CDZ A new deal with China?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
Maybe it's the time to make the really big deal with China. They get Taiwan and Korea is unified under the Southern government. The U.S. and China form a mutual defense treaty, thus nullifying any threat to them from India or Russia. The U.S. gets one big enemy (and defense cost) crossed off its long list of major costs; big peace bonus. The containment of Russia is also assured, working to U.S. strategic interests.
There is much to be gained by both nations.
Maybe it's the time to make the really big deal with China. They get Taiwan and Korea is unified under the Southern government. The U.S. and China form a mutual defense treaty, thus nullifying any threat to them from India or Russia. The U.S. gets one big enemy (and defense cost) crossed off its long list of major costs; big peace bonus. The containment of Russia is also assured, working to U.S. strategic interests.
There is much to be gained by both nations.

No. Give nothing to communists and their oppressive government. In fact, work to undermine them and assist those liberty loving citizens in the country to fight back against the abuses.

It's easy to just say "give them Taiwan" you can be sure 99% of the population would not be on board with this plan. Furthermore, the Chinese are so sure of their ability to win long term against America that they would never accept this plan as North Korea is a buffer for them. They would rather sell out their citizens for cheap labor and continue to steal U.S jobs than work with America.

As I've repeated many times, their actions in the South Southern Sea speak volumes about their long term intentions.
Unconditional diplomacy is none at all.
The U.S. has too long a history of working with whoever served its interests to have its nose too high today. Besides, it was primarily America that handed China's prosperity to it. Nice gift to "commies" (who have learned to out-capitalist the capitalists). Look at the bright side; can you imagine Putin's face when Donald signs that treaty?
Its a thought and something to think about.

China is not our ally by any means but they seem patient and pragmatic, two things I can live with.

I'd give them North Korea to be honest. Even for the North Koreans it may be a winner. I would say it is less bad to live in China with no Facebook than live in North Korea.

The Chinese probably like North Korea costing us money though.
Its a thought and something to think about.

China is not our ally by any means but they seem patient and pragmatic, two things I can live with.

I'd give them North Korea to be honest. Even for the North Koreans it may be a winner. I would say it is less bad to live in China with no Facebook than live in North Korea.

The Chinese probably like North Korea costing us money though.
This would be a short-term winner, but the idea of strategic alliance with China is the long term winner.

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