A political solution which would fix our country overnight

Last cigarette for anti-communist in Cuba - VidHuber
(The video may take a few seconds to buffer, and may freeze for one or two seconds in the middle. Be patient while watching. It's only 30 seconds.)

After Fidel Castro overthrew the capitalist, corrupt, American backed Batista dictatorship in 1959, he changed Cuba for the better. He implemented land reform, improved the literacy rate to nearly 100 percent and created one of the best public healthcare systems in the world.

However, he faced resistance from many reactionaries, the rich and wealthy who did everything they could, including violence, to try to stop these reforms which would benefit the poor and downtrodden people of Cuba. Fortunately, Castro knew the way to deal with these traitors to the people.

The video I linked shows the trial, and subsequent punishment of a far-right reactionary terrorist who tried to stand against the Cuban revolution and the progress it achieved.

I hope that one day, the people of the United States rise up against the gop party, the fundamentalist gun nuts who currently gerrymander and lie their way into power. I hope that we too can create a forward thinking people's democracy which provides education, healthcare, and a living wage for all. And as for the counterrevolutionaries in the south, the kkk, the nra, etc. who tried to impede our progress, we would give them the same punishment as the Cuban right wing traitor to the revolution received in the video I linked.

Yes remind us again child

View attachment 93417

This kid is so young and indoctrated he never experienced a God damn thing.

Yeah, I'm such a little body, regardless of the fact that I'm an Army veteran and have lived in no less than 5 states

Being a reject for the military and living in 5 states as a homeless run a way child who don't pay federal taxes don't count for much kid.

Thinking about this...
Last cigarette for anti-communist in Cuba - VidHuber
(The video may take a few seconds to buffer, and may freeze for one or two seconds in the middle. Be patient while watching. It's only 30 seconds.)

After Fidel Castro overthrew the capitalist, corrupt, American backed Batista dictatorship in 1959, he changed Cuba for the better. He implemented land reform, improved the literacy rate to nearly 100 percent and created one of the best public healthcare systems in the world.

However, he faced resistance from many reactionaries, the rich and wealthy who did everything they could, including violence, to try to stop these reforms which would benefit the poor and downtrodden people of Cuba. Fortunately, Castro knew the way to deal with these traitors to the people.

The video I linked shows the trial, and subsequent punishment of a far-right reactionary terrorist who tried to stand against the Cuban revolution and the progress it achieved.

I hope that one day, the people of the United States rise up against the gop party, the fundamentalist gun nuts who currently gerrymander and lie their way into power. I hope that we too can create a forward thinking people's democracy which provides education, healthcare, and a living wage for all. And as for the counterrevolutionaries in the south, the kkk, the nra, etc. who tried to impede our progress, we would give them the same punishment as the Cuban right wing traitor to the revolution received in the video I linked.

Yes remind us again child

View attachment 93417

This kid is so young and indoctrated he never experienced a God damn thing.

Yeah, I'm such a little body, regardless of the fact that I'm an Army veteran and have lived in no less than 5 states

Being a reject for the military and living in 5 states as a homeless run a way child who don't pay federal taxes don't count for much kid.

Thinking about this...

Do you need help?

Please don't tell us you are living on a park bench some where ...which I know you are ..
Chairman Gonzalo is a troll.

A very, very boring troll.
Chairman Gonzalo is a troll.

A very, very boring troll.

Only in a right wing echochamber like usmb would I be considered a troll, but the people calling President Obama a "nazi," or a "kenyan muslim" be taken seriously
Last cigarette for anti-communist in Cuba - VidHuber
(The video may take a few seconds to buffer, and may freeze for one or two seconds in the middle. Be patient while watching. It's only 30 seconds.)

After Fidel Castro overthrew the capitalist, corrupt, American backed Batista dictatorship in 1959, he changed Cuba for the better. He implemented land reform, improved the literacy rate to nearly 100 percent and created one of the best public healthcare systems in the world.

However, he faced resistance from many reactionaries, the rich and wealthy who did everything they could, including violence, to try to stop these reforms which would benefit the poor and downtrodden people of Cuba. Fortunately, Castro knew the way to deal with these traitors to the people.

The video I linked shows the trial, and subsequent punishment of a far-right reactionary terrorist who tried to stand against the Cuban revolution and the progress it achieved.

I hope that one day, the people of the United States rise up against the gop party, the fundamentalist gun nuts who currently gerrymander and lie their way into power. I hope that we too can create a forward thinking people's democracy which provides education, healthcare, and a living wage for all. And as for the counterrevolutionaries in the south, the kkk, the nra, etc. who tried to impede our progress, we would give them the same punishment as the Cuban right wing traitor to the revolution received in the video I linked.

Yes remind us again child

View attachment 93417

This kid is so young and indoctrated he never experienced a God damn thing.


Yes indeed. In another thread I asked, repeatedly, what he did for a living. Never an answer. Just continued spouting nonsense.

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