A new crime of the Ukrainian Nazis


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
The Ministry of Defense reported a strike by Ukrainian militants on a hospital in Novoaydar, killing 14 people
28.01.2023 19:43
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the impact of multiple rocket launchers "HIMARS" produced by the United States on the building of the district hospital. The incident occurred in the village of Novoaydar of the Luhansk People's Republic.

There were doctors and patients in the hospital at the time of the impact. 14 people were killed and 24 others were injured.

— In the medical institution of Novoaydar, civilian and military doctors have been providing the necessary medical assistance to the local population and military personnel for many months, — the Russian military department said in a statement.

Doctors are engaged in the health of the victims. Rockets with high-explosive fragmentation warhead hit the building, the Russian Defense Ministry stressed.

"A deliberate missile strike on a well—known operating civilian medical facility is an unconditional grave war crime of the Kiev regime," the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Communist Nazi Z.jpg
I don't know what is really going on in Ukraine, but these "nazi" labels are getting tiresome. Is there some plan to resurrect Adolph Hitler?
We prisoners should be more worried about the Gestapo first taking away pay telephone booths from America so that they could get us to bend over like monkeys and stare into screenal space.

Here's another nazi mouthing off video: Victoria Nuland @ 9h
Speaking of Nazis, Putin sure sounds like one.
Is that because you are hard of hearing or just in bad mental health ?

But being serious , do you actually know what a Nazi is? Which German city do you think he was born in ?
Remind us which part of the German military he served in .
Is that because you are hard of hearing or just in bad mental health ?

But being serious , do you actually know what a Nazi is? Which German city do you think he was born in ?
Remind us which part of the German military he served in .

Sorry you got stationed here at the twaf, vatnik. You must really be low in status at the troll farm.
Sorry you got stationed here at the twaf, vatnik. You must really be low in status at the troll farm.

I suspected that this was Titloose posting under another name or one of his local office stooges .
Well , young lady, you are not doing a very good job .

Let's see if you have any brain under pressure ?
So, forget the childish propaganda efforts and produce us something which we can applaud however absurd its details .

BTW Forget multiple posts and big photos . Those amateur efforts went out of fashion more than a decade ago.
When the prisoner projects "troll," they are information compromised. Hitler knew that the swastika symbol ("Crimea River") actually came from the shape of an Ice-Age Ukrainian river near Mezin. Oh, what irony!

So Z on the phone to P cartoons will not change them: Ukrainian nazis must be (physically [italics]) moved eastward.
As proof that "there is no nazism in Ukraine", the Ukrainian Post has issued a series of stamps for the 75th anniversary of the Nazi division "Galicia"

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