A nice video that ought to embarrass the hell out of the left. It won't. Well it will.

That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.
See, that's the problem with the video and your thinking.

Terrorism is a product of the Deep State, as was 9/11.

If it weren't for elites funding and training terrorists, and the corporate media conditioning you to fear the terrorist threat, you wouldn't be bothered by it.

Terrorism is a useful tool to take away your civil liberties and civil rights, and to create a massive intrusive police state.

The Deep State isn't partisan. It uses both parties and controls them both. It is controlled opposition and has an agenda that is larger than them both.
Nevertheless, denying terrorism exists is naive too. There are things that are exaggerated, however there are also actual reasons for a military.

Do you even know who created the concept and systematic use of terrorism with in the global Deep State?
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.
See, that's the problem with the video and your thinking.

Terrorism is a product of the Deep State, as was 9/11.

If it weren't for elites funding and training terrorists, and the corporate media conditioning you to fear the terrorist threat, you wouldn't be bothered by it.

Terrorism is a useful tool to take away your civil liberties and civil rights, and to create a massive intrusive police state.

The Deep State isn't partisan. It uses both parties and controls them both. It is controlled opposition and has an agenda that is larger than them both.
Nevertheless, denying terrorism exists is naive too. There are things that are exaggerated, however there are also actual reasons for a military.

Do you even know who created the concept and systematic use of terrorism with in the global Deep State?
Didn't the term terrorism get its roots from the French revolution and sort of coined by rhetorician Edmund Burke?
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.
See, that's the problem with the video and your thinking.

Terrorism is a product of the Deep State, as was 9/11.

If it weren't for elites funding and training terrorists, and the corporate media conditioning you to fear the terrorist threat, you wouldn't be bothered by it.

Terrorism is a useful tool to take away your civil liberties and civil rights, and to create a massive intrusive police state.

The Deep State isn't partisan. It uses both parties and controls them both. It is controlled opposition and has an agenda that is larger than them both.
Nevertheless, denying terrorism exists is naive too. There are things that are exaggerated, however there are also actual reasons for a military.

Do you even know who created the concept and systematic use of terrorism with in the global Deep State?

No, but since you brought it up, why not tell us, then get back on topic. :)
The is a lot of truth in that video.

One issue missed is how the POWER ELITE of the left uses their poor consitutents as an ignorant and complaint voting base. The liberal elite shames people to vote against their own self interests.


If you don't fall in line with the looney left snowflakes...
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.

I agree, you can lay it all out plain and simple for them and if they happen to get it, their brain kind of shuts down. This is what the indoctrination does. I'd like to see and learn an un-indoctrination tactic.

No this is what class divide creates.
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.
See, that's the problem with the video and your thinking.

Terrorism is a product of the Deep State, as was 9/11.

If it weren't for elites funding and training terrorists, and the corporate media conditioning you to fear the terrorist threat, you wouldn't be bothered by it.

Terrorism is a useful tool to take away your civil liberties and civil rights, and to create a massive intrusive police state.

The Deep State isn't partisan. It uses both parties and controls them both. It is controlled opposition and has an agenda that is larger than them both.
Nevertheless, denying terrorism exists is naive too. There are things that are exaggerated, however there are also actual reasons for a military.

Do you even know who created the concept and systematic use of terrorism with in the global Deep State?
Didn't the term terrorism get its roots from the French revolution and sort of coined by rhetorician Edmund Burke?

Well yes, in the mass media and the schools, that is how they would like you to think of the organic terrorist. The revolutionary that terrorizes is the terrorist. But that is an archaic notion, not how we think of the modern definition of a terrorist, as in terrorist networks.

No, what I am talking about is the state sponsored terrorist. Those who are trained professionally, to terrorize and cause fear in the population, the sort of tangible fear that you have. The sort of fear that motivates those to vote for their own oppression.

On a logical level, I am sure you are well aware that you are more likely to be involved in a car accident that involves your own death or disfigurement. But your fear is so palpable, I doubt you would support dismantling the TSA, b/c if we did, almost overnight, the Deep State would have some of their agents causing trouble, won't they?

Remember, at one time, Stalin and Hitler were allies. And Stalin and Roosevelt were then allies. It's all an illusion and a game for the cartel to achieve their goals.

Behind the scenes, at one time or another, they are all on the same page. This is true of all of the world's clandestine intelligence agencies. You have heard the term, "double-agent" or "triple-agent?" I am sure? The agents aren't just middle men. All of these agencies work toward the common goals of the political masters.

Why do you think Trump or Putin, or the Russian intel. agencies haven't let the cat out of the bag?

This man was the first man that had intel. agencies working to USE terrorism as a tool of the state, he was the founder of all Russian intel agencies. Hitler (Reichstag fire) then followed his example, as has every leader and intel commander since. Please note his birthday.
Felix Dzerzhinsky - Wikipedia

IOW, the "terrorist" bogey man is a world socialist plot. Give in to that fear, demand a bigger and stronger government, and you are asking for global socialist government. Global terrorism has been a socialist plot from the beginning, something that only global government can combat. Fall into their plans if you will.

Goggle "perestroika deception"
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.

I'm not one for conspiracy theories, and I do not believe them, but when you can tell me how building no. 7 came down then let me know.

Just remember the left wing POLITICIANS count on chaos and the dilapidated neighborhoods and desperation. That they can prop up the scapegoat AND more importantly enslave the minds and capture the poor as automatic robotic votes.

This video shows it.

I think it is more embarrassing, for the right to even condone an alleged, war on drugs. Where is there Any specific enumeration of a war on drugs, in our federal Constitution.
The right wing, is merely, cognitively dissonant.

Just remember the left wing POLITICIANS count on chaos and the dilapidated neighborhoods and desperation. That they can prop up the scapegoat AND more importantly enslave the minds and capture the poor as automatic robotic votes.

This video shows it.

Really posting videos from 2010 and it was also a hoax involved.

East Point, Ga Public Housing Applicants

HANNITY bad for America
Veteran Journalist Ted Koppel To Sean Hannity: You Are Bad For America "In The Long Haul"
Koppel: "You Have Attracted People Who Are Determined That Ideology Is More Important Than Facts"

Video ››› March 26, 2017 12:02 PM EDT ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF


From the March 26 edition of CBS's CBS News Sunday Morning:


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SEAN HANNITY: We have to give some credit to the American people that they are somewhat intelligent and that they know the difference between an opinion show and a news show. You’re cynical. Look at that.

TED KOPPEL: I am cynical.

HANNITY: You think we're bad for America? You think I'm bad for America?


HANNITY: You do.

KOPPEL: In the long haul, I think you and all these opinion shows--

HANNITY: Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.

KOPPEL: No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential --

HANNITY: You're selling the American people short.

KOPPEL: Let me finish the sentence.

HANNITY: I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.

KOPPEL: You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.
That video isn't very good for changing leftist minds or showing them what's wrong with the ideology.
Oh, nothing will do that. After 911, they still don't think terrorism is real. That is when I knew. Well I knew what they were before that, but that confirmed it for me.

It was from that moment that I ceremoniously piss on their grave from time to time.

I agree, you can lay it all out plain and simple for them and if they happen to get it, their brain kind of shuts down. This is what the indoctrination does. I'd like to see and learn an un-indoctrination tactic.

No this is what class divide creates.

The drones doing what the elites want them to and not thinking for themselves?

That's what's happening. The elites have almost taken away the ability to get a leg up in America. (for the average person)

Mindless drones chanting things they've been programmed to is not helping the situation any.

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