A personal note to Climate Change Deniers

Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

DR. Mass who lives in Washington state, destroyed your unsourced claims UTTERLY!

Watts Up With That?

Did Global Warming Play A Significant Role in the Recent Northwest Wildfires?


Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog

Monday, September 21, 2020

A number of groups and individuals are claiming that the recent major wildfires in the Pacific Northwest are predominantly or significantly the result of climate change produced by increasing greenhouse gases.
In fact, many have called these conflagrations “climate fires.” Did global warming (a.k.a. climate change) have a significant impact on the Northwest wildfires of the past few weeks?

Consider the key fires in the Northwest U.S. this month: the huge, rapidly expanding fires on the western slopes of the Oregon Cascades.

The fires that not only burned hundreds of thousands of acres, but produced most of the smoke that engulfed the region for over a week. As I will demonstrate, the catastrophic Oregon Cascade fires of the past weeks were forced by strong easterly winds, and such winds may well weaken under global warming. And I will show that the weather of the past summer was relatively normal.



He covers just about everything in the link showing it was WEATHER that was the main factor for the fires being this bad.
As usual warmist/alarmists are wrong, they run on ideology, ignore science research.

No Tricks Zone

No Correlation Between Climate Change And Wildfires In California – Or Anywhere Else On Earth

by Kenneth Richards


A “potential connection” between anthropogenic global warming and the frequency or intensity of wildfires in California has yet to emerge in the trend observations.

Scientists have found a “lack of correlation between late summer/autumn wildfires” and “summer precipitation or temperature” in coastal California. In fact, “there is no long-term trend in the number of fires over coastal California” in the last 50 years (Mass and Ovens, 2019).


Fire history in the Western USA has recently declined to the lowest point in the last 1,400+ years (Marlon et al., 2012).


Image Source: Marlon et al., 2012



Three published papers in the link.



A human-driven decline in global burned area

Fire is an essential Earth system process that alters ecosystem and atmospheric composition. Here we assessed long-term fire trends using multiple satellite data sets. We found that global burned area declined by 24.3 ± 8.8% over the past 18 years. The estimated decrease in burned area remained robust after adjusting for precipitation variability and was largest in savannas. Agricultural expansion and intensification were primary drivers of declining fire activity. Fewer and smaller fires reduced aerosol concentrations, modified vegetation structure, and increased the magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Fire models were unable to reproduce the pattern and magnitude of observed declines, suggesting that they may overestimate fire emissions in future projections. Using economic and demographic variables, we developed a conceptual model for predicting fire in human-dominated landscapes.



AGW conjecture isn't worth the toilet paper it is written on.
Watts Up With That?

Irrefutable NASA data: global fires down by 25 percent

Anthony Watts / September 16, 2020


Using satellite technology, NASA determined that between 2003 and 2019, global fires have dropped by roughly 25 percent. This makes the “climate change is worsening wildfires” argument completely moot.

From NASA Earth Observatory



Warmist/alarmists have been screaming in recent years, that global fires are more common because of climate change, but Satellite data shows very different result, showing a DECREASE in fires over the 16 year period.

Y'all don't see that extreme weather events of all kinds as evidence that you consistently ignore. Move to CA, OR or WA right now if you don't believe it. I live on the Central Coast Oregon and had to evacuate. When I came back yesterday, my house was still here but only due to an act of God - The weather changed from 60-80 MPH hot east winds to the more normal cool air off the Pacific Ocean. If it had changed one day later, my neighbors and I would have lost our homes and everything in them. The fire would likely have burned all the way down to the beach.

Lincoln County (particularly the coastal section) has never had a fire such as this. It is unprecedented. Let me repeat U-N-P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T-E-D. We get 40-50 inches of rain each year which makes us damn near fireproof. No mas, and If you Deniers had live through what I just did ya might feel differently. No phone service, no power, no place to go because the hotels were all shut down and the ones open an hour or two away were full up. I also had little fuel in my truck too sparse to attempt a run south. 101 northbound was closed. And of course, 101 southbound was a parking lot with everyone and their dogs attempting to flee.

So my dog and I camped in a state park on the beach for three days, trying as best we could to stay inside as ashes about the width of a baseball rained down rained ONTO THE FREAKING BEACH. wondering whether my home was still there as I looked up on occasion at the flames. Red Cross brought us hot food and coffee from time to time. They saved our asses to put it mildly as by Wednesday my provisions were about gone. Let me tell you, it was THE scariest thing I've ever experienced. You never want to hear a cop roll down your street with the speaker blaring saying - "This is your Level Three Notification ... LEAVE NOW!!". I was prepared, but nothing really prepares you for that kind of stress. NOTHING.

A state trooper came by Wednesday morning and based on my address, said It'd be safe to return home but that we're still on a Level One notice, so my suitcase is still packed. Made it home on fumes but still was no power Wi-Fi or phone service (land line OR cell) until this morning. Was lucky to find a nearby gas station open early this morning before the power went out AGAIN.

Hey, I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for those affected by these sorts of things. Even those who have lost their homes. Life comes at ya sometimes and you deal with it. I'm lucky beyond belief to this point in time. But the frequency and intensity of these weather events, especially the historically unprecedented ones such as we just had here on the coast would be enough to make even the most hardcore Denier think twice.

Donald will probably deny the west coast federal assistance because we didn't rake our forest floors well enough and he hates our governors. Sad

I think Dana7360 lives in my general vicinity. You okay?

I have been told over and over again, by the Science Deniers (those that believe men with tits are women) that every year, CO2 keeps increasing because of man. With this increase of CO2 the temperatures around the world keep rising and because of this the polar ice caps will be melted in 10, 20 maybe 100 years(cant ever get a straight answer about this, so much for consensus science) and all the beaches will be under water, even though people like Barrack Hussain Obama bought a million dollar mansion right on the beach. So with this increase in temperatures how can this even happen especially in October which isnt even close to WINTER yet.

By the Progs definition the United States should be having record heat waves all over the country, yet God doesnt play the progs game.


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