanted to subvert democratic governance for fascist schemes.

an.jpg The amazing American superhero Aquaman (a superhuman with uncanny aquatic mobility) sensed the presence of Deformer and Deranger and deduced their subversive and invading fascist intentions to confound humanity's 'grip' on networking and intelligence as they related to Wall Street, NASDAQ, and maybe even NASA. Aquaman also hypothesized that Deformer and Deranger were metaphysically powerful and could potentially merge into one evil 'super-being' to make matters worse, and he was correct! Deformer and Deranger merged into a telepathic creature-like 'leviathan' named Scorponok (a scorpion-king composed of metal and lasers).


Scorponok wanted to invade computer networks by entering into wires and cables and travelling through cyber-space and disrupting the NSA's 'grip' on global networking. Scorponok then created havoc as an invisible mind-freezing 'phantom' at various science institutions such as the Salk Institute, the Scripps Institute, and also the genetics-experimentation group Oscorp. Scorponok intended to deliver home the message that any human who defied his fascist intention to subvert free will with imposing signals regarding the compromising nature of democracy (and the complications involving teamwork!) would be turned into a vegetable. Aquaman tricked Scorponok with a simple 'civilization riddle-game.' Aquaman detected Scorponok's presence at the Salk Institute (by the Pacific Ocean in California) and asked the behemoth, "Would you carry a tiffin with marijuana in it?" Scorponok was so enraged at the vanity-sarcasm of the harmless 'friendship-oriented' question that he fled Earth in a fury, and Aquaman assured President Trump that humanity was rescued from 'malicious authoritarianism.'




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