A Prison By Any Other Name

A very interesting video about Public Schools system


Good video. I used to call it prison for kids. I was a regular truant from 8th grade on. Age 18, it was join a military branch you prefer or get drafted, back in the early 60's. I volunteered for involuntary servitude in the Navy. Learned a trade I used later so it wasn't all that bad. I think boys should be able to apprentice to a journeyman around age fourteen or so as an option. Become a skilled tradesman instead of making trouble in school like many do. It's different of course for the college bound and future doctors, lawyers, etc. and girls seem to adjust much better to the regimentation.
This video is very profound.

If you are 15 years old.

For adults, not so much. Clearly it has been produced by people who have never had a Real Job.

If the schools are brainwashing our kids, they are doing a piss-poor job of it. That should be obvious.

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